The lesson plan focuses on having kindergarten students write a report about an apple using their five senses by allowing each student to choose an apple to observe, discussing the senses, and guiding them through measuring and describing their apple which will then be compiled into a class book. The lesson aims to teach students about living vs non-living things and measurement tools while applying their knowledge of the five senses and developing language and writing skills through creating an individual report on their apple.
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Apple Report.Lesson Plan
1. Lesson Plan
Lesson Title Subject Area Grade Level Unit Title Benchmarks
Apple Report Math/Science Kindergarten Living/Non-living K.8.3 (Math)
5 Senses Use of measurement
K.2 (Science)
Living vs. Non-living
K.3 (Science)
Five Senses
Objectives Hook for students Assessment
Students will Let each student Observation Keri Powell
write a report on choose an apple February 2008
an apple. out of a basket. Knowledge &
application of the
Make a class 5 senses;
book. understanding of
Sequence of Activities
1. This lesson is ideally for small group/centers.
2. Allow each student to choose an apple out of a basket. The apples should be a variety of
colors (yellow, red, green).
3. Discuss the 5 senses and apply them to the apple. This should be an open discussion,
where the teacher praises word choices and thoughts. Use the attached 5 senses poster,
or one of your own.
4. Walk students through the completion of the apple report.
a. Color identification, color word recognition
b. Measuring height w/ unifix cubes
c. Measuring circumference w/ a string
d. Weighing with a balance scale
e. Vocabulary for how an apple tastes
5. When finished, students can draw a picture of their apple.
6. Compile all of the reports and make a class book!