Andrew Stockham received a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park. He then worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory recording and analyzing results from experiments on superconducting thin-films. Stockham gained experience in cleanroom operations and micro-optics fabrication design at MEMS Optical. He later worked as Product Development Manager, developing new design and analysis capabilities. At Aegis Technologies, Stockham supervised a multi-disciplinary engineering team and designed optics for a scene projector.
Attended the University
of Maryland, College
Majored in electrical
Maintained a 3.5 GPA
Member of Tau Beta Pi
and Eta Kappa Nu
Received a B.S. in
December 2000
Recorded, analyzed, and
reported results of
experiment on
superconducting thin-
Operated Ti:Sapphire
laser with regenerative
amplifier and low-
pressure cryostat
chamber with liquid
nitrogen cooling
Designed photomasks
for micro-optical
components fabrication
comprehensive logs
tracking mask
fabrication, cost, and
Gained experienced in A fully processed wafer with microstructures.
The wafer has dimensions of 100mm diameter
cleanroom operations by 1mm thick or more. However, the features
are only a few microns deep and perhaps only
hundreds of microns wide.
established laboratory
procedures for
characterization of
optical components
Performed first-ever
thermal testing of new
etalon design in Zerodur
Met my wife, Jessica,
whos pretty great
Added new design and
analysis capabilities
Developed a second source
for grayscale photomasks
Spearheaded development
of CaF2 optics
Worked my way up to
become Product
Development Manager
Responsible for RASP, an
$8M BAA, supervising a
multi-disciplinary team of
Designed optics for scene
Wrote null-biasing
algorithm for PIC
Had a baby
#4: I went to the University of Maryland, College Park, where I majored as a EE. Now, electrical engineering is a large umbrella that covers topics as diverse as computer science and power stations. I concentrated in optics. My first job was on-campus working with a professor at the Institute of Physical Sciences. This was a Ti:Sapphire laser lab, as the topic of ultra-short pulse lasers that could achieve a terawatt on a table-top was a very popular problem in the late 90s. I worked closely with his graduate students. I was the one who crawled under the table to drag out the vacuum pump when it stopped working. I worked in the metal shop to make the various clamps and things they needed to do their experiments.
#5: It was through those connections that I was able to get the job at Los Alamos working in a laser lab there. It was a great experience as I was able to conduct experiments even though I was only an undergrad at the time.
#6: I came back to finish school and I had taken all these optics courses, but at the same time I was fascinated by micro-technology and had the opportunity to take a microfab course during which we actually built transistors on a silicon wafer. For my senior thesis I needed a topic, and I thought, why not combine these two things, and write about micro-optics. So thats what I did, and during an internet search I typed in optical mems and up popped the website for MEMS Optical. So here was this group of guys down in Huntsville, Alabama, who were doing exactly what I wanted to do. I called them up and asked if they had any openings, and they said, As a matter of fact, we do. So thats how I got the job at MEMS Optical, and came to be doing micro-optics down in Huntsville, Alabama.
#7: I moved down there right after graduation, and went to work under David Brown, who was my mentor (great guy), and who taught me everything he knows. He was doing these grayscale photomasks, and he told me, Im sick of doing photomasks, Im going to teach you how to do the photomasks, and youre going to do them. So thats what I did when I first started. Eventually I learned how to do the physical optics design, the beam splitters, diffusers, and other diffractive optics using fourier optics. It was about this time that the telecom market went in the toilet.
#8: Now MEMS Optical had gotten a lot of venture capital funding, and had built a new building, bought a lot of equipment, hired a bunch of people. But the orders never materialized. So there were layoffs, and I was putting my resume out there. I found what I thought was a great opportunity to go back home to Maryland and work for a defense contractor their doing optics. Turned out not to be the right fit, so I called the guys up at MEMS Optical, and they told me, You know, as a matter of fact, David Brown has decided to go do missionary work in China, and we need someone to replace him. So I went back to work there, and became a senior optical engineer, doing all the classical optics design as well as the physical optics and the photomasks, so really the whole package.
#9: MEMS Optical was bought by Jenoptik in February 2006, and a lot of things changed then, only I didnt realize until much later. Kind of like how the frog in the pot doesnt realize the water has started boiling. Our quality manager passed away in late 2008, and I took over for him. I always felt that I had an intuitive understanding of quality. When I first went to work for David Brown, and we were both making photomasks it was very confusing. So I told him, Look, why dont we make a log, a simple excel spreadsheet with some hyperlinks, and well assign a unique identifier to each mask. You can access the log, and I can access the log, and that way well never assign the same number to two different masks. Here I was just out of college, 22 years old, I had never heard of quality or Deming, but I understood at an intuitive level that if you want to have an impact on something you need to be able to measure it. So by creating this log, we were able to collect a tremendous amount of data. We could see when we sent the mask, when we got the mask back, what vendor did we send it to, which tool did they write it on, and did the mask come back good or bad. Because, you see, the grayscale process is very finicky and not all the masks came back good. At that time, we were getting about 85% good masks, so 15% bad masks. So now that we had that data we could start to analyze and see why did the mask take so long to be written, if a mask came back bad, we could look at which tool it was written on, and see if there was something about that tool. It is one of my proudest achievements that by the time I left MEMS Optical, I was able to reduce the time it took to receive a mask back from 10 days to 6 days, the cost of mask from $2,500 to $1,250, and the quality of the masks from 85% good masks to 100% good masks.