Analog modulation refers to the process of transferring an analog baseband (low frequency) signal, like an audio or TV signal over a higher frequency signal such as a radio frequency band.
There are two ways to modulate an RF carrier:
Amplitude Modulation
In analog modulation, the amplitude of the carrier signal is made to follow that of the modulating signal. Several variants of amplitude modulation are used in practice. They are Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier (DSBSC) Modulation, Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier (SSBSC) Modulation and Vestigial Sideband Amplitude Modulation (VSBAM).
3. Introduction to Modulation
The purpose of a communication system is to transfer information from a source to a destination.
BUT !!!!
Noise in the system.
BW utilization
Base-band transmission
4. Base band signal: is the signal which occupies the frequency
band from 0 to W-Hz.
Modulation: is a process that causes shifting in the signal
frequency band.
is the process of changing one or more
properties ( Amplitude, frequency or phase) of the analog
carrier in proportion with the information signal.
Demodulation: is the reverse process of modulation and
converting the modulated carrier back to the original
What is Modulation?
5. Wireless communications can be achieved: smaller
antennas, longer distance, space communications
More signals can be transmitted: different radio frequencies
are used (Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)).
Different systems can be existed: different radio frequency
Stability and noise rejection.
= 3 108 =
= 100 諮 = 3000 km >> L 750 km
= 100 諮 = 3m >> L 75 cm
Why Modulation?
6. 1. Modulating difference.
2. Modulation types.
3. Frequency range.
4. Bandwidth.
5. Complexity.
6. Noise.
Parameters of Modulations
Three parameters are important for FM:
I. The carrier frequency.
II. The modulation ratio or index.
III. Bandwidth.
Three parameters are important for AM:
I. The carrier frequency.
II. The modulation ratio or index.
III. Bandwidth.
Three parameters are important for PM:
I. The carrier frequency.
II. The modulation ratio or index.
III. Bandwidth.
7. Types of Modulations
Transmitter Receiver
Demodulated Signal
Baseband Signal
(Modulating Signal)
Modulating signal
Modulated Signal
Carrier signal
9. Amplitude Modulation(AM)
In general m(t) will be a band of signals, for
example speech or video signals.
The carrier will be sin or cos trigonometric
function with frequency (fc)
The AM signal contains the DC, LSB, USB.
= 基 cos(2 + )
= 基+() cos(2 + )
基+() cos(2 + )
Modulation Index(m)
= 基 cos(2)
= 基 cos(2 )
s t = 基 + 基 cos(2) cos(2 )
s t = 基 1 +
cos(2) cos(2 )
s t = 基 1 + cos(2) cos(2 )
Modulation index=modulation depth= =
Amplitude sensitivity= =
16. Example
A carrier wave of frequency 10 MHz and peak value 10V is amplitude modulated
by a 5 KHz sine wave of amplitude 6V. Determine the modulation index and
amplitude of the side frequencies.
The side frequencies are 10.005MHz and 9.995MHz.
The amplitude of side frequencies is given by:
17. Example
Suppose you have a portable AM transmitter which needs to transmit an average power of 10 Watts
in each sideband when modulation depth m = 0.3. Assume that the transmitter is powered by a 12
Volt battery. Calculate the total consumed current from the battery.
10 Watt
444.44 Watt
444.44 + 10 + 10 = 464.44 Watt
Battery current = power/volt = 38.70 Ampere !!!! Large and heavy 12v battery
19. Angle Modulation
The instantaneous phase(angle)
The instantaneous frequency
The instantaneous phase deviation
The instantaneous frequency deviation
20. FM and PM Signals
Phase Modulation(PM)
Frequency Modulation(FM)
21. FM and PM Signals
AM signal
FM signal
PM signal
Information signal
Carrier signal
34. Armstrongs Method Example
NBFM Output:
At the Point A:
At the Point B:
At the Point C:
f= 500K 162 = 81 MHz
f= 81MHz - 77.97MHz= 3.03 MHz
f= 3.03MHz 30 = 90.9 MHz
f= 15.432 162 = 2499.98 Hz
f= 2499.98 Hz
f= 15.432 30 = 74999.52 Hz
= 75 KHz
35. Direct Method WBFM Modulator
The carrier frequency is directly varied by the input signal
This Can be accomplished by Voltage-Controlled Oscillator(VCO), whose output frequency is proportional to
The voltage of the input signal.
A VCO example: implemented by variable capacitor
36. Direct Method WBFM Modulator
The carrier frequency of VCO is NOT stable.
Feedback frequency stabilization circuit is required (complexity is increased)
37. FM Signal Demodulation
Indirect Method Direct Method
To recover the message m(t):
Need a circuit whose output is proportional to the difference
of the instantaneous frequency from the carrier frequency:
39. Phase Locked Loop(PLL)
A negative feedback system
Has many applications in communications:
Carrier synchronization:
Demodulation: e.g., DSB, FM
Frequency multiplication and division
Three main components:
Phase detector (Multiplier)
Loop filter: low pass filter
Voltage controlled oscillator(VCO): a FM system
Todays goal:
PLL for FM demodulation
40. FM Advantages over AM
Less radiated power
Less distortion effect
Smaller interference between neighboring stations
Well de鍖ned service areas
42. Comparison of AM and FM
Parameter AM FM
Origin AM method of audio transmission was first
successfully carried out in the mid 1870s.
FM radio was developed in the United states mainly
by Edwin Armstrong in the 1930s.
In AM, a radio wave known as the "carrier"
or "carrier wave" is modulated in amplitude
by the signal that is to be transmitted
In FM, a radio wave known as the "carrier" or
"carrier wave" is modulated in frequency by the
signal that is to be transmitted.
It is used in both analog and digital
communication and telemetry
It is used in both analog and digital communication
and telemetry
Frequency Range AM radio ranges from 535 to 1705 KHz (OR)
Up to 1200 Bits per second.
FM radio ranges in a higher spectrum from 88 to
108 MHz. (OR) 1200 to 2400 bits per second.
43. Comparison of AM and FM
Parameter AM FM
Twice the highest modulating frequency. Twice the sum of the modulating signal
frequency and the frequency deviation.
Complexity Transmitter and receiver are simple. Transmitter and receiver are more
complex.(i.e. voltage to frequency and
frequency to voltage conversion has to be
Noise AM is more susceptible to noise. FM is less susceptible to noise.
44. Comparison of FM and PM
1 The max frequency deviation
depends on amplitude of modulating
signal and its frequency
The max phase deviation depends
on amplitude of modulating signal
2 Frequency of the carrier is
modulated by modulating signal.
Phase of the carrier is modulated by
modulating signal.
3 Modulation index is increased as
modulation frequency is reduced
and vice versa.
Modulation index remains same if
modulating signal frequency is