The document discusses pollution and global warming. It notes that pollution from vehicles, airplanes, and industries emitting greenhouse gases like CO2 is contributing to global warming. Global warming is defined as a slow rise in Earth's surface temperature caused by greenhouse gases and other factors like deforestation and fossil fuel use. The effects of global warming include melting ice caps, warmer waters causing more hurricanes, and increased habitat loss as the Earth's temperature rises. While global warming cannot be stopped, it can be controlled by promoting afforestation, controlling industrial and vehicle pollution, and properly disposing of waste to reduce emissions. Urgent action is needed to address global warming for the benefit of future generations.
Job Interview Puzzles 2022 from The brainteaser, logical questions, puzzles are used at job interviews in It companies for engineering and managerial positions. These are the most interesting and difficult logical questions with the links to the answers.
This document contains a collection of quotes by various authors on topics related to software development and life lessons. Some of the quotes discuss the importance of experience over speed, making one's own judgments, seeking insight over just output, and the value of silence and discretion. Overall, the quotes provide words of wisdom from different thinkers.
This document contains a collection of quotes by various geeks and tech professionals. Some of the quotes discuss management and work habits, such as "The secret of getting started is to stop planning" and "Geek do not look for solitude, they avoid the hassles created by managers." Other quotes provide advice about problem solving and project execution, like "Either you solve a problem, or this is not your problem" and "Execution strategies: do / buy / delegete / forget." The document compiles over a dozen brief, witty sayings about the tech industry and life as a geek.
This document provides links to 20 different puzzles and logic problems on the Aplusclick website. The puzzles cover a range of topics and include food, sports, math, music, and more. Each link directs to a unique puzzle or problem for solving.
Project Portfolio Management is Managing several projects and coordinate them to achieve specific organizational objectives.
Examples show typical tasks of the Portfolio Managers, the key indicators, challenges, and tools they use to reach Strategic objectives. The samples from the project portfolio management simulation SimulTrain(R)+ explain how to manage complex portfolios and adapt to the changing environment.
GUESTIMATE methods are a combination of mathematics, statistics and common sense of getting meaningful results for decision making.
The most famous approach was suggested by Enrico Fermi. Mr. Fermi was convinced that an error of order of magnitude (up to ten times) can be accepted for certain problems.
There are many useful results can be obtained by using probability estimation.
Expected values are largely used in economics, business, finance, and opportunity choice.
Old fashion rule of thumb is a widely used approach among non-mathematicians.
Certain results can be obtained if we consider either limits or average values of variables.
Logical Puzzles for Geeks by Gerry Geek. The puzzles are a collection of funny questions, brainteasers and think-outside-the-box questions for curious mind. The full collection of the cards are at the website
Risk Management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events油or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
The same is explained by real example of managing project via project management simulator SimulTrain(R). Simultrain(R) prepares managers to confront risks in real projects. Major conclusion is showing how managers do it in real projects every day.
Similar to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (the Theory of Human Motivation), the Pyramid / Hierarchy of Skills is suggested. It includes 5 levels: Know, Play, Work, Solve, and Invent. Another classification includes roles: Student, Apprentice, Specialist, Expert, and Craftsman.
Hierarchy of competence is analysed for Unconscious / Conscious Competence / Incompetence.
"The craftsman represents the special human condition of being engaged." - Richard Sennett
The work is inspired by two books:
- Maslow A.H. A Theory of Human Motivation
- Sennett R. The Craftsman. 2008.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Engineers try to have high-strength, high ductility, high crack resistance, and faultless structures. The most reliable approach is "No cracks - no problems,"
When all is not possible, there are different methods of prevention of catastrophic failure: increase crack resistance by ductile material, by local heating; decrease SIF by placing holes on the crack path, by patching, by stiffing elements or by using composite materials. "Leak-before-break" is an effective strategy to prevent catastrophic failure of pressure vessels. It is better to allow a semi-elliptical crack to grow through the wall and to detect it by leaking than to have the dynamic start and failure of the whole vessel. There are two characteristics of the material: crack resistance for semi-elliptical crack and crack resistance for through crack.
Structural Integrity Analysis features a collection of selected topics on structural design, safety, reliability, redundancy, strength, material science, mechanical properties of materials, composite materials, welds, finite element analysis, stress concentration, failure mechanisms and criteria. The engineering approaches focus on understanding and concept visualization rather than theoretical reasoning. The structural engineering profession plays a key role in the assurance of safety of technical systems such as metallic structures, buildings, machines, and transport. The chapter 9 explains the engineering fundamentals of composite materials and structures. Copyright 2013 Igor Kokcharov, Andrey Burov
Structural Integrity Analysis: Chapter 3 Mechanical Properties of MaterialsIgor Kokcharov
Structural Integrity Analysis features a collection of selected topics on structural design, safety, reliability, redundancy, strength, material science, mechanical properties of materials, composite materials, welds, finite element analysis, stress concentration, failure mechanisms and criteria. The engineering approaches focus on understanding and concept visualization rather than theoretical reasoning. The structural engineering profession plays a key role in the assurance of safety of technical systems such as metallic structures, buildings, machines, and transport. The third chapter explains the engineering tests and fundamentals of mechanical properties of materials.
Structural Integrity Analysis features a collection of selected topics on structural design, safety, reliability, redundancy, strength, material science, mechanical properties of materials, composite materials, welds, finite element analysis, stress concentration, failure mechanisms and criteria. The engineering approaches focus on understanding and concept visualization rather than theoretical reasoning. The structural engineering profession plays a key role in the assurance of safety of technical systems such as metallic structures, buildings, machines, and transport. The first chapter explains the engineering fundamentals of stress analysis.
A+Click Short Math Situations STS includes 100 short math puzzles and problems.
SMS stands for Short Math Situation.
Dont confuse with SMS (Short Message Service), which is used as an acronym for all types of short text messaging. The last one is the most widely used data application in the world with several billion active users.
If the length of the SMS text messages is limited to 140 characters, the Short Math Situation questions are limited to 64 characters. Everything should be made as short as possible, but no shorter.
This document presents 10 math word problems related to practical scenarios involving heartbeats, time spent shaving, handshakes at a conference, distributing roses to dancing partners, calculating real age from a description excluding weekends and months, comparing group completion of a project, and comparing production of mentors and apprentices. Each problem is accompanied by a link to an answer and the full document encourages downloading a free e-book with more practical math problems.
Seven Sins, Seven Jokes, and Seven Riddles is a collection of the best phrases in the project management life. The riddles are taken from the book Math Puzzles for MBAs by Igor Kokcharov. The book features a collection of challenging math puzzles that people with masters of business administration degrees, project managers, and entrepreneurs encounter in real life. The book includes the following topics: Business (Scope), Money (Cost), Time (Scheduling), Risk, and People (Project Resources).
Prime Biome USA Store Experiances and Where to Buy.docxayazzaidan484
Prime Biome is a large geographical area characterized by specific climate conditions, plants, animals, and other organisms. These ecosystems are often categorized into distinct types, such as forests, deserts, grasslands, tundras, and aquatic environments. Among these, the term "prime biome" is often used to describe the most prominent and biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth, which play a crucial role in sustaining life. In this article, we will explore the concept of prime biomes and delve into some of the most extraordinary examples found around the globe.
From Firework to Spacewalk: The Truth Behind Katy Perrys Extraterrestrial Ru...mohammadasim74
Katy Perrys Cosmic Secret: Is Pops Superstar Really Heading to the Stars?"
Uncover the rumors, plans, and possibilities behind her potential space-bound journey.
Convert Videos to MP3 with the Best Music Player for AndroidRocks Music Player
Looking for the Best MP3 player with a powerful Video to MP3 converter? The Rocks Music Player is the ultimate solution for music lovers. This app not only delivers high-quality audio playback but also comes with a built-in MP4 to MP3 Player that allows you to extract audio from videos effortlessly.
This document provides links to 20 different puzzles and logic problems on the Aplusclick website. The puzzles cover a range of topics and include food, sports, math, music, and more. Each link directs to a unique puzzle or problem for solving.
Project Portfolio Management is Managing several projects and coordinate them to achieve specific organizational objectives.
Examples show typical tasks of the Portfolio Managers, the key indicators, challenges, and tools they use to reach Strategic objectives. The samples from the project portfolio management simulation SimulTrain(R)+ explain how to manage complex portfolios and adapt to the changing environment.
GUESTIMATE methods are a combination of mathematics, statistics and common sense of getting meaningful results for decision making.
The most famous approach was suggested by Enrico Fermi. Mr. Fermi was convinced that an error of order of magnitude (up to ten times) can be accepted for certain problems.
There are many useful results can be obtained by using probability estimation.
Expected values are largely used in economics, business, finance, and opportunity choice.
Old fashion rule of thumb is a widely used approach among non-mathematicians.
Certain results can be obtained if we consider either limits or average values of variables.
Logical Puzzles for Geeks by Gerry Geek. The puzzles are a collection of funny questions, brainteasers and think-outside-the-box questions for curious mind. The full collection of the cards are at the website
Risk Management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events油or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
The same is explained by real example of managing project via project management simulator SimulTrain(R). Simultrain(R) prepares managers to confront risks in real projects. Major conclusion is showing how managers do it in real projects every day.
Similar to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (the Theory of Human Motivation), the Pyramid / Hierarchy of Skills is suggested. It includes 5 levels: Know, Play, Work, Solve, and Invent. Another classification includes roles: Student, Apprentice, Specialist, Expert, and Craftsman.
Hierarchy of competence is analysed for Unconscious / Conscious Competence / Incompetence.
"The craftsman represents the special human condition of being engaged." - Richard Sennett
The work is inspired by two books:
- Maslow A.H. A Theory of Human Motivation
- Sennett R. The Craftsman. 2008.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Engineers try to have high-strength, high ductility, high crack resistance, and faultless structures. The most reliable approach is "No cracks - no problems,"
When all is not possible, there are different methods of prevention of catastrophic failure: increase crack resistance by ductile material, by local heating; decrease SIF by placing holes on the crack path, by patching, by stiffing elements or by using composite materials. "Leak-before-break" is an effective strategy to prevent catastrophic failure of pressure vessels. It is better to allow a semi-elliptical crack to grow through the wall and to detect it by leaking than to have the dynamic start and failure of the whole vessel. There are two characteristics of the material: crack resistance for semi-elliptical crack and crack resistance for through crack.
Structural Integrity Analysis features a collection of selected topics on structural design, safety, reliability, redundancy, strength, material science, mechanical properties of materials, composite materials, welds, finite element analysis, stress concentration, failure mechanisms and criteria. The engineering approaches focus on understanding and concept visualization rather than theoretical reasoning. The structural engineering profession plays a key role in the assurance of safety of technical systems such as metallic structures, buildings, machines, and transport. The chapter 9 explains the engineering fundamentals of composite materials and structures. Copyright 2013 Igor Kokcharov, Andrey Burov
Structural Integrity Analysis: Chapter 3 Mechanical Properties of MaterialsIgor Kokcharov
Structural Integrity Analysis features a collection of selected topics on structural design, safety, reliability, redundancy, strength, material science, mechanical properties of materials, composite materials, welds, finite element analysis, stress concentration, failure mechanisms and criteria. The engineering approaches focus on understanding and concept visualization rather than theoretical reasoning. The structural engineering profession plays a key role in the assurance of safety of technical systems such as metallic structures, buildings, machines, and transport. The third chapter explains the engineering tests and fundamentals of mechanical properties of materials.
Structural Integrity Analysis features a collection of selected topics on structural design, safety, reliability, redundancy, strength, material science, mechanical properties of materials, composite materials, welds, finite element analysis, stress concentration, failure mechanisms and criteria. The engineering approaches focus on understanding and concept visualization rather than theoretical reasoning. The structural engineering profession plays a key role in the assurance of safety of technical systems such as metallic structures, buildings, machines, and transport. The first chapter explains the engineering fundamentals of stress analysis.
A+Click Short Math Situations STS includes 100 short math puzzles and problems.
SMS stands for Short Math Situation.
Dont confuse with SMS (Short Message Service), which is used as an acronym for all types of short text messaging. The last one is the most widely used data application in the world with several billion active users.
If the length of the SMS text messages is limited to 140 characters, the Short Math Situation questions are limited to 64 characters. Everything should be made as short as possible, but no shorter.
This document presents 10 math word problems related to practical scenarios involving heartbeats, time spent shaving, handshakes at a conference, distributing roses to dancing partners, calculating real age from a description excluding weekends and months, comparing group completion of a project, and comparing production of mentors and apprentices. Each problem is accompanied by a link to an answer and the full document encourages downloading a free e-book with more practical math problems.
Seven Sins, Seven Jokes, and Seven Riddles is a collection of the best phrases in the project management life. The riddles are taken from the book Math Puzzles for MBAs by Igor Kokcharov. The book features a collection of challenging math puzzles that people with masters of business administration degrees, project managers, and entrepreneurs encounter in real life. The book includes the following topics: Business (Scope), Money (Cost), Time (Scheduling), Risk, and People (Project Resources).
Prime Biome USA Store Experiances and Where to Buy.docxayazzaidan484
Prime Biome is a large geographical area characterized by specific climate conditions, plants, animals, and other organisms. These ecosystems are often categorized into distinct types, such as forests, deserts, grasslands, tundras, and aquatic environments. Among these, the term "prime biome" is often used to describe the most prominent and biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth, which play a crucial role in sustaining life. In this article, we will explore the concept of prime biomes and delve into some of the most extraordinary examples found around the globe.
From Firework to Spacewalk: The Truth Behind Katy Perrys Extraterrestrial Ru...mohammadasim74
Katy Perrys Cosmic Secret: Is Pops Superstar Really Heading to the Stars?"
Uncover the rumors, plans, and possibilities behind her potential space-bound journey.
Convert Videos to MP3 with the Best Music Player for AndroidRocks Music Player
Looking for the Best MP3 player with a powerful Video to MP3 converter? The Rocks Music Player is the ultimate solution for music lovers. This app not only delivers high-quality audio playback but also comes with a built-in MP4 to MP3 Player that allows you to extract audio from videos effortlessly.
Information of a Music Composer.... By PW.snehsoham
Hi Everyone, This is Palash Wani. I have tried to make a Power Point Presentation about Alan Walker which is just for entertainment where people can know about him. I hope all the people would see my presentation. Thanks.
best iptv services of 2025 real reviews real choices (dezor iptv)chris move
Finding the best IPTV services can feel like navigating a maze. With countless options popping up, making a smart choice becomes crucial. This article dives into the landscape of best IPTV 2025, providing insights based on real reviews and user experiences. We're exploring what makes a top IPTV service provider stand out, focusing on factors like reliability, content variety, and user-friendliness.
Wendy Williams Net Worth_ A Rollercoaster Ride Through Talk Show Fame and For...voice ofarticle
Wendy Williams. That name alone conjures up a whirlwind of images: the iconic "Hot Topics" segment, the candid interviews, and, let's be real, the sheer, unapologetic realness that made her a daytime television staple. But behind the glitz and glamour, there's a story of hard work, resilience, and, of course, the ever-fluctuating "Wendy williams net worth." It's a tale that's as captivating and unpredictable as Wendy herself. We're not just talking about cold, hard numbers here. We're talking about the journey, the highs and lows, and the sheer grit it took to build an empire.
Best IPTV Services Provider Top Choice for 4k Streamingdorothymcalister2
Key Features of IPTV Subscription:
Live TV Streaming: Watch live broadcasts of news, sports, or entertainment channels.
Video on Demand (VOD): Access a library of movies and TV shows to watch whenever you want.
Time-Shifted Content: Pause, rewind, or watch previously aired shows (Catch-Up TV).
High-Quality Streaming: Often includes HD or 4K resolution options, depending on the provider and your internet connection.
Device Compatibility: Works on a range of devices, including Smart TVs, streaming boxes (like Roku or Amazon Fire Stick), and mobile devices.
5 Best IPTV Services February 2025 (New List with Poll)dorothymcalister2
Choosing the Best IPTV Service Provider in 2025
With countless IPTV providers available, its essential to consider factors like content variety, streaming quality, customer support, and pricing before making a decision. Look for services with stable servers, anti-freezing technology, 24/7 customer support, and a user-friendly interface to enhance your viewing experience.
What is IPTV?
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is a digital streaming service that delivers television content over the internet rather than through traditional cable or satellite. IPTV offers greater flexibility, a wider content selection, and often better video quality compared to conventional broadcasting methods.
Why Choose a High-Quality IPTV Service?
Selecting the best IPTV provider ensures a seamless and enjoyable viewing experience. Some key benefits include:
High-Resolution Streaming Enjoy content in 4K Ultra HD, Full HD, or HD quality for a superior viewing experience.
Reliable Performance A good IPTV service minimizes buffering, lag, and downtime.
Extensive Content Library Access live TV channels, sports events, movies, TV shows, and on-demand content.
Multi-Device Compatibility Stream on smart TVs, Android/iOS devices, Firestick, Roku, and more.
Premium Features Some IPTV services offer DVR functionality, multi-screen viewing, and electronic program guides (EPG).
Experience Luxury at Cloud 22 Dubais Sky-High OasisCaptain Dunes
Soak in breathtaking views at Cloud 22, Dubais exclusive rooftop paradise. Enjoy infinity pools, luxury lounges, and a world-class ambiance in the heart of the city.