Digital Solutions With MultiSoftRobert ProctorUtilize digital solutions with MultiSoft to help launch your enterprise.
Robert Proctor is the President of the MultiSoft Corporation.
Practical cheminformatics workflows with mobile appsAlex ClarkIn recent years smartphones and tablets have attained sufficient power and sophistication to replace conventional desktop and laptop computers for many tasks. Chemistry software is late to the party, but rapidly catching up. This webinar will explore some of the cheminformatics functionality that can currently be performed using mobile apps. A number of workflow scenarios will be discussed, such as: creating and maintaining chemical data (molecules, reactions, numbers & text); searching chemical databases and utilising the results; structure-aware lab notebooks; visualisation and structure-activity analysis; property calculation using remote webservices; and a multitude of ways to share data collaboratively, and integrate modular apps within distributed and heterogeneous workflows.
With audio:
Внедрение аспектов в PHP с помощью библиотеки GO! AOPAlexander LisachenkoПрезентация к докладу на SymfonyCampUA-2012.
В докладе рассмотрены основные вопросы работы с АОП в PHP, даны определения аспектов, срезов, советов, а также рассмотрено реальное использование библиотеки GO! для внедрения аспектно-ориентированной парадигмы в любое приложение.
Untitled PresentationBITCOIN INDIAHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just a few sentences, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create visual presentations.
How to Teach Like an Award-winning InstructorJoel GardnerThis presentation illustrates some of the strategies and approaches used by award-winning instructors in higher education. Strategies include the us of Merrill's First Principles of Instruction. The presentation is based on a study done by Joel Gardner found at
Aspect-Oriented Programming in PHPAlexander LisachenkoPresentation about aspect-oriented programming in PHP with Go! framework on DevConf-2013 conference.
How to Get Started as a Web EntrepreneurEnvatoThis document provides advice for developing a business idea called BlogFollower, which would help bloggers make money through an automated service that follows blogs via RSS, email, Twitter, and Facebook. It discusses researching competitors, identifying the target audiences of bloggers and advertisers, determining how to make money through subscriptions or advertising cuts, creating an iterative development plan, and emphasizing continuous improvement and marketing. The core of the product would syndicate blogs across multiple platforms while facilitating self-serve advertising sales.
Modern Architectural Masterpieces - design masterpiecesMakala D.This document lists the names and locations of various uniquely designed buildings around the world, including dome-shaped houses in Florida and India, casinos in Macao and buildings shaped like pianos, violins, and elephants in China, Thailand, and various other countries.
Embracing Iterative DesignMike RohdeThe document discusses iterative design and provides examples of logo design projects. It describes iterative design as a step-by-step process that allows designers to start with initial ideas and refine them over multiple rounds of feedback and revisions. Examples show early sketches and concepts for two logo design projects that were refined over several iterations, receiving feedback at each stage from clients and other designers until a final design was selected. The process is described as reducing pressure to find a perfect solution immediately while allowing ideas to develop through iteration.
Supply Chain Insights' Financial Benchmarking Examples - 27 AUG 2013Lora CecereGet ready for 2014 planning by benchmarking the financial performance of your supply chain. Using a database of over 50 metrics with 20 years of data, the Supply Chain Insights team can help you better understand your supply chain potential. This analysis enables visualization of company performance on managing the trade-offs of growth, profitability, inventory/cash cycles and complexity.
We find that each company has a unique pattern in how they managed trade-offs. The analysis helps you benchmark against your peer group and make a conscious choice. Through a deeper understanding of industry averages and outliers, this type of study helps you to better understand your supply chain potential. While many companies have used this service to understand public performance, many leaders have taken it one step further to benchmark divisions or product groups within their companies.
F inland and the helsinki spring 090811Stanford UniversityThis document discusses Finland's startup ecosystem and opportunities to support scalable startups. It notes that job growth will increasingly come from new companies, not existing ones, and outlines six types of startups. It argues that scalable startups offering unknown solutions will provide the most jobs but require a strong ecosystem. However, Finland currently lacks experienced entrepreneurs and policies that encourage risk-taking and startups. The document recommends Finland focus public funding on attracting private incubators and venture capital rather than directly funding companies to best support scalable startups and future job growth.
Programas de Google DevRel LatAm South RegionJuan José Rodriguez MsC.Este documento presenta varios programas de Google DevRel para Latinoamérica, incluyendo Academic Developer Technology Groups para formar grupos de I+D en universidades, University Class para dictar clases en línea, Lookthiscode para un blog técnico, y Developers Live para transmitir shows en vivo. También describe proyectos como GLabsPerú para formar laboratorios con facilitadores y hosting, y el reconocimiento Google Developer Expert. Microfinance - mtg 2007-09-10Dave McClureProsper Marketplace is an online peer-to-peer lending platform that connects borrowers and lenders. It leverages the power of community by allowing borrowers to get endorsements from friends and form groups to build reputation. This combines the best aspects of traditional lending markets like community support and diversification of online lending. The platform has over 400,000 users, facilitated over $87 million in loans, and made over 2.5 million payments to lenders.
Day 2 Recap from #CannesLions #OgilvyCannes Ogilvy 1. The document recaps day 2 of the 2015 Cannes Lions festival. It discusses the lack of diversity in Hollywood and initiatives to support more female filmmakers.
2. It also discusses the need for diversity beyond just gender, including ethnic and cultural diversity. Companies were urged to develop diverse teams and understand different cultural contexts.
3. The future of marketing was also discussed, with the perspective that consumers will have more information and seek more personal relationships with brands. Legacy brands will need to translate their power into these personal relationships.
Continuous Product ImprovementMelissa PerriThis document discusses the importance of continuous product improvement through iterative experimentation and user validation. It emphasizes that teams often get stuck in "building traps" where they focus on building features without validating that they solve user needs. Instead, it promotes a scientific approach of planning small experiments, testing hypotheses with users, and using what is learned to continuously improve products and move toward goals. This helps ensure teams stay focused on user needs rather than arbitrary deadlines and helps products better retain, convert, and engage customers over time.
“Spikey Workloads” Emergency Management in the CloudAmazon Web Services“Spikey Workloads”:
Emergency Management in the Cloud
One of the best use cases for the cloud involves websites with surges in computing needs. This session will feature organizations that have leveraged the cloud to handle their unique burst workloads without breaking the bank:
Speaker: , Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Meet HenrychereemooreAn aspiring young professional with fine suits and fast cars, it’s fair to say that Henry has a slightly inflated ego. Recently, Henry was given a make-or-break career opportunity – to deliver a stunning presentation. So what did Mr. MBA do?
Within 24 hours he assembled a knockout PowerPoint, complete with a fancy company template and exquisite bullet points. Henry pulled out all the stops. He even made handouts of his slides. It was a recipe for success. So he thinks…
Meet Henry. He doesn’t know any better.
Today we live in a business culture that abuses the art and science of public speaking. It’s a culture where PowerPoint is the norm, reading from you slides is accepted, and wasting everyone’s time is a given. When you think about it, it’s really quite disturbing.
Now… meet Erica. Erica is changing the world.
Future Of TechnologyMelanie SwanA general futurist look at how linear, exponential and discontinuous growth is shaping the future of technology and what may be expected in key areas such as hardware, software, semiconductors, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, life extension and virtual worlds.
How to Get Started as a Web EntrepreneurEnvatoThis document provides advice for developing a business idea called BlogFollower, which would help bloggers make money through an automated service that follows blogs via RSS, email, Twitter, and Facebook. It discusses researching competitors, identifying the target audiences of bloggers and advertisers, determining how to make money through subscriptions or advertising cuts, creating an iterative development plan, and emphasizing continuous improvement and marketing. The core of the product would syndicate blogs across multiple platforms while facilitating self-serve advertising sales.
Modern Architectural Masterpieces - design masterpiecesMakala D.This document lists the names and locations of various uniquely designed buildings around the world, including dome-shaped houses in Florida and India, casinos in Macao and buildings shaped like pianos, violins, and elephants in China, Thailand, and various other countries.
Embracing Iterative DesignMike RohdeThe document discusses iterative design and provides examples of logo design projects. It describes iterative design as a step-by-step process that allows designers to start with initial ideas and refine them over multiple rounds of feedback and revisions. Examples show early sketches and concepts for two logo design projects that were refined over several iterations, receiving feedback at each stage from clients and other designers until a final design was selected. The process is described as reducing pressure to find a perfect solution immediately while allowing ideas to develop through iteration.
Supply Chain Insights' Financial Benchmarking Examples - 27 AUG 2013Lora CecereGet ready for 2014 planning by benchmarking the financial performance of your supply chain. Using a database of over 50 metrics with 20 years of data, the Supply Chain Insights team can help you better understand your supply chain potential. This analysis enables visualization of company performance on managing the trade-offs of growth, profitability, inventory/cash cycles and complexity.
We find that each company has a unique pattern in how they managed trade-offs. The analysis helps you benchmark against your peer group and make a conscious choice. Through a deeper understanding of industry averages and outliers, this type of study helps you to better understand your supply chain potential. While many companies have used this service to understand public performance, many leaders have taken it one step further to benchmark divisions or product groups within their companies.
F inland and the helsinki spring 090811Stanford UniversityThis document discusses Finland's startup ecosystem and opportunities to support scalable startups. It notes that job growth will increasingly come from new companies, not existing ones, and outlines six types of startups. It argues that scalable startups offering unknown solutions will provide the most jobs but require a strong ecosystem. However, Finland currently lacks experienced entrepreneurs and policies that encourage risk-taking and startups. The document recommends Finland focus public funding on attracting private incubators and venture capital rather than directly funding companies to best support scalable startups and future job growth.
Programas de Google DevRel LatAm South RegionJuan José Rodriguez MsC.Este documento presenta varios programas de Google DevRel para Latinoamérica, incluyendo Academic Developer Technology Groups para formar grupos de I+D en universidades, University Class para dictar clases en línea, Lookthiscode para un blog técnico, y Developers Live para transmitir shows en vivo. También describe proyectos como GLabsPerú para formar laboratorios con facilitadores y hosting, y el reconocimiento Google Developer Expert. Microfinance - mtg 2007-09-10Dave McClureProsper Marketplace is an online peer-to-peer lending platform that connects borrowers and lenders. It leverages the power of community by allowing borrowers to get endorsements from friends and form groups to build reputation. This combines the best aspects of traditional lending markets like community support and diversification of online lending. The platform has over 400,000 users, facilitated over $87 million in loans, and made over 2.5 million payments to lenders.
Day 2 Recap from #CannesLions #OgilvyCannes Ogilvy 1. The document recaps day 2 of the 2015 Cannes Lions festival. It discusses the lack of diversity in Hollywood and initiatives to support more female filmmakers.
2. It also discusses the need for diversity beyond just gender, including ethnic and cultural diversity. Companies were urged to develop diverse teams and understand different cultural contexts.
3. The future of marketing was also discussed, with the perspective that consumers will have more information and seek more personal relationships with brands. Legacy brands will need to translate their power into these personal relationships.
Continuous Product ImprovementMelissa PerriThis document discusses the importance of continuous product improvement through iterative experimentation and user validation. It emphasizes that teams often get stuck in "building traps" where they focus on building features without validating that they solve user needs. Instead, it promotes a scientific approach of planning small experiments, testing hypotheses with users, and using what is learned to continuously improve products and move toward goals. This helps ensure teams stay focused on user needs rather than arbitrary deadlines and helps products better retain, convert, and engage customers over time.
“Spikey Workloads” Emergency Management in the CloudAmazon Web Services“Spikey Workloads”:
Emergency Management in the Cloud
One of the best use cases for the cloud involves websites with surges in computing needs. This session will feature organizations that have leveraged the cloud to handle their unique burst workloads without breaking the bank:
Speaker: , Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Meet HenrychereemooreAn aspiring young professional with fine suits and fast cars, it’s fair to say that Henry has a slightly inflated ego. Recently, Henry was given a make-or-break career opportunity – to deliver a stunning presentation. So what did Mr. MBA do?
Within 24 hours he assembled a knockout PowerPoint, complete with a fancy company template and exquisite bullet points. Henry pulled out all the stops. He even made handouts of his slides. It was a recipe for success. So he thinks…
Meet Henry. He doesn’t know any better.
Today we live in a business culture that abuses the art and science of public speaking. It’s a culture where PowerPoint is the norm, reading from you slides is accepted, and wasting everyone’s time is a given. When you think about it, it’s really quite disturbing.
Now… meet Erica. Erica is changing the world.
Future Of TechnologyMelanie SwanA general futurist look at how linear, exponential and discontinuous growth is shaping the future of technology and what may be expected in key areas such as hardware, software, semiconductors, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, life extension and virtual worlds.
#СтанемБлиже: спецкурс по межкультурной коммуникации с туристами с ВостокаSchool of Efficient Language Studying Школа результативных языковСтанемБлиже: спецкурс по межкультурной коммуникации с туристами с Востока
Всего за 6 часов на каждое направление слушатели курса (владельцы и управляющие, администраторы и обслуживающий персонал гостиниц, ресторанов и др.) овладеют основами арабской, японской, китайской, вьетнамской и другими культур, что позволит:
создать комфортные условия пребывания для иностранных бизнесменов и туристических групп в отелях и ресторанах, театрах и музеях, и т.д.;
привлечь дополнительный поток туристов и бизнесменов, значительно увеличив выручку компаний;
сформировать благоприятный имидж компаний, городов и страны, стимулирующий повторные визиты.
Программа курсов включает в себя знакомство с арабской культурой и культурами Китая, Вьетнама, Японии и др. Занятия проводят преподаватели Школы, в совершенстве владеющие китайским, японским, арабским и другими языками, не понаслышке знакомые с культурами Востока и хорошо ориентирующиеся в бизнес и экскурсионной среде. Занятия могут проходить в Школе и на территории заказчика (Санкт-Петербург), либо дистанционно (в формате вебинаров в любую точку страны).
Иностранные языки в отелях и ресторанах к ЧМФ 2018School of Efficient Language Studying Школа результативных языков Lingvocat.comШкола результативных языков предлагает обучение сотрудников российских отелей, ресторанов и организаций тесно контактирующих с иностранными туристами, въезжающих в Россию.
Качественная подготовка и непосредственное проведение Чемпионата мира по футболу в 2018 году определят впечатления въезжающих туристов от нашей страны и имидж страны не на политической арене, а в умах граждан, что куда важнее ибо именно они самостоятельно принимают решения в какие города и страны на какие мероприятия, карнавалы и соревнования ездить, а на какие нет.
Школа результативных языков (презентация)School of Efficient Language Studying Школа результативных языков Lingvocat.comC нами вы быстро и уверенно заговорите на иностранных языках с любого уровня до лучшего результата. Обучение происходит в группах по 6-8 человек, индивидуально или по скайпу. Компаниям — специальные формы занятий для сотрудников.
Хватит учить - пора выучить!
(Презентация петербургской языковой школы, находящейся у м. Балтийская.)