Complimentary colors are those directly across from each other on the color wheel and create the most contrast when used together, such as red and green or blue and orange. Arbitrary colors have no natural relation to the subject but may have emotional significance, like a blue horse or purple cat. The document instructs students to return to a found color image, examine its use of color more closely using terms like complimentary and color harmonies, and write a description for their portfolio analyzing the colors in the artwork.
3. Arbitrary Colors
• Have no realistic or natural relation to the
object that is depicted
• But may have emotional significance
• Such as in a blue horse or a purple cat
6. Assignment
Part Two Continued
Return to your found image on the
internet in color.
Examine the color image in more
depth. Use terms and color harmonies
to describe the use of color in the
Write about the color of the artwork
using the terms you learned today.
This assignment is an ongoing project
that will develop over the semester.
Once completed this piece of writing
will be submitted to your portfolio.