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Rev. 0-96
Jul 2009                 Agents
                          Your chance to sell the best green
                        investment products on the market

            SIPP                Unrivaled         Immediate
            qualified           commissions       payment
            Environmental       100%              Track your
            projects            transparency      clients' progress
■         Company Introduction
Silva Tree is a forward thinking environmental developer specializing in the Carbon Offset Credit market. We
strongly believe that environmental protection is an enormously important issue which can also be highly lucrative,
and the market we are dealing with is growing at a tremendous rate. Constant media presence and a high profile
image makes our products desirable and salable, appealing to one's moral sensibilities as well as promising
financial gain.

All our products are backed up by full legal searches, accreditations and official documents which we have readily
available to present to clients. We believe in absolute transparency to ensure your customers' complete confidence,
and to maintain your reputation. We only sell the best products with excellent returns for the investor, and monies
are sent directly to the trustee's escrow account for your clients' additional safety.

We will supply you, the agent, with free access to our comprehensive Customer Relations Management software
system as well as complete, professional marketing materials to make selling our products extremely simple,
including unbranded PDF documents so you can display your own company details before sending the information
to potential clients. Our products are highly affordable making your target market extremely broad- we even provide
finance options which means that anyone can afford to invest. Our commissions are unbeatable and payments

         Excellent investment returns for your clients
         High commissions for you
         Complete marketing materials provided
         Supporting documents provided
         Affordable products
■       How does the program work

Earn tens of thousands a year in additional              Complete the 'Agents program collaboration
or main income.                                          agreement' which sets out the terms of our
Join the ever-growing number of people who               relationship and send it back to us with a copy of
have become an agent for our company and are             your ID.
now enjoying the fantastic financial benefits.           Once you have completed the required details
Start generating clients or leads and track their        and signed it, you should email or fax it back to:
progress.                                                +(44)(0) 208 492 8471 or office@silvatree.com
                                                         marked for the attention of the “Agents
It could not be more simple:                             Program”.
  1. Sign a basic collaboration agreement
  2. Receive full product and software training
  3. After approval of compliance you will receive the
      signed agreement back
  4. Start marketing to your clients using the
      materials provided
  5. Use our bespoke client management software to
      transfer your clients to us, or sell them our
      products yourself to receive top commissions

That's it!!!
You can even monitor the progress of your client         Step 2: Access to CRM software and the
on-line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from first        Agents folder.
contact to the final sale. Our commissions are
unrivaled and are paid immediately to the bank           Silva Tree's on-line CRM software allows you to
of your choice.                                          gain instant access to documents, client details
Our collaboration program continues to be                and marketing materials or to track your client's
immensely successful and we are constantly               progress any time, anywhere.
seeking new collaborators around the globe and
offering them the chance to dramatically                 Step 3: Start generating client and/or leads
increase their income.                                   Use your existing marketing strategies and client
                                                         database to generate leads or sales.
How to become an agent for Silva Tree in 3
easy steps

Step 1: Sign an agents program
collaboration agreement
■       Commissions

The following outlines the commissions and potential earnings we offer.

When you complete the sale from start to finish, we            sales staff have to get involved in the sale, we deem
deem this to be a “client”. A deal is qualified when you       this to be a “lead”.
or the client sends us a completed and signed
application form and they have spoken to the
compliance department.                                         Selling to a client = 12% commission

When you send us the details of a person or company            Providing a Lead = 6% commission
interested in investing into one of our projects and our

■       Sub-agents

Collaborating agents are authorised to register                Similarly, commissions payable to said sub-
sub-agents for the purpose of selling Silva Tree               agent are at the discretion of the collaborating
products under the following conditions:                       agent, and will be payable by the collaborator
                                                               out of the commission paid by Silva Tree to the
Silva Tree will deal only with the collaborating               collaborator.
agent and not with sub-agents. All
communication, training, document distribution                 All sub-agents will be correctly registered in the
etc. will be the sole responsibility of the                    Silva Tree CRM system and will not be
collaborating agent.                                           contacted or spoken to by Silva Tree unless one
                                                               of the terms of the contract are broken (please
                                                               see Collaboration Contract for details).
■          Sales & Completions procedure

Once a client has shown interest in investing,     send them to the client along with the relevant
they will complete, sign and send back our         supporting documents.
application form only. We do not take
deposits! Our compliance department will           The client will then print out the Forestry
contact the clients to make sure he/she is fully   Leasehold Agreement and Management
and correctly informed about the product.          Agreement, sign them, initial each page and
                                                   send them to the Trustee with the relevant AML
Once the compliance officer is satisfied, the      documents and payment.
completions procedure we adhere to is as
follows:                                           Citadel Trustees will then send the client a
(We will carry out the procedure with the          Welcome Pack with all relevant documents,
Trustee, this is for your information only)        maps, brochures etc. as well as the Certificate
                                                   of Leasehold.
We check client details are correct with the
agent, and against the details in the CRM          The funds will be distributed to Silva Tree by the
system. We complete the Lease Assignment           Trustee and they will also pay out your
Agreement, Management Agreement and                commissions. For this we will need to receive an
Payment Details documents accordingly, then        invoice from a duly registered company.
■       Agents Program Agreement Form
                                                           Applicant Details

     Company name:____________________________________________________                  Date: ______________________________

     Type of Business: _______________________________________                  VAT / CIF No.: _____________________________

     Contact name: ______________________________              ___________      Position: __________________________________


     Town: ____________________________________                Postcode:_______________________________________________

     County/Province/State: ___________________________________                 Country:___________________________________

     Web URL: _________________________________                Email: _________________________________________________

     Tel: ________________________________             Fax: _______________________ Mobile: ____________________________

     By signing this agreement, the company trading as Silva Tree* (hereinafter known as the company) and the above applicant,
     (hereinafter known as the collaborating agent), agree to the following terms and conditions:

1.    This agreement is solely for the clients and sub-agents introduced by the collaborating agent. A client must be correctly
      registered with The Company. Any client or sub-agent already dealing with The Company or another Agent will not be
2.    Any activity that the Company need to take to sell on behalf of the collaborating agent shall result in commissions being
      paid in relation to the product sold as defined in clause 17.
3.    The company will make the commission payment to the collaborating agent within seven working days of receipt of the full
      investment amount or the non-refundable deposit, as long as an invoice has been received from the collaborating agent.
4.    The company reserves the right to contact clients generated by the collaborating agent with new products, provided they
      are also issued to the collaborating agent at least one month prior to client contact.
5.    The company reserves the right to contact clients generated by the collaborating agent after purchase for compliance
6.    The company reserves the right to contact the collaborating agent for information if required.
7.    The company will provide full transparency with regard to clients introduced by the collaborating agent.
8.    The collaborating agent will receive commission on repeat sales to clients provided the sale has been completed in full by
      the collaborating agent. A reduced commission will be granted to the collaborating agent on repeat sales based on
      marketing done by the company, or if staff belonging to the company are involved in the sales procedure, as defined in clause
9.    The collaborating agent will receive free access to the client management system upon signature of the agreement and is
      entitled to free use of this software.
10. The collaborating agent will not mis-advise any clients, sell any of the company's products on the basis of false information.
    They will not adapt, copy or pass off as their own any of the materials or products offered by the company.
11. The collaborating agent will not copy any of the products being sold by the company.
12. The collaborating agent is permitted to sign-up sub-agents who may sell any of the company's products in accordance with
    the following rules and regulations, and as mentioned in the Silva Tree agents program PDF:
    The The collaborating agent will correctly register sub-agents in the Silva Tree Customer Relations Management
            The collaborating agent will receive the normal commissions from the company, payable according to the terms
             above. Commissions can be paid to sub-agents at the the collaborating agent's discretion.
            It is the full responsibility of the collaborating agent to maintain contact with all sub-agents and ensure their clients
             are being correctly managed. Sub-agents who contact the company will be redirected to the the collaborating
             agent and the Company will not approach them. If these terms are not met for a period of 3 months or longer, the
             company reserves the right to contact a sub-agent directly.
            If a sub-agent has not made a suitable activity within a period of 3 months, the company reserves the right to contact
             said sub-agent directly thus taking over their management.
            If the agreement between the collaborating agent and the company should terminate for any reason and the
             collaborating agent has registered sub-agents, said sub-agents will be taken over by the company.
            When signing up a sub agent, the collaborating agent must provide the Company with a copy of the agreement or
             contract within 2 weeks. In the case of two or more collaborating agents signing up the same sub-agent, the first
             contract or agreement to be received by the Company will be valid.
            All sub-agents must comply with the rules and regulations set out in this agreement and will be considered as acting
             on the behalf of the the collaborating agent. Any breach of the terms laid out in this contract by a sub-agent will be
             treated as a breach of contract by the the collaborating agent.
13. Both parties will keep the Silva Tree Customer Relations Management system updated with any information regarding any
    client and maintain transparency between all parties. Sub-agents' compliance with this is the responsibility of the
    collaborating agent.
14. Both parties will behave in accordance with the rules and regulations or the collaboration will be terminated.
15. Both parties have the right to cancel said collaboration with previous warning. In the event of termination, the collaborating
    agent shall be entitled to the payment of all fees and expenses owed to it but unpaid by the Company, except as defined in
    Clause 16.
16. The company reserves the right to decline payment of commissions or fees in the case of breach of any of the above
    conditions, applicable laws, rules, regulations or codes of conduct in relation to its performance of its duties under this
    Agreement and to press legal charges if necessary.
17. Commissions payable according to product and client status are as follows:
    Princess Project, Panama:
            12% commission payable upon sale to a client in which The Company is not involved in the sales process, as defined
             in the agents brochure.
            6% commission payable to a lead generated in which The Company sells to the client, as defined in the agents brochure.
  *”Silva Tree” is the trading name of Silva Tree Panama S.A registered in Panama

   Collaborating Agent                                                        The Company
   Signed ________________________________                                    Signed _________________________________
   Date __________________________________                                    Date ___________________________________

                 Please fax this form with a copy of your ID to +44 (0)208 492 8471 or email it to office@silvatree.com

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Agents Program 0 96 Print Version

  • 1. Rev. 0-96 Jul 2009 Agents Program Your chance to sell the best green investment products on the market SIPP Unrivaled Immediate qualified commissions payment Environmental 100% Track your projects transparency clients' progress
  • 2. Company Introduction Silva Tree is a forward thinking environmental developer specializing in the Carbon Offset Credit market. We strongly believe that environmental protection is an enormously important issue which can also be highly lucrative, and the market we are dealing with is growing at a tremendous rate. Constant media presence and a high profile image makes our products desirable and salable, appealing to one's moral sensibilities as well as promising financial gain. All our products are backed up by full legal searches, accreditations and official documents which we have readily available to present to clients. We believe in absolute transparency to ensure your customers' complete confidence, and to maintain your reputation. We only sell the best products with excellent returns for the investor, and monies are sent directly to the trustee's escrow account for your clients' additional safety. We will supply you, the agent, with free access to our comprehensive Customer Relations Management software system as well as complete, professional marketing materials to make selling our products extremely simple, including unbranded PDF documents so you can display your own company details before sending the information to potential clients. Our products are highly affordable making your target market extremely broad- we even provide finance options which means that anyone can afford to invest. Our commissions are unbeatable and payments prompt.  Excellent investment returns for your clients  High commissions for you  Complete marketing materials provided  Supporting documents provided  Affordable products
  • 3. How does the program work Earn tens of thousands a year in additional Complete the 'Agents program collaboration or main income. agreement' which sets out the terms of our Join the ever-growing number of people who relationship and send it back to us with a copy of have become an agent for our company and are your ID. now enjoying the fantastic financial benefits. Once you have completed the required details Start generating clients or leads and track their and signed it, you should email or fax it back to: progress. +(44)(0) 208 492 8471 or office@silvatree.com marked for the attention of the “Agents It could not be more simple: Program”. 1. Sign a basic collaboration agreement 2. Receive full product and software training 3. After approval of compliance you will receive the signed agreement back 4. Start marketing to your clients using the materials provided 5. Use our bespoke client management software to transfer your clients to us, or sell them our products yourself to receive top commissions That's it!!! You can even monitor the progress of your client Step 2: Access to CRM software and the on-line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from first Agents folder. contact to the final sale. Our commissions are unrivaled and are paid immediately to the bank Silva Tree's on-line CRM software allows you to of your choice. gain instant access to documents, client details Our collaboration program continues to be and marketing materials or to track your client's immensely successful and we are constantly progress any time, anywhere. seeking new collaborators around the globe and offering them the chance to dramatically Step 3: Start generating client and/or leads increase their income. Use your existing marketing strategies and client database to generate leads or sales. How to become an agent for Silva Tree in 3 easy steps Step 1: Sign an agents program collaboration agreement
  • 4. Commissions The following outlines the commissions and potential earnings we offer. When you complete the sale from start to finish, we sales staff have to get involved in the sale, we deem deem this to be a “client”. A deal is qualified when you this to be a “lead”. or the client sends us a completed and signed application form and they have spoken to the compliance department.  Selling to a client = 12% commission When you send us the details of a person or company  Providing a Lead = 6% commission interested in investing into one of our projects and our ■ Sub-agents Collaborating agents are authorised to register Similarly, commissions payable to said sub- sub-agents for the purpose of selling Silva Tree agent are at the discretion of the collaborating products under the following conditions: agent, and will be payable by the collaborator out of the commission paid by Silva Tree to the Silva Tree will deal only with the collaborating collaborator. agent and not with sub-agents. All communication, training, document distribution All sub-agents will be correctly registered in the etc. will be the sole responsibility of the Silva Tree CRM system and will not be collaborating agent. contacted or spoken to by Silva Tree unless one of the terms of the contract are broken (please see Collaboration Contract for details).
  • 5. Sales & Completions procedure Once a client has shown interest in investing, send them to the client along with the relevant they will complete, sign and send back our supporting documents. application form only. We do not take deposits! Our compliance department will The client will then print out the Forestry contact the clients to make sure he/she is fully Leasehold Agreement and Management and correctly informed about the product. Agreement, sign them, initial each page and send them to the Trustee with the relevant AML Once the compliance officer is satisfied, the documents and payment. completions procedure we adhere to is as follows: Citadel Trustees will then send the client a (We will carry out the procedure with the Welcome Pack with all relevant documents, Trustee, this is for your information only) maps, brochures etc. as well as the Certificate of Leasehold. We check client details are correct with the agent, and against the details in the CRM The funds will be distributed to Silva Tree by the system. We complete the Lease Assignment Trustee and they will also pay out your Agreement, Management Agreement and commissions. For this we will need to receive an Payment Details documents accordingly, then invoice from a duly registered company.
  • 6. Agents Program Agreement Form Applicant Details Company name:____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Type of Business: _______________________________________ VAT / CIF No.: _____________________________ Contact name: ______________________________ ___________ Position: __________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Town: ____________________________________ Postcode:_______________________________________________ County/Province/State: ___________________________________ Country:___________________________________ Web URL: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Tel: ________________________________ Fax: _______________________ Mobile: ____________________________ By signing this agreement, the company trading as Silva Tree* (hereinafter known as the company) and the above applicant, (hereinafter known as the collaborating agent), agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. This agreement is solely for the clients and sub-agents introduced by the collaborating agent. A client must be correctly registered with The Company. Any client or sub-agent already dealing with The Company or another Agent will not be considered. 2. Any activity that the Company need to take to sell on behalf of the collaborating agent shall result in commissions being paid in relation to the product sold as defined in clause 17. 3. The company will make the commission payment to the collaborating agent within seven working days of receipt of the full investment amount or the non-refundable deposit, as long as an invoice has been received from the collaborating agent. 4. The company reserves the right to contact clients generated by the collaborating agent with new products, provided they are also issued to the collaborating agent at least one month prior to client contact. 5. The company reserves the right to contact clients generated by the collaborating agent after purchase for compliance purposes. 6. The company reserves the right to contact the collaborating agent for information if required. 7. The company will provide full transparency with regard to clients introduced by the collaborating agent. 8. The collaborating agent will receive commission on repeat sales to clients provided the sale has been completed in full by the collaborating agent. A reduced commission will be granted to the collaborating agent on repeat sales based on marketing done by the company, or if staff belonging to the company are involved in the sales procedure, as defined in clause 17. 9. The collaborating agent will receive free access to the client management system upon signature of the agreement and is entitled to free use of this software. 10. The collaborating agent will not mis-advise any clients, sell any of the company's products on the basis of false information. They will not adapt, copy or pass off as their own any of the materials or products offered by the company. 11. The collaborating agent will not copy any of the products being sold by the company. 12. The collaborating agent is permitted to sign-up sub-agents who may sell any of the company's products in accordance with the following rules and regulations, and as mentioned in the Silva Tree agents program PDF:
  • 7. The The collaborating agent will correctly register sub-agents in the Silva Tree Customer Relations Management software.  The collaborating agent will receive the normal commissions from the company, payable according to the terms above. Commissions can be paid to sub-agents at the the collaborating agent's discretion.  It is the full responsibility of the collaborating agent to maintain contact with all sub-agents and ensure their clients are being correctly managed. Sub-agents who contact the company will be redirected to the the collaborating agent and the Company will not approach them. If these terms are not met for a period of 3 months or longer, the company reserves the right to contact a sub-agent directly.  If a sub-agent has not made a suitable activity within a period of 3 months, the company reserves the right to contact said sub-agent directly thus taking over their management.  If the agreement between the collaborating agent and the company should terminate for any reason and the collaborating agent has registered sub-agents, said sub-agents will be taken over by the company.  When signing up a sub agent, the collaborating agent must provide the Company with a copy of the agreement or contract within 2 weeks. In the case of two or more collaborating agents signing up the same sub-agent, the first contract or agreement to be received by the Company will be valid.  All sub-agents must comply with the rules and regulations set out in this agreement and will be considered as acting on the behalf of the the collaborating agent. Any breach of the terms laid out in this contract by a sub-agent will be treated as a breach of contract by the the collaborating agent. 13. Both parties will keep the Silva Tree Customer Relations Management system updated with any information regarding any client and maintain transparency between all parties. Sub-agents' compliance with this is the responsibility of the collaborating agent. 14. Both parties will behave in accordance with the rules and regulations or the collaboration will be terminated. 15. Both parties have the right to cancel said collaboration with previous warning. In the event of termination, the collaborating agent shall be entitled to the payment of all fees and expenses owed to it but unpaid by the Company, except as defined in Clause 16. 16. The company reserves the right to decline payment of commissions or fees in the case of breach of any of the above conditions, applicable laws, rules, regulations or codes of conduct in relation to its performance of its duties under this Agreement and to press legal charges if necessary. 17. Commissions payable according to product and client status are as follows: Princess Project, Panama:  12% commission payable upon sale to a client in which The Company is not involved in the sales process, as defined in the agents brochure.  6% commission payable to a lead generated in which The Company sells to the client, as defined in the agents brochure. *”Silva Tree” is the trading name of Silva Tree Panama S.A registered in Panama Collaborating Agent The Company Signed ________________________________ Signed _________________________________ Date __________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Please fax this form with a copy of your ID to +44 (0)208 492 8471 or email it to office@silvatree.com