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Meghan Patterson ADV420 Final
   Cedar Point is known as
    Americas Roller Coast.
   They are best known for
    their record breaking
    roller coasters and thrill
   They are seen as a fun,
    energetic brand that
    love a thrill and having a
    good time
   It is also a great place
    for families to go
    together for an escape
    that isnt necessarily far
    from home.
Goals                                      Challenges
   To increase the number         People are cutting back
    of online sales of              on unneeded spending
    season passes and               due to the economy.
    single visit tickets.          Not every piece of their
   Create continuity across        marketing efforts has
    channels of a fun,              the same voice or
    adventurous and thrill          personality
    seeking brand that is
    fun for the whole family.
Overarching Message
   I want to make their fun, exiting brand personality
    show across their media channels by adding a little
    bit of flair. Visiting Cedar Point is all about the
    experience and the thrill and so we want express
    that in the social media presence.
Facebook                                                Foursquare
   On-ride photo contest                    Set up locations for individual
       Fans will be asked to submit          rides allowing visitors to check
        their favorite/funniest on-ride       in while waiting in line, interact
        photo                                 with each other and collect
       Top 25 as picked by Cedar Point       badges.
        will be posted in an album.          Also offer discounts at certain
       The picture with the most votes       refreshment stands around the
        wins a 4 pack of season passes        park if a visitor checks in.
   They have started a Pinterest, however each board has a sad
    number of pins. Need to increase the interaction as well as add
    boards that are more follower interactive such as guessing a location
    based on a close-up picture.
Google AdWords
   Cedar Point is a very technology savvy company,
    and they have to be; theyre in the business of
    offering the best and latest in thrill rides and family
    fun. So why shouldnt they have an online marketing
    strategy thats cutting edge too?
   Ad groups would include
       Roller Coasters
       Ticket Sales
Budget & Timeline
   This is a seasonal business so most of the heavy pay per
    click would be done between April and June when the
    highest season pass sales occur.
   We also want to keep interest going throughout the open
    season as well as at off time to get the audience excited.
   Based off a total marketing budget of $250K the budget
    for this digital campaign would be approximately $75,000.
      1% of the budget should be for local search visibility
     11% for SEO for Ecommerce
     74% for PPC,
     5% for email
     9% for online PR
    to have the most impact for the seasonality of Cedar Points
Metrics of Success
   We will ultimately measure success by the difference
    in online tickets sales from one year to the next.
   We will also track conversations about Cedar Point
    online and the amount of interaction occurring on the
    social media channels.


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Adv420(final presentation)

  • 1. Meghan Patterson ADV420 Final Presentation
  • 2. Overview Cedar Point is known as Americas Roller Coast. They are best known for their record breaking roller coasters and thrill rides. They are seen as a fun, energetic brand that love a thrill and having a good time It is also a great place for families to go together for an escape that isnt necessarily far from home.
  • 3. Goals Challenges To increase the number People are cutting back of online sales of on unneeded spending season passes and due to the economy. single visit tickets. Not every piece of their Create continuity across marketing efforts has channels of a fun, the same voice or adventurous and thrill personality seeking brand that is fun for the whole family.
  • 4. Overarching Message I want to make their fun, exiting brand personality show across their media channels by adding a little bit of flair. Visiting Cedar Point is all about the experience and the thrill and so we want express that in the social media presence.
  • 5. Facebook Foursquare On-ride photo contest Set up locations for individual Fans will be asked to submit rides allowing visitors to check their favorite/funniest on-ride in while waiting in line, interact photo with each other and collect Top 25 as picked by Cedar Point badges. will be posted in an album. Also offer discounts at certain The picture with the most votes refreshment stands around the wins a 4 pack of season passes park if a visitor checks in.
  • 6. Pinterest They have started a Pinterest, however each board has a sad number of pins. Need to increase the interaction as well as add boards that are more follower interactive such as guessing a location based on a close-up picture.
  • 7. Google AdWords Cedar Point is a very technology savvy company, and they have to be; theyre in the business of offering the best and latest in thrill rides and family fun. So why shouldnt they have an online marketing strategy thats cutting edge too? Ad groups would include Roller Coasters Parks Waterpark Location Family Ticket Sales
  • 8. Budget & Timeline This is a seasonal business so most of the heavy pay per click would be done between April and June when the highest season pass sales occur. We also want to keep interest going throughout the open season as well as at off time to get the audience excited. Based off a total marketing budget of $250K the budget for this digital campaign would be approximately $75,000. 1% of the budget should be for local search visibility 11% for SEO for Ecommerce 74% for PPC, 5% for email 9% for online PR to have the most impact for the seasonality of Cedar Points business.
  • 9. Metrics of Success We will ultimately measure success by the difference in online tickets sales from one year to the next. We will also track conversations about Cedar Point online and the amount of interaction occurring on the social media channels.