What We Can Learn From Gordon Ramsay To Design Better ProductsJay Heal
A look at the formula used by Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and how this is a great example of Design Thinking. He would make a great User Experience designer
How to Convince Mobile Gamers to Use Mobile VRWendelin Reich
This document discusses how to convince mobile gamers to use mobile VR. It outlines that different groups seek different value propositions in adopting new technologies. Early adopters seek novelty, rational reasons, and status, but can be put off by poor design, friction, limited functionality, or changed habits. The document then analyzes player types from a study, including mercenaries, companions, patterners, explorers, solvers, technicians, and commanders. It argues that an accessible AI-driven virtual pet simulation with free movement in an open world could appeal to different player types and help convince mobile gamers to use VR.
This document provides information on a Derrick 200 DR 5/10 crane with serial number 51 204 and year of construction 2013. It includes specifications such as dimensions, capacities, and components. Safety instructions are provided, noting that the crane should only be operated by trained personnel and for its intended uses. Proper maintenance and inspections are required to ensure safe use.
This document discusses hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of nausea and vomiting that affects 0.3-2.0% of pregnancies. It is characterized by severe, prolonged nausea and vomiting leading to weight loss of over 5% of pre-pregnancy weight. The cause is unknown but may involve high levels of hCG, estrogen and thyroid hormones. Risk factors include previous hyperemesis, obesity, multiples, and being a primigravida. Diagnosis involves assessing dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and ruling out other causes. Management includes antiemetics, IV hydration, thiamine supplementation, and in severe cases terminating the pregnancy.
The Urban League provides various volunteer and education programs to help African Americans and other community members. Last year, 989 volunteers contributed over 19,000 hours of service worth $436,637. The Urban League's programs served over 4,600 people directly and another 10,000 through outreach. Their mission is to ensure communities of color are educated, employed, and empowered through programs like academic tutoring, job training, career fairs, and community engagement activities.
Dokumen tersebut berisi tentang identitas siswa bernama Tuti Aryani yang sedang melaksanakan prakerin di PT Indocitra Widhitam Industries yang bergerak di bidang kabel listrik dan telepon. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan jadwal, tujuan, manfaat dan pengalaman selama prakerin.
Este documento describe los paquetes integrales y sus caracterÃsticas. Un paquete integral incluye varias aplicaciones agrupadas para proveer un servicio completo al cliente. Ejemplos son LibreOffice y Microsoft Office. Las caracterÃsticas incluyen ser autocontenidos con tutoriales y ayuda, interactivos permitiendo interacción con el usuario, y configurables para adaptarse a diferentes hardware. Los paquetes incrementan la productividad en las organizaciones y permiten tomar mejores decisiones.
This document discusses hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of nausea and vomiting that affects 0.3-2.0% of pregnancies. It is characterized by severe, prolonged nausea and vomiting leading to weight loss of over 5% of pre-pregnancy weight. The cause is unknown but may involve high levels of hCG, estrogen and thyroid hormones. Risk factors include previous hyperemesis, obesity, multiples, and being a primigravida. Diagnosis involves assessing dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and ruling out other causes. Management includes antiemetics, IV hydration, thiamine supplementation, and in severe cases terminating the pregnancy.
The Urban League provides various volunteer and education programs to help African Americans and other community members. Last year, 989 volunteers contributed over 19,000 hours of service worth $436,637. The Urban League's programs served over 4,600 people directly and another 10,000 through outreach. Their mission is to ensure communities of color are educated, employed, and empowered through programs like academic tutoring, job training, career fairs, and community engagement activities.
Dokumen tersebut berisi tentang identitas siswa bernama Tuti Aryani yang sedang melaksanakan prakerin di PT Indocitra Widhitam Industries yang bergerak di bidang kabel listrik dan telepon. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan jadwal, tujuan, manfaat dan pengalaman selama prakerin.
Este documento describe los paquetes integrales y sus caracterÃsticas. Un paquete integral incluye varias aplicaciones agrupadas para proveer un servicio completo al cliente. Ejemplos son LibreOffice y Microsoft Office. Las caracterÃsticas incluyen ser autocontenidos con tutoriales y ayuda, interactivos permitiendo interacción con el usuario, y configurables para adaptarse a diferentes hardware. Los paquetes incrementan la productividad en las organizaciones y permiten tomar mejores decisiones.