This document contains a resume for Eke Stanley Osita providing personal details such as his contact information, date of birth, education history and work experience. He has obtained several offshore safety and crane operation certificates from 2014. His work experience includes positions as a Roustabout for Noble Drilling West Africa in 2011 and 2013. He lists personal qualities such as the ability to learn fast and having excellent communication skills.
This document summarizes a master's thesis that proposes a novel hybrid model approach for appliance load disaggregation. The thesis combines convolutional neural networks and hidden semi-Markov models to model appliances. As a proof of concept, the hybrid model is evaluated on power data from six households to predict washing machine usage. The hybrid model is shown to perform considerably better than a CNN alone, and including transitional features in the HSMM improves performance significantly.
This document summarizes a master's thesis that proposes a novel hybrid model approach for appliance load disaggregation. The thesis combines convolutional neural networks and hidden semi-Markov models to model appliances. As a proof of concept, the hybrid model is evaluated on power data from six households to predict washing machine usage. The hybrid model is shown to perform considerably better than a CNN alone, and including transitional features in the HSMM improves performance significantly.