This document outlines Corey Balsom's media studies coursework which involves creating the first issue of an original music magazine. The magazine will include a front page, contents page, and a double-page article spread. Corey will research other successful music magazines to understand what makes them effective and will utilize different codes and conventions. Adobe Photoshop CS6 will be used for the front and contents pages while InDesign will be used for the double-page article spread.
Este documento presenta 5 casos de estudio sobre la disponibilidad de la renta para diferentes empresas. Cada caso describe los ingresos facturados e ingresos cobrados por la empresa durante el año y pide determinar el ingreso bruto gravable. El documento instruye agregar los cálculos a cada respuesta.
The poem describes a lynching seen as "strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees" with black bodies swinging in the southern breeze and references the pastoral south with bulging eyes and twisted mouths contrasted with the sudden smell of burning flesh, depicting the lynching of African Americans in the Jim Crow south as a bitter crop for crows, wind, and sun.
This document outlines creating the first issue of a music magazine which will include a front cover, contents page, and double page spread. The magazine can be on any music genre of the creator's choosing. The images and text used must be original and the project will be evaluated upon completion. Photoshop and InDesign will be used to design and layout the magazine.
Christian Kuhasz_Professional Development Hours_Fall-2014Christian Kuhasz
Mr. Christian Kuhasz attended three petroleum industry events in the fall 2014 semester, including lectures on the petroleum value chain, subsea industry experience from DRIL-QUIP, and deepwater development. He also volunteered over 40 hours for the Petroleum Technology Institute, assisting at the events and conducting research on offshore drilling rigs and pipelines, sharing his expertise with other students. The deputy director confirmed Mr. Kuhasz's participation in a letter to Dr. Attia.
This certificate confirms that Alejándro Montás passed examinations in Vibration Analysis Level I with an overall composite score of 83.33%. The certificate shows he scored 80% on general topics, 80% on specific topics, and 90% on practical topics. The certificate is valid until October 2011 and can be used as proof that Alejándro completed the required exams satisfactorily.
This certificate confirms that Alejándro Montás passed examinations in Vibration Analysis Level I with an overall composite score of 83.33%. The certificate shows he scored 80% on general topics, 80% on specific topics, and 90% on practical topics. The certificate is valid until October 2011 and can be used as proof that Alejándro completed the required exams satisfactorily.