The 4 page official social media strategy brief is attached. It was discussed with all members of the NPO during our initial meeting, drafted, revised, submitted, and then a final copy was approved by the development officer for ACT.
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ACT SM Campaign - 4 Page Brief
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Assateague Coastal Trust
Social Media Campaign
Michelle Malinger
Jordan Guiton
Salisbury University
I. Time & Location:
A.) Jordan will meet with Steve Farr and Matt Heim each Wednesday at 12:30 p.m.
B.) All other communication will be conducted by email.
II. Policy
A.) Goal: To understand what areas should be developed, are weak, or in need of
introduction or change.
B.) SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and threats for the social
media goal for Assateague Coastal Trust.
1.) Strengths: ACT’s strengths included its Facebook page which was updated
frequently with links and events as well as its website which shared events,
contact information, how to donate, and more.
2.) Weaknesses: ACT’s weaknesses included its Blogger site which had not been
updated in at least a year and its lack of a micro-blogging account such as Twitter.
3.) Opportunities: ACT’s Facebook page was a great opportunity to initiate
interaction with followers and promote events.
4.) Threats: Threats to ACT’s social media presence include the staff’s lack of
knowledge of social media networks compared to the pervasive social media
presence of ACT’s competition for funding, the Maryland Coastal Bays Program.
III. Assateague Coastal Trust Audit
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A.) Audience: ACT has approximately 700 members and community partners.
Demographics entail residents of and visitors to the Delmarva Peninsula who are
concerned with environmental protection, water quality, conservation, and advocacy.
They are interested in protecting the watershed to ensure clean waterways for humans
and wildlife. They donate funds but rarely volunteer.
B.) Mission Statement: Assateague Coastal Trust works to protect and enhance the
natural resources of the Atlantic Coastal Bays watershed through advocacy, conservation
and education. The Delmarva coastal area is a fragile, constantly changing ecosystem.
Maintaining the health of this ecosystem is critical to protecting our watershed to ensure
clean waterways for humans and wildlife, quality of public health and sustainable
economic growth now and for future generations.
C.) Setting Goals:
1.) Inform or keep members updates with the NPOs activities such as Coast Kids
and events updates.
2.) Engage followers in discussion around issues such as environmental policies,
advocacy and local/regional news.
3.) Obtain new supporters with Assateague photos of the day and daily surf
D.) Strategies:
1.) Awareness
2.) Member relations
3.) Volunteer management
4.) Community engagement
5.) Environmental news dissemination
6.) Engage members through social media
E.) Consistency of Engagement:
1.) Twitter will be updated once a day; Monday through Friday. Facebook will
also be updated each day. The blog will be updated bi-monthly or once every two
weeks. Each week five local and national news stories pertaining to ACT and its efforts
will be shared on Delicious. Each Monday the photo of the day will be shared on Flickr.
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a.) Social Media Content: The blog will focus on policy and advocacy
issues. Content will also be shared on Twitter and Facebook. The
Facebook schedule is as follows:
Monday: Photo of the Week (taken by Matt Heim);
Tuesday: Policy Issues and Advocacy (Kathy Phillips/Steve Farr);
Wednesday: Coast Kids Updates (Verena Chase/Steve Farr);
Thursday: Events Updates (Matt Heim/Steve Farr);
Friday: Local/Regional News Article Links (Steve Farr);
Saturday: ACT/Watershed History (Matt Heim);
Sunday: All.
b.) User generated content will be integrated with Assateague Coastal
Trust’s website.
c.) Tracking: Tracking will occur via Klout and Facebook Insights. The
ultimate goal for ACT’s Facebook page is to have 1,000 likes, an increase
of approximately 500 fans. The goal for Twitter is to establish
approximately 500 followers as well.
F.) Existing Social Media: A well-established website, a commonly updated Facebook
page, and an outdated blog were already in place.
IV. Social Media Use Policy
A.) Use by Department:
1.) Coast Keeper: The social media strategy will make members aware of
environmental policies and local/regional news. It will encourage the target
audience to support the advocacy efforts of ACT and understand why they are
2.) Development/Staff: The social media strategy will garner support for the
organization and spread awareness of its efforts, hopefully garnering new
members and volunteers in the process.
3.) Coast Kids: The social media strategy will spread awareness of events and
encourage attendance.
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B.) Campaign Approval: The social media plan focus and audit will be approved by
Assateague Coastal Trust after a collaborative effort to understand the needs of the
organization, presentation of the social media proposal, feedback, and revision.
C.) Members and Volunteers: Assateague Coastal Trust’s members and volunteers will
refer to the goal of the social media strategy to represent the organization accordingly on
social media networks.
D.) Staff Collaboration: After an initial with key members of ACT to assess the needs
of the organization, staff members will consent to and understand their own roles and
contribution to the social media sites they will participate in.
E.) Team Delegation: Jordan Guiton will be the group liaison to ACT. She will be
responsible for meeting in person with Assateague Coastal Trust and for updating the
organization’s Twitter page. Michelle will communicate by email and will be in charge of
ACT’s Delicious and Flickr account. The Dipity timeline and Klout score will be
monitored by both. The Facebook page will be managed by a different delegated member
of ACT each day and posted content will be monitored by Jordan and Michelle. The blog
will be maintained by Kathy.
F.) Policy Statement: Content shared on the social media platforms will pertain to only
ACT initiatives and related content.
G.) Future Social Media: Kathy, Steve, and Matt will continue to update Facebook with
their delegated posts while Steve will maintain the Delicious account. They will all work
together to maintain the ACT Twitter.