The document discusses three types of animals: herbivores, which only eat plants; carnivores, which only eat other animals; and omnivores, which eat both plants and animals. Herbivores have specialized digestive systems to break down plants and include cows and buffalo. Carnivores depend solely on animal flesh for nutrients and include tigers and lions. Omnivores require a mix of plant and animal foods for health and reproduction, with examples being monkeys, bears, and humans.
2. There are three types of Animals
 Herbivores
 Carnivores
 Omnivores
3. Herbivores
 Animals that only eat plant.
 A herbivore is an animal that gets its energy from eating plants,
and only plants.
 Many herbivores have special digestive systems that let them
digest all kinds of plants, including grasses.
 Example: Cow, Buffalo
4. Carnivores
 Animals eat only other animals.
 A carnivore meaning ‘meat eater’
 Animals that depend on animal flesh for their nutrient
 Example:-Tiger, Lion
5. Omnivores
 Animals that eat both plants and animals
 An Omnivore, meaning ‘all-eater’
 Many omnivores depend on a suitable mix of animal and plant food for
long-term good health and reproduction
 Example:- Monkey, Bear, Human