This document provides safety information for a fertilizer product called Rooter. It contains the following key details:
- Rooter is an EC fertilizer solution containing phosphoric acid as the main hazardous component.
- It can cause severe skin and eye damage upon contact. Proper protective equipment should be worn when handling.
- In the event of accidental skin or eye exposure, immediate first aid measures such as rinsing with water are recommended.
- The product should be stored in its original labeled container away from food and animal feed at temperatures above -10属C.
El 辿bola es una enfermedad viral mortal transmitida a trav辿s del contacto con animales infectados o con humanos enfermos. Los s鱈ntomas incluyen fiebre, dolor muscular, debilidad y diarrea. No existe una cura conocida, pero los tratamientos experimentales incluyen l鱈quidos intravenosos y ox鱈geno. El diagn坦stico se realiza mediante pruebas de sangre para detectar anticuerpos o el virus.
This safety data sheet provides information on Balear 720 SC, a fungicide product containing the active ingredient chlorothalonil. It identifies the product and company details, lists the product classification according to EU regulations including serious eye damage and skin sensitization hazards. It provides guidance on first aid measures in case of exposure and instructions for safe handling and storage of the product.
Rango速 es un herbicida antigram鱈neo de postemergencia que ofrece un amplio control de malas hierbas anuales y perennes en diversos cultivos de hoja ancha. Absorci坦n r叩pida a trav辿s de las hojas y alta efectividad con una larga persistencia en el campo. Proporciona un control econ坦mico de malas hierbas como rebrotes de cereal, avena loca, bromo y otras gram鱈neas.
Este documento lista diferentes tipos de arritmias cardiacas incluyendo taquicardia sinusal, fibrilaci坦n auricular, fluter auricular, taquicardia ventricular, fibrilaci坦n ventricular y bradicardia sinusal.