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A mishmash for TMEast

                  Andy Knill
             andy.knill@ gmail.com
                   @ aknill
What is my mishmash?
Who is Andy Knill?

 Taught 11-16 in Essex since 1988

 Keen to collaborate

 Lifelong learner

 Quirky (pupil speak "odd soh/geek)


 Indoor rower

Social Networking / PLN

I started with                 personally then some networking

Then I discovered           which is my main network

 Now. I also use

 To network with fellow professionals
 To share resources
 To keep updated with news, developments, ideas and people
Using media in lessons


Using media resources
Developing own channels:
- departmental
- staff training

                           BowerPark Geography

Developing departmental
Classrooms for sets
PDFs of class flipcharts
Home works
 documents to
 support students
Staff cross-
 curricular ict lead
Supporting EAL students
Using Google translator for assessments / lesson
 materials / task support with iPhone
Recent assessments translated into:
   French, Norwegian, Romanian, Lithuanian and Polish
Handheld devices
           My latest investigation 
           using iPhone / iPad in the

           classroom as a resource


            and finally . . .
Summer 2012

Established own Digital Leader group
Spoken to borough staff primary and secondary to lead DL
development locally

Joined local ICT international links group
Joined local coding/ programming network

Proposing sessions on apps use for primary geography for local Apple

Involved in #geogsolo global tweet

Departmental twitter and blog started

....... Reports, parents evenings, taught lessons!

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A mishmash teachmeet east 14712

  • 1. A mishmash for TMEast Andy Knill andy.knill@ gmail.com @ aknill http://Mishmashlearning.wordpress.com
  • 2. What is my mishmash?
  • 3. Who is Andy Knill? geographer Taught 11-16 in Essex since 1988 Keen to collaborate Lifelong learner Quirky (pupil speak "odd soh/geek) Dad Indoor rower ...
  • 4. Social Networking / PLN I started with personally then some networking Then I discovered which is my main network Now. I also use Why? To network with fellow professionals To share resources To keep updated with news, developments, ideas and people
  • 5. Using media in lessons Maps Images Video
  • 6. Using media resources Developing own channels: - departmental - staff training BowerPark Geography bpictac
  • 7. VLE - MLE Developing departmental rooms Classrooms for sets PDFs of class flipcharts Home works Collaborative documents to support students Staff cross- curricular ict lead
  • 8. Supporting EAL students Using Google translator for assessments / lesson materials / task support with iPhone Recent assessments translated into: French, Norwegian, Romanian, Lithuanian and Polish
  • 9. Handheld devices My latest investigation using iPhone / iPad in the classroom as a resource Quake and finally . . .
  • 10. Summer 2012 Established own Digital Leader group Spoken to borough staff primary and secondary to lead DL development locally Joined local ICT international links group Joined local coding/ programming network Proposing sessions on apps use for primary geography for local Apple RTC Involved in #geogsolo global tweet Departmental twitter and blog started ....... Reports, parents evenings, taught lessons!