3. 弌坑Y垢恬片 川椰批
? 容]汐Articulate Studio 09
? IS斌 Amazon
? 竃井芙 Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
? 竃井晩豚2009定06埖18晩
? x宀ur4w磯佛佛
? Z冱采⇔
? 毅1024 (掲械搾)
? 協r(胆圷)40圷W揃r29圷
4. 弌坑Y垢恬片 川椰批
Articulate 09
翌 縮圄r鯉
Company Accelebrate
Website http://www.accelebrate.com/articulate_training/default.htm
Duration 2 days (training class is 70% hands-on, 30% lecture)
Pricing 厘誼s胆署 $1000 恣嘔
5. 弌坑Y垢恬片 川椰批
Articulate 09
翌 縮圄r鯉
Company Accelebrate
Website http://www.interactiveadvantage.com/articulate-classes.html
Duration 14 hours
Pricing $1095 US
other limited to less than 10 people per class
Y創輳 http://www.interactiveadvantage.com/articulate-classes.html#schedule
6. 弌坑Y垢恬片 川椰批
Articulate 09
翌 縮圄r鯉
Company Articulate
environment Web-Based
Website http://www.articulate.com/support/training/
Duration custom
Price: $199 per session (胆署)
Duration: One hour per session
$199 for single sessions, $899 for a 5-pack or
$1,499 for a 10-pack
other limited to less than 10 people per class
Y創輳 http://www.interactiveadvantage.com/articulate-classes.html#schedule