Ariana is an 11-year-old girl who lives in Costa de los Pinos. She has short wavy blond hair, small eyes, a small nose, and a small mouth. Her favorite foods include spaghetti, chicken, and pizza, while she dislikes onions, carrots, and fish. Her favorite place in Costa de los Pinos is the local beach. She enjoys playing football and basketball but does not like handball or watching TV. Her favorite animal is the cheetah.
2. ● My name is
Ariana.I'm 11 years
old.I have got short
wavy blond hair, small
eyes, a small nose,
and a small mouth.
3. ●
My favorite food
are spagueti and
chicken.I love
squid.I like
pizza and
salad.I don't
like onions and
carrots , and I
hate fish.
4. ● I live in Costa de los
Pinos .There are twoo
houses and internet
cafes.There is a
restaurant, a beach
and a famous
hotel.My favorite
place is the beach.
5. ●
I like playing bowling
and basketball.I don't
like playing handball
or watching TV.My
favorite hobby is
playing football a the
sports centre.
6. ● When I was 5 my
favorite food was
pizza.My favorite toy
were ball and my
favorite hobbies were
listen to music and
play tennis.
7. ● My favorite animal is a
cheetah.It is black an
yellow.It has got hair, a
long tail , two arms
,small eyes , two legs
and small ears .It lives
in the jungle .It can run ,
but I can't jump.
the cheetah can run
faster than any other
land animal-as fast a
112 a 120 K per hora.