In this presentation, I provide a formula for applying academic writing to different media platforms and explain the differences between each of them. The style one uses to communicate academic writing should be determined by the chosen medium, intended audience, and content provided.
2. Learning Objectives
? By the end of this presentation,
you will be able to:
? 1) Recite the formula for writing
across different media;
? 2) Explain how academic writing
differs depending on the
platform used;
? 3) Apply the insights for each
medium to your own academic
3. AudienceMedium Content Style
? On what platform am I
seeking to publish?
? What are the restrictions of
this platform?
? To whom am I writing?
? How will that shape my
? What am I trying to
? What should I include
or leave out?
? Length
? Language
? Links, hashtags, and pics
A Formula for Writing Across Different Media