独立低ランク行列分析に基づく音源分離とその発展(Audio source separation based on independent low-rank...Daichi Kitamura
北村大地, "独立低ランク行列分析に基づく音源分離とその発展," IEICE信号処理研究会, 2021年8月24日.
Daichi Kitamura, "Audio source separation based on independent low-rank matrix analysis and its extensions," IEICE Technical Group on Signal Processing, Aug. 24th, 2021.
音源分離における音響モデリング(Acoustic modeling in audio source separation)Daichi Kitamura
北村大地, "音源分離における音響モデリング," 日本音響学会 サマーセミナー 招待講演, September 11th, 2017.
Daichi Kitamura, "Acoustic modeling in audio source separation," The Acoustical Society of Japan, Summer Seminar Invited Talk, September 11th, 2017.
The document discusses techniques for voice conversion including vocoders, parallel-data methods using Gaussian mixture models and deep neural networks, and parallel-data-free methods using CycleGAN and variational autoencoders. It also references results from the Voice Conversion Challenge 2016 and links to relevant papers and websites for further information.
音源分離における音響モデリング(Acoustic modeling in audio source separation)Daichi Kitamura
北村大地, "音源分離における音響モデリング," 日本音響学会 サマーセミナー 招待講演, September 11th, 2017.
Daichi Kitamura, "Acoustic modeling in audio source separation," The Acoustical Society of Japan, Summer Seminar Invited Talk, September 11th, 2017.
The document discusses techniques for voice conversion including vocoders, parallel-data methods using Gaussian mixture models and deep neural networks, and parallel-data-free methods using CycleGAN and variational autoencoders. It also references results from the Voice Conversion Challenge 2016 and links to relevant papers and websites for further information.
An Analysis of Convolution for InferenceIntel Nervana
Scott Gray presents at the 2016 ICML conference. Scott Gray went over various ways of computing convolution in the workshop on "On-device Intelligence".
Since the NGDLE whitepaper, its been a topic of education events at times taking up whole tracks. But what really is NGDLE other then characteristics? I challenge the notion of NGDLE that it should instead stand for Next Generation Distributed Learning Ecosystem (instead of digital learning environment) as well as point to signs of it in and outside of the ELMSLN ecosystem.
El documento habla sobre la apatía escolar, un problema que causa desinterés en los estudiantes hacia el aprendizaje. Actualmente se presenta en las escuelas y trae consecuencias como bajo rendimiento académico, estrés y problemas de comportamiento. Se recomienda implementar estrategias de prevención como dinámicas, conferencias y asesoría psicológica para motivar a los estudiantes y eliminar la apatía escolar.
This document discusses a university without boundaries called N T U @ T P E. It mentions teams, objects, and places. Sections are labeled and include bullet points about gaps, being with or without something, and the year 2017.
This document describes using a feature-based Markov Decision Process (MDP) and policy iteration to develop an algorithm that learns to play the game Tetris well. It formulates Tetris as an MDP with states defined by wall configurations and piece placement. An approximated value function is defined using features of the game state like column heights. Policy iteration is then used to iteratively update the weight vector of this approximated value function to learn an optimal policy. Simulation results show the learning algorithm achieves much higher scores on Tetris compared to a heuristic algorithm.
Regret Minimization in Multi-objective Submodular Function MaximizationTasuku Soma
This document presents algorithms for minimizing regret ratio in multi-objective submodular function maximization. It introduces the concept of regret ratio for evaluating the quality of a solution set for multiple objectives. It then proposes two algorithms, Coordinate and Polytope, that provide upper bounds on regret ratio by leveraging approximation algorithms for single objective problems. Experimental results on a movie recommendation dataset show the proposed algorithms achieve significantly lower regret ratios than a random baseline.
This document provides an overview of Python and related topics in 3 sentences:
Python is a popular programming language and the document discusses Python projects, libraries, and APIs for tasks like processing PDFs and images. It also briefly mentions using NumPy and Google Cloud Vision API for image processing and deep learning concepts like convolutional neural networks.
Standard Assessment Procedure - ATSPACE LTDatspaceltd
ATSPACE Ltd is a company specializing in compliance testing and Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) calculations to assess the energy efficiency of buildings according to UK regulations. With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, they provide air pressure, air leakage, acoustic, and SAP/EPC calculation tests across the UK for clients ranging from individuals to large construction companies. Their SAP calculations determine a building's energy and CO2 emission ratings and are required for approval under Part L of the UK Building Regulations. They offer fast turnaround times on SAP calculations and Energy Performance Certificate services for both homeowners and national construction firms.
The document discusses teaching methods and materials used in language lessons, including audio-lingual, total physical response, direct method, task-based learning, and communicative language teaching. It also lists common classroom materials like flashcards and PowerPoint as well as clothing items. The goal of teaching is to enhance students' language abilities in listening, reading, speaking, and writing.