Commercial fishing has been banned in Sydney Harbour due to dangerously high levels of dioxin, a cancer-causing chemical and ingredient in Agent Orange, found in fish at almost 100 times the WHO's recommended maximum. Testing showed industrial pollution over many years led to the toxic waste in the harbour, forcing authorities to end commercial fishing and warn against eating too much fish from the area while a A$200 million cleanup is undertaken.
2. FISHING BAN IN SYDNEY HARBOUR SYDNEY - Toxic waste in Sydney Harbour has forced authorities to end centuries of commercial fishing, warn recreational anglers not to eat too much harbour fish, and undertake a A$200 million (US$150 million) clean-up programme. AUSTRALIA: February 10, 2006 REUTERS
3. The New South Wales state government announced on Thursday an end to commercial fishing after tests showed the level of cancer-causing dioxin in fish was almost 100 times World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended maximum levels.
4. The state's Primary Industry Minister Ian Macdonald said the dioxin, a key ingredient of the Agent Orange defoliant used in the Vietnam War, was the result of years of industrial pollution and that further fish testing would occur.