This document discusses the benefits of having school gardens in every school. It argues that school gardens lead to higher academic achievement, help address childhood health and nutrition issues, and support developing life long skills. The San Mateo County Health Department's goal is for every child to experience planting and harvesting their own food in a school garden setting.
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A Garden in Every School
1. A Garden in
Every School
SYSTEM ALLIANCE strongly supports
our county health departments goal
Creating an enduring food system that connects people to agriculture and enhances the health of all residents.
of having a garden in EVERY school.
Our children deserve environments
and programs that directly support the
development of life long health and
Access to experiential garden-based
learning leads to:
Higher academic achievement
Supplemental classroom lessons in
core curricular areas
Reinforcement of Californias
academic standards-based concepts
through real-world applications
Addressing the crisis in childrens Gardens provide a space for fun and learning.
health and nutrition through
improved eating habits
Creating agricultural literacy and an excitement for eating fresh fruits and
Ag Innovations Network
Helping children to be healthier so they can learn, grow and play
The San Mateo County Health Department
believes that every child in our county should
have the experience of eating something that they
themselves planted. When this activity happens
in a school garden setting and with an associated
curriculum, it has positive impacts on educational
achievement, individual and family health, and
the environment.
Scott Morrow, San Mateo County Health Officer
FA L L 2 0 1 0
2. What is Garden-Based
arden-based learning (GBL) uses the garden as an outdoor
classroom to provide integrated learning experiences, in and across
disciplines, through active, engaging real-world experiences that
bring abstract concepts to life.
Although there is no single methodology for garden-based
learning, many educators use gardens to enhance learning in core
subjects such as science, math and social studies, as well as promote
nutrition and environmental stewardship, and create awareness
around where our food comes from.
School gardens are a key component of First Lady Michelle Learning and mentorship.
Obama's Let's Move campaign against obesity.
With my kids, especially if they were
involved in planting it and picking it,
they were much more curious about
giving it a try.
First Lady Michelle Obama
Hands-on examination and learning.
Teamwork and physical activity. Working with rainbow chard.
3. Why Garden-Based Learning?
iving Laboratories
School garden settings provide Outdoor Living Laboratories connecting
student experience to cross-curricular science, math, social studies, and
language arts classroom instruction.
High Retention Rate
A study conducted by Bethel Learning Institute documented different
student retention rates based on teaching method, with 11% retention for
lectures, 75% for learning by doing, & 90% when children teach other
students (Subramaniam, Aarti. Monograph. UC Davis, Summer 2002).
Academic Achievement
Studies demonstrate school garden instruction has a positive impact on
Observing, recording, analyzing.
standardized test scores, daily attendance, and student learning engagement.
Health and Nutrition
In a population facing tremendous cost associated with the growing
The rewards of problem of childhood obesity, school garden experience promotes increased
our garden-based fruit and vegetable consumption and the adoption of healthy attitudes.
learning program Environmental Literacy
School gardens teach lifelong sustainability skills, enhance
and noon sports environmental and ecological understanding, and promote awareness of the
for our kids lies interconnectedness of all human and other living communities.
not just within Student Empowerment
the physical, but By providing students with real-life results, school garden instruction
promotes a sense of personal achievement and pride that motivates the
our data shows thirst for greater knowledge.
that significant
academic gains
can also be traced
Getting Involved
back to the Health chool gardens are an important part of the food system and the San
Environment Mateo Food System Alliance invites you to take action:
Agriculture 1) Establish or expand a local school garden
Learning program. 2) Volunteer or donate resources to support a local school garden
3) Advocate for school gardens among school staff, administrators, and
Dr. Mark Loos, your local school board
Principal, Hatch With your help, we can have a garden in every school in San Mateo
Elementary County.
For more information, contact Additional
school garden resources are available at
4. Which San Mateo County
Schools have Gardens?
ixty-three percent of public elementary schools in San Mateo have
gardens. Go to to use the interactive map and find
a school garden near you.
Connecting to the earth.
San Mateo County Food System Alliance.
About Us
he San Mateo County Food System Alliance is part of a statewide
network of alliances convened by Ag Innovations Network (AIN), linking
efforts to more effectively improve local, state and federal policies that
impact agriculture, the food system, and the environment. The San Mateo
County Food System Alliance has been breaking ground for the Food
System Alliance movement since its formation in November 2006. As
the first Food System Alliance in California, the group has sought to
bring together all the parts of the San Mateo County food system into a
cohesive group capable of creating an ever healthier and more vibrant
local food economy. More information on the Alliance can be found at