palcoscenico di una scuola materna: sono alla mia prima recita.
Siamo dieci bambine che, disposte in cerchio, cantiamo la canzone ''La campagnola bella''. Indossiamo un costume di raso verde con applicate margherite bianche. Eseguiamo dei piccoli passi di danza tipo la Zorba ed alziamo le mani in alto, ci impegniamo molto, la suora ci fa segno e noi teniamo il tempo.
Siamo emozionate e cerchiamo con gli occhi, in platea, un viso conosciuto, i nostri genitori (...).''
Un romanzo dove la vita ed il teatro si fondono in un unico scenario.
This document provides guidance on how to organize, deliver, evaluate, and archive Twitter chats. It discusses the basic functions of Twitter and how Twitter chats operate. It outlines 10 steps to holding a Twitter chat: 1) set goals; 2) designate date and time; 3) determine hashtag; 4) determine topic and questions; 5) market the chat; 6) deliver the chat; 7) evaluate impact and outreach; 8) write impact reports; 9) archive the chat with Storify; and 10) review, revise, and repeat the process. Evaluation results of sample Twitter chats #eXASchat and #SSHWchat are also presented, showing metrics like number of participants, estimated reach,
Luqmaan McWhite achieved several unit standards related to interactive media and design from Concept Interactive. The document lists 10 unit standards achieved at Level 5, including Design interactive media (10 credits), Edit interactive media content (10 credits), and Plan processes for interaction with multiple media (10 credits). It also lists 4 additional unit standards achieved at Level 5 related to design, including Develop designs according to brief (8 credits) and Realise design concepts (16 credits). The statement of results was issued on July 11, 2016 and endorsed by the Senior Manager of the MICT SETA.
Dokumen ini berisi tentang sebuah teks pendek yang memperkenalkan keluarga seorang anak. Teks tersebut menyebutkan nama anggota keluarganya seperti ayah, ibu, saudara laki-laki, dan saudara perempuan beserta pekerjaan dan umur mereka. Teks tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa anak tersebut dan keluarganya adalah Muslim.
This presentation by Kedge principal Yvette Montero Salvatico details how we must look beyond trends to the qualitative metrics of patterns, values and narratives in order to create the future today.
The document provides details about an individual with over 16 years of experience in business operations and logistics/supply chain management. They have extensive experience in sales support functions and all phases of supply chain management. Currently employed as Manager-Sales Operations at Avnet Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. in Mumbai, they have strong skills in areas like supply chain management, logistics, sales operations, accounts management, and materials planning. They are proficient with tools like SAP R/6, SAP Hana BI, and Microsoft Office applications.
This presentation by Kedge principal Yvette Montero Salvatico details how we must look beyond trends to the qualitative metrics of patterns, values and narratives in order to create the future today.
The document provides details about an individual with over 16 years of experience in business operations and logistics/supply chain management. They have extensive experience in sales support functions and all phases of supply chain management. Currently employed as Manager-Sales Operations at Avnet Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. in Mumbai, they have strong skills in areas like supply chain management, logistics, sales operations, accounts management, and materials planning. They are proficient with tools like SAP R/6, SAP Hana BI, and Microsoft Office applications.