In an even more global world, undergoing a process of major changes in paradigms, GetEasy Limited has emerged. An innovative company specialised in the commercialisation of products and services, which is prominent on the world market under the Commodate concept. . Commodate is not a new concept but it is one of the latest market trends, annually generating around 100,000 M in revenue. It can be summarised as being a bilateral, free-of-charge agreement whereby one of the parties (the bailer) provides the other (bailee) with the temporary use of an object (movable or immovable), through delivery, with the obligation to return it and in our case a service agreement is always attached. . Since its start GetEasy has built a partnership with the best development, technology and production companies from various business areas, thereby ensuring its positioning as a leading company. . Our line of products that we are presenting is GetEasy Tracker, products in the field of the location of vehicles, people, animals, cargo, containers, fixed or mobile assets, amongst other options. The ideal technology for any monitoring or management in real time. Other product lines are already being prepared with a view to launch in the second half of 2014. . We are convinced that people are the most most valuable asset of any company or institution and this is why we have adopted Market Networks and Relationship Marketing as our main expansion strategy. . If you are interested in taking a major step forward in your life, or if you are looking for a way of complementing your current income, in GetEasy you have a sound, sustainable and reliable solution which will undoubtedly allow you to look towards the future with renewed hope. . Join our team and be part of this revolution because, definitely Now its your turn!