David Flannagan is a strategic advisor and company director with over 40 years of experience managing large infrastructure projects across many industries. He has expertise in strategic planning, project controls, governance, and leadership. Most recently, he provided strategic advice and senior management for Queensland's $6.5 billion transport network reconstruction program following devastating floods and cyclones from 2010 to 2015. He is currently a board member for the Infrastructure Association of Queensland.
The United Liberian Youth Association in Buskerud and ULAN are hosting a Liberian National Day celebration in Kongsberg, Norway from July 26-28, 2012. The celebration will include a national day parade, dinner ball, nineties night with music and dancing, and a beauty pageant and party. The events will take place at various locations in Kongsberg, including the Meninghet Senter Kongsberg and Kongsberg Red Cross.
El estudio describe el manejo de 112 pacientes con trauma abdominal penetrante por arma blanca o de fuego en un hospital entre 2009-2011. La mayorÃa de los pacientes (73,2%) sufrieron heridas de arma blanca, y el 65% eran hombres entre 20-30 años. Las lesiones más comunes fueron en el intestino delgado (21,3%). La mayorÃa de pacientes (70,2%) requirieron una laparotomÃa inmediata, mientras que el 29,8% necesitaron una laparotomÃa diferida. Las complicaciones postquirúrg
Hipertensi adalah kondisi kenaikan tekanan darah secara kronis yang dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti genetik, gaya hidup, dan penyakit lain. Hipertensi dapat dibagi menjadi primer jika penyebabnya tidak diketahui dan sekunder jika disebabkan oleh kondisi medis tertentu seperti penyakit ginjal. Peningkatan tekanan darah dapat berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan jika tidak dit
La atmósfera es la envoltura gaseosa que rodea el planeta. Está compuesta principalmente de nitrógeno, oxÃgeno y argón. Sus capas principales son la troposfera, estratosfera, mesosfera y termosfera. Los elementos del clima como la temperatura, precipitación, humedad y presión se ven afectados por factores como la latitud, altitud, relieve y corrientes marinas. La troposfera es la capa más cercana a la tierra y donde ocurren los cambios meteorológicos.
Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo crear cortinas con plástico reciclado para resolver el problema de que el agua entraba a las aulas cuando llovÃa, mojando los cuadernos de los estudiantes. Los niños midieron las ventanas, cortaron el plástico, colocaron ganchos y completaron el proyecto. Al final, los estudiantes estuvieron satisfechos porque las cortinas resolvieron el problema de filtración de agua y aprendieron sobre la importancia del reciclaje y reutilización.
This document discusses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). It defines CLIL as a dual-focused approach used to teach content and language simultaneously to promote mastery of both. The document outlines several aims of CLIL, including introducing new concepts, improving performance in content areas and the target language, and increasing cultural awareness. It also discusses literacy, the "4Cs" framework of culture, content, communication and cognition, and Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive skills. Assessment strategies for CLIL like formative and summative assessments are presented. Finally, the document provides examples of online and digital resources that can be used to support CLIL.
Arben Tabaku worked as a Logistics Executive for British American Tobacco (BAT) Albania for over a year. He was responsible for demand forecasting, ordering and delivering goods, sales tracking, and maintaining relationships with government agencies and businesses. The author was consistently impressed by Arben's work performance and attitude. Arben placed and revised orders according to procedures and maintained contacts with the supply chain. The author is confident that Arben will devote himself to a new position and highly recommends him to any future employer, though he will no longer be able to work with the company due to relocating for family reasons.
The document is a letter of recommendation for Arben Tabaku from his former supervisor at British American Tobacco. The supervisor recommends Arben highly, praising his professionalism, dedication, efficiency, communication skills, and ability to manage the supply chains for Albania and Kosovo. The supervisor confirms that through Arben's work, the company successfully delivered sales targets and stock volumes for those countries in 2009. The supervisor has no hesitation recommending Arben for other positions due to his strong work ethic and interpersonal skills.
Hipertensi adalah kondisi kenaikan tekanan darah secara kronis yang dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti genetik, gaya hidup, dan penyakit lain. Hipertensi dapat dibagi menjadi primer jika penyebabnya tidak diketahui dan sekunder jika disebabkan oleh kondisi medis tertentu seperti penyakit ginjal. Peningkatan tekanan darah dapat berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan jika tidak dit
La atmósfera es la envoltura gaseosa que rodea el planeta. Está compuesta principalmente de nitrógeno, oxÃgeno y argón. Sus capas principales son la troposfera, estratosfera, mesosfera y termosfera. Los elementos del clima como la temperatura, precipitación, humedad y presión se ven afectados por factores como la latitud, altitud, relieve y corrientes marinas. La troposfera es la capa más cercana a la tierra y donde ocurren los cambios meteorológicos.
Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo crear cortinas con plástico reciclado para resolver el problema de que el agua entraba a las aulas cuando llovÃa, mojando los cuadernos de los estudiantes. Los niños midieron las ventanas, cortaron el plástico, colocaron ganchos y completaron el proyecto. Al final, los estudiantes estuvieron satisfechos porque las cortinas resolvieron el problema de filtración de agua y aprendieron sobre la importancia del reciclaje y reutilización.
This document discusses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). It defines CLIL as a dual-focused approach used to teach content and language simultaneously to promote mastery of both. The document outlines several aims of CLIL, including introducing new concepts, improving performance in content areas and the target language, and increasing cultural awareness. It also discusses literacy, the "4Cs" framework of culture, content, communication and cognition, and Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive skills. Assessment strategies for CLIL like formative and summative assessments are presented. Finally, the document provides examples of online and digital resources that can be used to support CLIL.
Arben Tabaku worked as a Logistics Executive for British American Tobacco (BAT) Albania for over a year. He was responsible for demand forecasting, ordering and delivering goods, sales tracking, and maintaining relationships with government agencies and businesses. The author was consistently impressed by Arben's work performance and attitude. Arben placed and revised orders according to procedures and maintained contacts with the supply chain. The author is confident that Arben will devote himself to a new position and highly recommends him to any future employer, though he will no longer be able to work with the company due to relocating for family reasons.
The document is a letter of recommendation for Arben Tabaku from his former supervisor at British American Tobacco. The supervisor recommends Arben highly, praising his professionalism, dedication, efficiency, communication skills, and ability to manage the supply chains for Albania and Kosovo. The supervisor confirms that through Arben's work, the company successfully delivered sales targets and stock volumes for those countries in 2009. The supervisor has no hesitation recommending Arben for other positions due to his strong work ethic and interpersonal skills.