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Act locally, lobby regionally & advocate
nationally to control Climate Change
Climate Change / Global Warming
 Target Audience: 136 Rotary Clubs in Pune
District with over 5000 members -
Powerpoint Presentations, website & group
emails & social media
 Public Awareness, Understanding,
Perception to act at local (action), regional &
national (advocacy, lobby & pressure
groups, political & social) levels
FACTS: CO2 400ppm, Temp up 1.4F
FACTS: Sea levels up 20cm, Intense
storms, droughts, fires, floods, heat
Mitigate: Act locally
1. Install Rainwater Harvesting to recharge
borewells, water tables & fresh water storage
2. Install Solar Panels for heating water
3. Practice vermi composting of organic waste
4. Plant & sustain trees wherever possible
5. Buy efficient electric appliances & LED bulbs
6. Use bicycles or walk for short local errands
7. Buy local groceries, goods & seasonal fruits
8. Use public transport or carpool if possible
Examples of RWH & Solar Heating
Examples of Compost & Tree Planting
Examples of cycle & bus lanes
MITIGATE: Act & Lobby Regionally
1. City Corporations regulate building codes to
make rain-water harvesting, solar heating,
vermicomposting mandatory
2. Encourage energy efficient building codes
3. Improve public transportation to discourage
vehicular traffic
4. Encourage Happy Streets no vehicle zones
on weekends for extended periods
Examples of RWH/Solar in buildings
Public Transport / Happy Streets
MITIGATE: Act & Advocate Nationally &
1. Encourage use of alternate renewable clean energy like
wind, solar, geothermal, biofuels etc
2. Encourage gas usage in coal power plants with carbon
capture & sequestration (CCS)
3. Set Carbon & CO2 Tax plus Cap & Trade (Emissions)
4. Encourage technology for efficiency, adaptation &
solutions to energy problems
5. Nuclear power plants to replace coal fired power plants
6. Connect rivers to build water reserves in India due to
seasonal monsoon rains (mitigate floods/drought)
Examples of wind & geothermal power
Examples of CCS & Emission Control
Examples of bio-fuels & Nuclear Power
Remember to Recycle, Reduce Waste, Renew
& Conserve
Thank you for your time - Rtn Sandesh Savant
91 98220 91102 sandeshsavant@rediffmail.

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Act now to turn down the heat

  • 1. TURN DOWN THE HEAT Act locally, lobby regionally & advocate nationally to control Climate Change
  • 2. Climate Change / Global Warming Target Audience: 136 Rotary Clubs in Pune District with over 5000 members - Powerpoint Presentations, website & group emails & social media Public Awareness, Understanding, Perception to act at local (action), regional & national (advocacy, lobby & pressure groups, political & social) levels
  • 3. FACTS: CO2 400ppm, Temp up 1.4F
  • 4. FACTS: Sea levels up 20cm, Intense storms, droughts, fires, floods, heat storms
  • 5. Mitigate: Act locally 1. Install Rainwater Harvesting to recharge borewells, water tables & fresh water storage 2. Install Solar Panels for heating water 3. Practice vermi composting of organic waste 4. Plant & sustain trees wherever possible 5. Buy efficient electric appliances & LED bulbs 6. Use bicycles or walk for short local errands 7. Buy local groceries, goods & seasonal fruits 8. Use public transport or carpool if possible
  • 6. Examples of RWH & Solar Heating
  • 7. Examples of Compost & Tree Planting
  • 8. Examples of cycle & bus lanes
  • 9. MITIGATE: Act & Lobby Regionally 1. City Corporations regulate building codes to make rain-water harvesting, solar heating, vermicomposting mandatory 2. Encourage energy efficient building codes 3. Improve public transportation to discourage vehicular traffic 4. Encourage Happy Streets no vehicle zones on weekends for extended periods
  • 10. Examples of RWH/Solar in buildings
  • 11. Public Transport / Happy Streets
  • 12. MITIGATE: Act & Advocate Nationally & Globally 1. Encourage use of alternate renewable clean energy like wind, solar, geothermal, biofuels etc 2. Encourage gas usage in coal power plants with carbon capture & sequestration (CCS) 3. Set Carbon & CO2 Tax plus Cap & Trade (Emissions) 4. Encourage technology for efficiency, adaptation & solutions to energy problems 5. Nuclear power plants to replace coal fired power plants 6. Connect rivers to build water reserves in India due to seasonal monsoon rains (mitigate floods/drought)
  • 13. Examples of wind & geothermal power
  • 14. Examples of CCS & Emission Control
  • 15. Examples of bio-fuels & Nuclear Power
  • 16. Remember to Recycle, Reduce Waste, Renew & Conserve Thank you for your time - Rtn Sandesh Savant 91 98220 91102 sandeshsavant@rediffmail. com ACT NOW TO TURN DOWN THE HEAT