O documento resume a profiss?o de psicologia, incluindo suas áreas de atua??o, escolas de destaque, e cita??es. Ele discute o perfil do profissional, mercado de trabalho, remunera??o, e fornece recursos bibliográficos.
The document discusses a governance workgroup meeting to develop recommendations for governance of a nationwide health information network. The workgroup will identify panels for a September 28th hearing on governance models, experiences with health information exchange governance, and governance for trust, interoperability, and accountability. The workgroup will draft initial recommendations from the hearing to present to the HIT Policy Committee on October 20th and finalize recommendations by November 19th.
El documento define las redes sociales y explica que se dividen en dos grupos: específicas y genéricas. Luego, proporciona un cuadro con los lenguajes de programación utilizados en redes sociales populares como Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp e Instagram. Finalmente, explica la tecnología subyacente comúnmente utilizada en los servicios de redes sociales, incluyendo Linux, Apache, PHP y MySQL.
A a??o prop?e realizar uma aula mensal de leitura de textos e letras musicais em DVD para desenvolver as habilidades da prática da leitura. O responsável pela a??o n?o foi especificado no documento.
Jagdip K Kooner has extensive laboratory skills and experience in analytical techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, and thermal analysis. He has strong problem solving, communication, and project management abilities developed through roles in quality control and assurance. Kooner seeks to apply his skills and experience gained over a decade working in pharmaceutical, chemical, and materials testing industries.
Soy Médico General Cirujano soy Deportista y Atlético soy Alto mido 1,85 metros, Rubio, de Piel Blanca, ojos claros, cabellos Rubios casta?o, Inteligente y de Buenos Sentimientos. Sé el Idioma Alemán, Inglés-Inglesa, Americana; también conozco y tengo caracteres de la Filosofía de la Cultura China las Artes Marciales, Yoga, Meditación, Budismo.
Soy Atlético Simpático, me esmero a seguir Adelante solucionando los Problemas de las demás Personas para salvar su Vida con Salud Pura y Verdadera y evitar las Enfermedades. SALVAR VIDAS ES MI DEBER Y AYUDAR.
La VIDA es una VIRTUD que cada Humano, Persona tiene es Valeroso y Digno lograr SALVAR la VIDA de una Persona que está en Peligro, cada Persona es una sola Unidad único no hay nadie como esa persona somos distintos.
La NATURALEZA es Bella y Linda Vivirla al Aire Libre, con Agua, la Vegetación, los Bellos Animales en el Ecosistema la Biodiversidad hay que Valorar y Gozar lo que hay en el Mundo Vivirla y Disfrutarla.
El Amor es lo Más Importante en la Vida para estar Felices y Vivirla Plenamente, Disfrutarla con Emoción y Alegría con todas las Cosas Bellas que Existen en el Mundo y en cada País de nuestras Ciudades, Naturaleza, Bosques y todo lo Bello.
1. O documento discute os conceitos de bens públicos, domínio público e patrim?nio público, incluindo suas espécies e classifica??es.
2. A aquisi??o e aliena??o de bens públicos possuem regras específicas como inalienabilidade e impenhorabilidade.
3. Terra devolutas s?o terras públicas dominiais n?o afetadas que podem ser apropriadas por municípios em determinadas condi??es.
The document provides a history of sports from ancient times to the present. It discusses how sports have been practiced for thousands of years by early societies in China and Egypt for recreation and survival. Some of the earliest recorded sporting events were the Olympic Games in 776 BC in Greece, consisting of foot races, wrestling and combat competitions. Sports later evolved into organized competitions and games with established rules in different cultures around the world.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os sentidos subjetivos que configuram o processo de ver-se enquanto professores em alunos de Pedagogia. Esse estudo localiza-se dentro do espectro da presente tendência de estudos em pedagogia, a qual busca solucionar um momento
This document contains an extension word list for a book with words like zebra, bears, cheese, puzzle, treasure and television. It also includes words like advertise, apologise, craze, disguise, drizzle, exercise, frozen, hazardous, horizon, invisible, memorise, observe, organise, puzzle, scissors, sneeze, xylophone, zealous, treasure and television. The document directs the reader to visit the school's online resource pages for more information.
O documento discute perícia criminal no Brasil, definindo-a como uma prova realizada por técnicos que assessoram o juiz em assuntos especializados. A perícia deve ser feita por peritos oficiais com curso superior ou duas pessoas id?neas com curso superior e conhecimentos técnicos. O laudo pericial deve conter o objeto do exame, observa??es, análise crítica e conclus?es sobre os quesitos formulados.
B A G A I M A N A U N T U K M E N J A D I B A H A G I ASlamet Widodo
Dokumen memberikan 18 cara untuk menjadi bahagia, termasuk menetapkan tujuan yang dapat dicapai, tersenyum tulus, berbagi dengan orang lain, membantu tetangga, mempertahankan semangat muda, berdamai dengan orang lain terlepas dari latar belakang, tetap tenang di bawah tekanan, dan memahami bahwa uang bukanlah segalanya.
Adidas lanzó la campa?a publicitaria "Take it" para promover su ropa deportiva. La campa?a busca motivar a las personas a hacer algo por lo que ser recordado e incitar a la acción y el positivismo. El mensaje principal es que hay que hacer algo para ser recordado y lo transmite con un tono motivacional dirigido al público objetivo de deportistas a través del anuncio publicitario.
El documento presenta las ideas de un médico general boliviano sobre la vida, la naturaleza, el amor y la patria. Describe su apariencia física y sus intereses como la filosofía china, las artes marciales y el budismo. Aboga por salvar vidas con salud pura y evitar enfermedades, y valora la vida humana, la naturaleza y el amor.
Diksha Tripathi is seeking an entry-level position where she can contribute her technical and logical skills. She has a B.Tech in Information Technology from BBDNIIT Lucknow with 73.2% marks. Her technical skills include languages like Java, J2EE, C, C++ and technologies like HTML, MySQL, and operating systems like Windows and Linux. She has undergone training programs in Java core and advanced concepts. For her academic projects, she developed an online college magazine and tour planning application using technologies like Java, HTML, MySQL and J2EE. She held leadership roles and received prizes for her participation in cultural and technical events during college.
This short poem expresses that when asking God for small things, God provides abundantly more than expected. By requesting a flower, the speaker received a garden, a tree led to a forest, and a river turned into an ocean. Most significantly, asking for a friend resulted in the reader themselves becoming the friend that was sought.
This document contains a strengths insight report for Nadine Graff based on her top 5 themes: Connectedness, Developer, Responsibility, Communication, and Empathy. For each theme, it provides a shared theme description and Nadine's personalized strengths insights, describing how her natural talents in that theme may show up and what makes her stand out. The report is intended to help Nadine understand her strengths and how she can apply them.
Mingalabar, hello and welcome to the very first edition of GOING WILD, YOMA Land's very own natural history blog. Every month we'll be showcasing some of the amazing wildlife that can be found at either Pun Hlaing Estate, Star City or both, so everyone will have a chance to keep an eye out for the many species of flowers, trees and animals which will be highlighted. Starting us off for July is one of the most spectacular birds that can be observed in Southeast Asia, THE BURMESE ROLLER.
This document summarizes luxury resort developments in two locations: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and the Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar. In Cabo San Lucas, several new high-end resorts are opening that bring a more sophisticated design and focus on wellness compared to the area's past reputation for wild partying. This includes properties from brands like 1 Hotels, Four Seasons, Aman, and Ritz-Carlton Reserve. The document also discusses the remote Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar, which resembles the Maldives with its hundreds of deserted islands. Two new luxury resorts opening there could make it a new exclusive tropical escape, but tourism is being developed more responsibly to protect the area.
Exploring the Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar - Silently. Burma Boating, a sailing firm owned by Myanmar tourism trailblazers Memories Group, has unveiled the latest acquisition to its fleet – the Silent Yachts 55, a luxurious 16.7-meter solar-powered hybrid cruiser, which will offer expeditions around the beautiful Mergui Archipelago from January 2019.
Jagdip K Kooner has extensive laboratory skills and experience in analytical techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, and thermal analysis. He has strong problem solving, communication, and project management abilities developed through roles in quality control and assurance. Kooner seeks to apply his skills and experience gained over a decade working in pharmaceutical, chemical, and materials testing industries.
Soy Médico General Cirujano soy Deportista y Atlético soy Alto mido 1,85 metros, Rubio, de Piel Blanca, ojos claros, cabellos Rubios casta?o, Inteligente y de Buenos Sentimientos. Sé el Idioma Alemán, Inglés-Inglesa, Americana; también conozco y tengo caracteres de la Filosofía de la Cultura China las Artes Marciales, Yoga, Meditación, Budismo.
Soy Atlético Simpático, me esmero a seguir Adelante solucionando los Problemas de las demás Personas para salvar su Vida con Salud Pura y Verdadera y evitar las Enfermedades. SALVAR VIDAS ES MI DEBER Y AYUDAR.
La VIDA es una VIRTUD que cada Humano, Persona tiene es Valeroso y Digno lograr SALVAR la VIDA de una Persona que está en Peligro, cada Persona es una sola Unidad único no hay nadie como esa persona somos distintos.
La NATURALEZA es Bella y Linda Vivirla al Aire Libre, con Agua, la Vegetación, los Bellos Animales en el Ecosistema la Biodiversidad hay que Valorar y Gozar lo que hay en el Mundo Vivirla y Disfrutarla.
El Amor es lo Más Importante en la Vida para estar Felices y Vivirla Plenamente, Disfrutarla con Emoción y Alegría con todas las Cosas Bellas que Existen en el Mundo y en cada País de nuestras Ciudades, Naturaleza, Bosques y todo lo Bello.
1. O documento discute os conceitos de bens públicos, domínio público e patrim?nio público, incluindo suas espécies e classifica??es.
2. A aquisi??o e aliena??o de bens públicos possuem regras específicas como inalienabilidade e impenhorabilidade.
3. Terra devolutas s?o terras públicas dominiais n?o afetadas que podem ser apropriadas por municípios em determinadas condi??es.
The document provides a history of sports from ancient times to the present. It discusses how sports have been practiced for thousands of years by early societies in China and Egypt for recreation and survival. Some of the earliest recorded sporting events were the Olympic Games in 776 BC in Greece, consisting of foot races, wrestling and combat competitions. Sports later evolved into organized competitions and games with established rules in different cultures around the world.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os sentidos subjetivos que configuram o processo de ver-se enquanto professores em alunos de Pedagogia. Esse estudo localiza-se dentro do espectro da presente tendência de estudos em pedagogia, a qual busca solucionar um momento
This document contains an extension word list for a book with words like zebra, bears, cheese, puzzle, treasure and television. It also includes words like advertise, apologise, craze, disguise, drizzle, exercise, frozen, hazardous, horizon, invisible, memorise, observe, organise, puzzle, scissors, sneeze, xylophone, zealous, treasure and television. The document directs the reader to visit the school's online resource pages for more information.
O documento discute perícia criminal no Brasil, definindo-a como uma prova realizada por técnicos que assessoram o juiz em assuntos especializados. A perícia deve ser feita por peritos oficiais com curso superior ou duas pessoas id?neas com curso superior e conhecimentos técnicos. O laudo pericial deve conter o objeto do exame, observa??es, análise crítica e conclus?es sobre os quesitos formulados.
B A G A I M A N A U N T U K M E N J A D I B A H A G I ASlamet Widodo
Dokumen memberikan 18 cara untuk menjadi bahagia, termasuk menetapkan tujuan yang dapat dicapai, tersenyum tulus, berbagi dengan orang lain, membantu tetangga, mempertahankan semangat muda, berdamai dengan orang lain terlepas dari latar belakang, tetap tenang di bawah tekanan, dan memahami bahwa uang bukanlah segalanya.
Adidas lanzó la campa?a publicitaria "Take it" para promover su ropa deportiva. La campa?a busca motivar a las personas a hacer algo por lo que ser recordado e incitar a la acción y el positivismo. El mensaje principal es que hay que hacer algo para ser recordado y lo transmite con un tono motivacional dirigido al público objetivo de deportistas a través del anuncio publicitario.
El documento presenta las ideas de un médico general boliviano sobre la vida, la naturaleza, el amor y la patria. Describe su apariencia física y sus intereses como la filosofía china, las artes marciales y el budismo. Aboga por salvar vidas con salud pura y evitar enfermedades, y valora la vida humana, la naturaleza y el amor.
Diksha Tripathi is seeking an entry-level position where she can contribute her technical and logical skills. She has a B.Tech in Information Technology from BBDNIIT Lucknow with 73.2% marks. Her technical skills include languages like Java, J2EE, C, C++ and technologies like HTML, MySQL, and operating systems like Windows and Linux. She has undergone training programs in Java core and advanced concepts. For her academic projects, she developed an online college magazine and tour planning application using technologies like Java, HTML, MySQL and J2EE. She held leadership roles and received prizes for her participation in cultural and technical events during college.
This short poem expresses that when asking God for small things, God provides abundantly more than expected. By requesting a flower, the speaker received a garden, a tree led to a forest, and a river turned into an ocean. Most significantly, asking for a friend resulted in the reader themselves becoming the friend that was sought.
This document contains a strengths insight report for Nadine Graff based on her top 5 themes: Connectedness, Developer, Responsibility, Communication, and Empathy. For each theme, it provides a shared theme description and Nadine's personalized strengths insights, describing how her natural talents in that theme may show up and what makes her stand out. The report is intended to help Nadine understand her strengths and how she can apply them.
Mingalabar, hello and welcome to the very first edition of GOING WILD, YOMA Land's very own natural history blog. Every month we'll be showcasing some of the amazing wildlife that can be found at either Pun Hlaing Estate, Star City or both, so everyone will have a chance to keep an eye out for the many species of flowers, trees and animals which will be highlighted. Starting us off for July is one of the most spectacular birds that can be observed in Southeast Asia, THE BURMESE ROLLER.
This document summarizes luxury resort developments in two locations: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and the Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar. In Cabo San Lucas, several new high-end resorts are opening that bring a more sophisticated design and focus on wellness compared to the area's past reputation for wild partying. This includes properties from brands like 1 Hotels, Four Seasons, Aman, and Ritz-Carlton Reserve. The document also discusses the remote Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar, which resembles the Maldives with its hundreds of deserted islands. Two new luxury resorts opening there could make it a new exclusive tropical escape, but tourism is being developed more responsibly to protect the area.
Exploring the Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar - Silently. Burma Boating, a sailing firm owned by Myanmar tourism trailblazers Memories Group, has unveiled the latest acquisition to its fleet – the Silent Yachts 55, a luxurious 16.7-meter solar-powered hybrid cruiser, which will offer expeditions around the beautiful Mergui Archipelago from January 2019.
The document summarizes updates from several airlines:
- Thai Airways won several awards at the Skytrax World Airline Awards ceremony, including World's Best Airline Lounge Spa for the fourth consecutive year. It was also ranked in the top 10 World's Best Airlines.
- Philippine Airlines recently received delivery of its first six Airbus A350 aircraft, which will allow it to operate long-haul routes nearly halfway around the world non-stop. The A350 offers improved fuel efficiency and noise reduction.
- Burma Boating organizes sailing holidays in Myanmar aboard cabin cruisers or private yachts that can be chartered for adventures ranging from four days to multiple weeks.
The document summarizes news from the Myanmar Business Today newspaper from September 20-26, 2018. It discusses plans for Myanmar to locally manufacture electric vehicles using European technology to reduce fossil fuel use. It also mentions that Myanmar will build its highest bridge near the famous Goteik Viaduct in Shan State. Additionally, it previews upcoming auto parts and power equipment trade shows in Yangon from September 27-30. Finally, it provides details about a new private island resort called Awei Pila located in the Mergui Archipelago off the coast of southern Myanmar that is set to open in November 2018.
Awei Pila, an exclusive private island resort, is set in a fascinating and magical virgin destination, the Mergui Archipelago. This?enchanting and exclusive villa resort is edgy and delightfully mischievous, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Experience the?wonders of being one of the first in an untouched destination. Discover the majesty of the Mergui, the destination to disconnect to reconnect. Awei Pila, private island resort, barefoot luxury at its finest.
Memories Group’s inaugural Sustainability Report will be published later in 2018 and will cover its activities from April
2017 to March 2018. This section provides a summary of the activities currently underway which are part of Memories Group’s Sustainability Report, and highlights some of the community and environmental outreach efforts undertaken by its various businesses.
Meta IV is a 25.30m ketch designed by Thomas E. Colvin and built in 1998 out of Thai teak. She was originally owned by a Swiss businessman and in 2010 was restored over two years to become a luxury charter vessel.
Located 80 km from the shoreline of Kawthaung, on the northernmost beach of Pila Island. This secluded beach is surrounded by virgin forest with views out to the open Andaman Sea. The natural bay embraces a 600 metre long beach front, which is divided into two zones by a large rock formation, granting a select number of units further privacy.
Located 80 km from the shoreline of Kawthaung, on the northernmost beach of Pila Island. This secluded beach is surrounded by virgin forest with views out to the open Andaman Sea.
The natural bay embraces a 600 metre long beach front, which is divided into two zones by a large rock formation, granting a select number of units further privacy.
Beyond the beach is a highly forested area with a variety of trees which provides the guest suites protection from the natural environment. The adjacent hill side around the bay is accessible by trails, opening up to guest opportunities for exploration of the island’s unique flora and fauna. Access is also provided to the fisherman’s bay which will give guests a taste of the local sea fairing culture and other water sports activities.
Jonathan Tan visits Ani Villas Thailand, a private 10-room resort on Koh Yao Noi island near Phuket. The resort aims to provide an exclusive experience where guests have the entire property to themselves and bonding with family and friends is the focus. Amenities include a pool, beach, spa and activities customized for each group. The chef prepares local Thai cuisine with fusion elements from his travels around Thailand. The personalized service and seclusion allow guests to relax and make memories together in luxury.
Utmost privacy - With a portfolio that includes resorts in Anguilla, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka and Thailand, Ani Villas is championing a new luxury travel trend called “togethering”. fran?ois oosthuizen heads off to Koh Yao Noi to find out more.
Next he had the pleasure of staying at Ani Villas, a boutique beachfront resort with a breathtaking view of the nearby karst formations. Of the staff at Ani Villas, Dobson said, it was "one of the most beautiful travel experiences I have ever had with such amazing smiling faces and
generous spirits."
Ani Villas is a place for “togethering" - a vacation concept that entails gathering your nearest and dearest and absconding to a resort you treat like your home. Maybe it’s a wedding, big birthday, family reunion, or maybe it’s just a great vacation.
In the same opulent vein, Ani Villas (anivillas.com) accommodates
up to 20 guests in grand style overlooking Little Bay where
leatherback sea turtles paddle lazily about. Ira Bloom has created
an exclusive private resort, accented with exquisite Balinese
petrified wood objets, where celebratory groups are pampered by
chef Sweets and his team in between yoga, snorkelling and, well,
lazing about.
Somewhere in between an exclusive villa and a
private resort, the opulent Ani Villas is the brainchild
of Ira Bloom and his wife Bonnie. Overlooking Little
Bay, where rock formations, exotic fish and perfect
visibility make for magical snorkeling, two adjacent,
very contemporary villas can accommodate up to 20
guests in lavish style.
Best Hotels in Mahé Seychelles for a Luxurious Island GetawaySeychelles Times
Mahé, Seychelles, features top hotels like Constance Ephelia, Four Seasons, and Anantara Maia, offering beachfront villas, infinity pools, spas, and stunning ocean views, perfect for a serene getaway. Enjoy luxury, world-class dining, and tropical beauty in this paradise destination.
13 Days Itinerary: Explore India's Wild Side Top Wildlife Tour Packages.pdfHI DMC
This 12-day wildlife tour takes you through India’s most iconic national parks and reserves, offering an immersive safari experience. Explore the diverse landscapes, from the dense forests of Kanha and Bandhavgarh to the wetlands of Bharatpur and Chambal. Witness majestic Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinos, elephants, and rare bird species in their natural habitat.
The itinerary includes Jeep safaris, boat rides, and nature walks, ensuring a well-rounded wildlife adventure. Enjoy comfortable stays in handpicked jungle lodges and eco-resorts, guided by expert naturalists who provide deep insights into India’s rich biodiversity.
This tour is perfect for B2B travel agencies looking to offer exclusive, tailor-made wildlife experiences for their clients. With seamless logistics, expert planning, and a focus on sustainable tourism, we provide an unforgettable journey into India’s wild landscapes.
Partner with us today and offer your clients the ultimate Indian wildlife adventure!
Explore the captivating city of Skopje with Skopje Daily Tours. Immerse yourself in its rich history and vibrant culture as you visit iconic landmarks like the Stone Bridge, the impressive Skopje Fortress, and the grand Macedonian Square. Discover the old bazaar's bustling streets, filled with shops and traditional crafts. Marvel at the stunning architectural mix of Ottoman, Byzantine, and modern influences throughout the city. With knowledgeable guides and carefully curated itineraries, Skopje Daily Tours offers an unforgettable experience that showcases the best of this enchanting city in just one day. For more information visit our portal.
Cheap Flights to Samoa: How to Find Affordable Airfare and Save on Your Tripairfaresmatch76
Searching for cheap flights to Samoa? Discover the best tips and tricks for finding affordable airfare to this stunning Pacific island. Whether you’re visiting for a tropical vacation, cultural exploration, or an adventurous escape, we’ll help you book the lowest-priced flights. Learn about the top airlines offering flights to Samoa, the best time to book for discounts, and how to compare prices across different dates. Find out how to secure special deals, use flexible travel dates to your advantage, and enjoy a cost-effective journey to Samoa. Start planning your dream vacation and save money with the best flight deals today!
Ajanta Ellora Caves A Complete Travel Guide for 2025.Noble House Tours
Discover the breathtaking Ajanta and Ellora Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, renowned for their ancient rock-cut architecture and stunning sculptures. Nestled in Maharashtra, these caves date back to the 2nd century BCE and showcase intricate Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain carvings. The best time to visit Ajanta Ellora Caves is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant for exploration.
Uncover top facts about the Ajanta and Ellora Caves, including the mesmerizing paintings of Ajanta and the magnificent Kailasa Temple at Ellora. Plan your journey with exclusive Ajanta Caves tour packages from Noble House Tours Pvt. Ltd. for a hassle-free experience!
Golden Triangle Tour with Jhansi & Orchha – Agra Trip Packages.pdfsmitalexnomad
Experience the Golden Triangle Tour with Jhansi & Orchha, blending history, culture, and heritage. Explore Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur’s iconic landmarks, including the Taj Mahal, before discovering the architectural marvels of Jhansi and the medieval charm of Orchha. A perfect journey through India's rich past!
Best Summer Vacation Destinations for Kids: International & Domestic Travel G...Ruuraa Holidays Pvt Ltd
Discover the best summer vacation destinations for kids! Explore top international and domestic travel spots with fun activities, family-friendly attractions, and hassle-free planning.
How to Book the Best 3-Star Hotels in Chennainimirv
Booking the best 3 star hotels in Chennai requires a bit of research. Start by checking guest reviews, comparing prices, and looking for essential amenities like Wi-Fi, breakfast, and parking. If you're traveling for business, ensure the hotel has conference facilities. For leisure trips, look for rooftop dining or fitness centers. Booking in advance helps secure the best deals and preferred rooms. Whether for work or leisure, choosing a well-rated hotel ensures a comfortable and hassle-free experience in Chennai.
It’s Time to Explore Malta to Sicily by FerryTime for Sicily
Experience the allure of the Mediterranean by ferry as we travel from Malta to Sicily. This presentation explores the rich history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes of both islands. Discover how the ferry journey offers the perfect blend of relaxation and exploration, with views of clear blue waters and coastal wonders. Learn about the key attractions and the seamless travel experience that connects these two iconic Mediterranean destinations. For further information, visit: https://timeforsicily.com/malta-to-sicily-the-ultimate-guide-for-a-combined-holiday
What Are the Most Romantic Couple Spots in Bhimtal?Obhula Homestay
If you are searching for the best couple spots in Bhimtal, you have come to the right place. Dive into this presentation to learn about top romantic destinations!
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC): Vividly Brighter ChargingForth
Karan Patel, Managing Director - Energy Solutions and Clean Energy at Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC), gave this presentation at the Forth & AESP Utility-driven Programs Expanding EV Access for Low and Medium-Income Households webinar on March 25, 2025.
Kongma La Pass (5,535m) – The Ultimate High-Altitude Challenge: The highest and most challenging of the Everest three passes, Kongma La offers stunning panoramic views of Makalu (8,485m), Lhotse (8,516m), and Nuptse (7,861m). The strenuous climb and descent across the Khumbu Glacier make this pass an authentic test of endurance.
Cho La Pass (5,420m) – Glacier Crossing with Majestic Peaks: A scenic ridge of a glaciated section, Cho La connects Gokyo Valley and Khumbu valley. At the top, enjoy spectacular up-close views of Ama Dablam (6,812m), Cholatse (6,440m), and Baruntse (7,129m) during traversing icy terrains.
Renjo La Pass (5,360m) – Ofers Everest's best vie: Renjo La boasts arguably the most stunning wide-angle view of Everest (8,848m), Lhotse, and Makalu towering above cobalt-blue Gokyo Lakes. Witnessing the high-altitude lakes shining under snowy giants is every trekker's ultimate fantasy.
Gokyo Ri (5,357m) – Himalayan Panorama that stands the test of time: This less crowded alternative to Kala Patthar provides a 360-degree view of Everest, Cho Oyu (8,188m), Lhotse, and Makalu. The reflected peaks of the Gokyo Lakes below add to the surreal attractiveness of this climb.
Kala Patthar (5,545m) – The Closest Close-Up of Everest: The highest accessible viewpoint for trekkers with an unbeatable, close-up view of Everest's Southwest Face. Watching a sunrise or sunset from this point creates a golden sheen on Everest and is one of the most iconic Himalayan experiences.
Trek through Remote Villages & Hidden Valleys – True Solitude in the Himalayas: The trek passes through off-the-beaten-path villages like Lungden (4,380m), Thame (3,800m), and Chhukung (4,730m), and showcases authentic Sherpa culture and remote Himalayan lifestyles. These regions provide a peaceful shelters from the more popular Everest Base Camp Trek route.
Delving Into The Themes Pertaining To Indian Medical Tourism.pdfanoop_g
People travelling across borders to seek medical, health and wellness treatment and therapies have been there for years. But, the trend of people travelling from developed countries to developing countries to obtain medical treatment has been an emerging phenomenon. Asian countries are the largest recipients of medical tourists from developed countries. India is also one of the preferred destinations for medical tourism. Hence, this paper aims to investigate the pertaining themes related to medical tourism in India. As a result, six pertaining themes could be reached using the secondary data obtained from previous studies. The study would help healthcare providers and policymakers to create a globally benchmarked healthcare ecosystem and devise corrective strategies for promoting medical tourism in India.
Unify Holidays | Best Bali Travel PackagesUnify Holidays
Discover the charm of Bali with Unify Holidays' Best Bali Travel Packages. Beautiful beaches and lush rice terraces beckon you in this tropical paradise with rich culture.
Whether it is a romantic honeymoon, adventure-filled getaway, or relaxing vacation, we have Bali travel packages with custom itineraries, luxurious accommodations, sightseeing, and easy transportation.
Sar Pass Trek: An Adventurer's Paradise in the HimalayasTrek Yaari
Sar Pass trek is one of the most exciting treks in Himachal Pradesh leading through the marvelous Parvati Valley. Trekking heads from Kasol through lovely trails and colorful forests, meadows and pretty tiny villages of Grahan and Min thach. The trail goes forward and reaches Nagaru and then the summit of the Sar Pass at about 4,100m, overlooking snow clad peaks and glaciers. Descending to Bhandak Thatch reveals peace such as one can ever see and beautiful views. This category of trekking has inclined ramp, some portion of snow fields and moderately tough terrains that can be suitable for adventure lovers. Sar Pass offers tremendous views of nature, adventure and the solicitous of snowy Himalayas.