This document discusses how various animals protect themselves through different characteristics and behaviors. Centipedes, scorpions, and porcupines have venomous stings or sharp spines to ward off enemies. Millipedes and bed bugs curl up or emit smells to avoid danger. Moths have eyespot markings on their wings for camouflage. Chameleons change color to blend in. Desert animals like camels, rhinos, and foxes have adaptations like humps, wallowing, and large ears to cope with heat. Polar bears, penguins, arctic foxes, seals and walruses have thick fur or layers of fat to stay warm in cold climates. Antarctic cods can
14. Desert foxes have long ears to lose
heat easily.
Desert birds make holes in cactus
15. Kangaroo rats keep fat in their tails. When there is no
water, the fat can be changed into water.
Most desert animals rest during the day to keep away from
16. Do you know the name of
animals that live in very
cold weather?
How do they survive?
17. Polar bears have thick furs to
enable them to live in very cold
18. Penguins have thick layers
of fat under their skins to
keep their bodies warm.
19. Arctic foxes sleep during
cold weather and cover
their bodies with their long
20. Animals like seals and
walruses have thick layers of
fat to keep themselves warm.
21. Do you know?
An antarctic cod can survive in
temperature as low as -19属C.
Its blood will not freeze because it
has a special substance.