Andy Core, M.S. Author/Speaker on Work-Life Balance, Productivity & Wellbeing ANDY CORE is a credentialed, award-winning thought leader on increasing employee engagement, productivity, and wellness motivation. His talent lies in helping hard-working, conscientious adults thrive at work and in their personal lives. Core has spent the past 15 years researching ways to become healthy, energized, and better equipped to thrive in todays hectic society. By doing so, he helps organizations build teams that cost less, have better attitudes, and accomplish more. Awards & Acclaim Voted Top5 Global Health/Healthcare Speakers for 2012 Voted Top 100 Productivity Experts to follow on Twitter for 2014 Co-host of the PBS affiliate television show Fighting Fat Awarded the 2005 Arkansas Governor's Outstanding Individual Leader in Fitness Books Change Your Day, Not Your Life A realistic guide to sustained motivation, more productivity and the art of working well (Release date: March 11, 2014) Healthy Motivation a little inspiration for your day Master Your Body the no-equipment necessary complete fitness program