Visuelle Protokolle der SMW Konferenz am 2.2. im Festsaal Kreuzberg.
Keynote: Digitaler Streit - Strukturen, Formen, Visionen
Dr. Max Senges, Google
Privat in Social - Plattform- vs Nutzerverantwortung
Alexander Korth (Make Customers Friends) Jodok Batlogg (Studi VZ) Falk Lüke (Verbraucherzentrale) Markus Angermeier (Moderation)
"Web 1.0 + Web 2.0 = ?" Was lernen wir aus 15 Jahren Web?
Till Behnke (betterplace), Axel Ruselius, Heiko Hebig (Moderation)
Community Manager aus der Praxis - Konflikte, Formen, Dramaturgien, L?sungen
Teresa Bücker (der Freitag), Nicole Paschke (PANORAMA3000), Nadine Freischlad (Jovoto), Roman H?nsler (Aka Aki) Moderation: Thomas Kasper (Autor, Chefredakteur Community
Social Media Marketing - Die neuen Spielregeln des Social Web
Johnny Haeusler (Gründer Spreeblick Verlag), Nico Lumma (Director Social Media Scholz & Friends), Bj?rn Ognibeni (Freier Berater, u.a. Jung von Matt), Volker Ga?ner (Leiter Presse, PR und New Media Greenpeace) Moderation: Tobias Kaufmann
Streitgespr?ch: Chancen und Risiken von Social Media für Medien, Politik und Gesellschaft
Sascha Lobo Hajo Schumacher Moderation: D?rthe Eickelberg
Creative Commons-Lizenz:
5 consejos para alquilar un piso de playa - MiAsesor - InfografíaMiAsesor
Infografía de MiAsesor en la que te damos 5 consejos para alquilar un piso de playa y no tener problemas en verano.
Cordiolli perspectiva da produc?a?o independente de audiovisual no brasil -...Marcos Cordiolli
Marcos Cordiolli é assessor da diretoria da ANCINE. O documento apresenta seu currículo, que inclui gradua??o em História, mestrado em História e Filosofia da Educa??o, e experiência como consultor do Plano Nacional de Educa??o. O documento também resume os principais aspectos da Lei 12.485/2011, que regulamenta a TV por assinatura no Brasil.
OpenScape Voice là gi?i pháp softswitch cao c?p nh?t c?a Siemens h? tr? ??n 100.000.000 thuê bao trên m?t h? th?ng ??n và h? tr? qu?n l? ??n 3000 chi nhánh cùng v?i kho?ng h?n 5000 SIP Trunk.
OpenScape Voice ???c thi?t k? ch?y ??n node ??m b?o h? th?ng lu?n lu?n ?n ??nh ? m?c cao nh?t.
OpenScape Voice ch?y trên h? ?i?u hành SUSE Linux và database SolidDB c?a IBM. Ki?n trúc thi?t k? h? th?ng ???c s? d?ng t? thi?t k? dòng Surpass dành cho Carrier nên ?? ?n ??nh và kh? n?ng ch?u l?i r?t cao.
OpenScape Voice là gi?i pháp s? d?ng giao th?c chính là SIP cho phép k?t n?i d? dàng v?i các h?ng th? ba trong m?t gi?i pháp tích h?p chung.
OpenScape Voice cho phép qu?n l? ??n 3000 chi nhánh, ?i?m giao d?ch ???c ??t theo tên g?i nh?. M?i chi nhánh, ?i?m giao d?ch có th? ???c ph?n quy?n cho IT t?i v? trí ?ó ?? IT có th? c?u hình tính n?ng cho thuê bao, c?u hình ??nh tuy?n ….
The document discusses how organizations can prepare for changing market conditions by establishing a clear vision, values, and mission to guide their strategic direction. It emphasizes the importance of regularly evaluating growth assumptions, analyzing critical events, and scenario planning to manage risks and ensure the organization can adapt when market winds change by adjusting their sails accordingly.
Yakult Danone India is a joint venture between Yakult Honsha and Groupe Danone to manufacture and sell probiotic products in India. Yakult, a probiotic drink, was launched in 2007 and is manufactured in Sonepat, Haryana. As pioneers in probiotics, Yakult has research capabilities in probiotics and their health benefits. Their operations follow strict quality control measures and they distribute primarily through a network of women delivering bottles door-to-door. Key challenges include building awareness of probiotics and maintaining proper temperature control during storage and distribution.
Female Leadership presentation for Leadership in Comm course summarizes Research Paper findings. Fall 2007. Powerpoint by Heidi Paruta. (Tonya Stansel contributed half the information for slides, and put together paper handed in)
Work Life Balance for Passionate Developers - Full Stack Toronto 2015 EditionJoshua Warren
‘Work-life balance’ is touted in job postings everywhere - but what does it really mean? If you’re a passionate developer that’s excited about the technology you work with every day, you probably spend a fair bit of time outside of the office doing something that looks a lot like what you do at work. Even if you’re excited about your work, it’s important to find ways to rest, recharge and disconnect periodically. After spending 6 years building a team of passionate developers, I’ve learned that everyone approaches work-life balance differently, with vastly different results.
Beyond the Culture Deck: What you don't already know about NetflixMike McGarr
A significant chunk of DevOps rhetoric centers around “unicorn” companies like Netflix, Etsy, Facebook and many more. They are held up as the models enterprises should emulate. But what makes a place like Netflix so special? What does life inside a unicorn company look like? Is the famous Netflix culture deck true to life or just hype? Most importantly, what lessons can I take back to my employer?
In this talk, I’ll share with you the reality of working at Netflix. I’ll share details about how people work at Netflix, how we communicate, how we are organized, how work is prioritized, how we manage risk, how we build teams and how our culture plays a central role in everything we do. Lastly, Mike will share what are the important lessons that every manager and executive should learn about Netflix’s culture.
The Policy Lab change cards help teams to challenge their assumptions and think differently about problems. We use them to help generate new ideas for policy.
Overcoming problems implementing cloud based dev ops for distributed agile pr...Tom Stiehm
Cloud-base development, delivery and deployment are the future of IT operations. Getting to the Cloud and conducting the business of IT there is a journey of change and growth to an IT Organization. Discover potential problems and their solutions based the experiences in developing Cloud-Based operations for multiple large, distributed projects in a variety of challenging environments. Overcoming these challenges is the key to successful adoption of Cloud DevOps and realizing the operational and productivity gains of the Cloud. Learn the hard earned lessons we learned from creating successful DevOps projects using Cloud Technology.
办理原版成绩单加拿大文凭道格拉斯学院成绩单?【q薇1954292140】复刻成绩单加拿大道格拉斯学院毕业证(Douglas毕业证书)学位证书不见了怎么办 道格拉斯学院毕业证办理,一比一原版加拿大道格拉斯学院文凭办理,加拿大道格拉斯学院成绩单办理和真实留信认证、留服认证、道格拉斯学院学历认证。学院文凭定制,道格拉斯学院原版文凭补办,扫描件文凭定做,100%文凭复刻。【q薇1954292140】Buy Douglas College Diploma购买美国毕业证,购买英国毕业证,购买澳洲毕业证,购买加拿大毕业证,以及德国毕业证,购买法国毕业证(q薇1954292140)购买荷兰毕业证、购买瑞士毕业证、购买日本毕业证、购买韩国毕业证、购买新西兰毕业证、购买新加坡毕业证、购买西班牙毕业证、购买马来西亚毕业证等。包括了本科毕业证,硕士毕业证。
1、在校期间因各种原因未能顺利毕业《Douglas成绩单工艺详解》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】《Buy Douglas College Transcript快速办理道格拉斯学院教育部学历认证书毕业文凭证书》,拿不到官方毕业证;
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2:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供认证《Douglas成绩单购买办理道格拉斯学院毕业证书范本》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】Buy Douglas College Diploma《正式成绩单论文没过》有文凭却得不到认证。又该怎么办???加拿大毕业证购买,加拿大文凭购买,
帮您解决在加拿大道格拉斯学院未毕业难题(Douglas College)文凭购买、毕业证购买、大学文凭购买、大学毕业证购买、买文凭、日韩文凭、英国大学文凭、美国大学文凭、澳洲大学文凭、加拿大大学文凭(q薇1954292140)新加坡大学文凭、新西兰大学文凭、爱尔兰文凭、西班牙文凭、德国文凭、教育部认证,买毕业证,毕业证购买,买大学文凭,购买日韩毕业证、英国大学毕业证、美国大学毕业证、澳洲大学毕业证、加拿大大学毕业证(q薇1954292140)新加坡大学毕业证、新西兰大学毕业证、爱尔兰毕业证、西班牙毕业证、德国毕业证,回国证明,留信网认证,留信认证办理,学历认证。从而完成就业。
2、办理Douglas毕业证,改成绩单《Douglas毕业证明办理道格拉斯学院毕业证书电子版》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】Buy Douglas College Certificates《正式成绩单论文没过》,道格拉斯学院Offer、在读证明、学生卡、信封、证明信等全套材料,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,高精仿度跟学校原版100%相同.
1. 身份认证:留信认证可以证明你的留学经历是真实的,且你获得的学历或学位是正规且经过认证的。这对于一些用人单位来说,尤其是对留学经历有高度要求的公司(如跨国公司或国内高端公司),这是非常重要的一个凭证。
Vertical farming is an innovative approach to agriculture that aims to meet the growing food demands of urban populations while addressing the challenges of limited arable land, resource scarcity, and environmental concerns. By utilizing vertically stacked layers or structures, this method integrates advanced technologies to grow crops in controlled environments, such as buildings, shipping containers, or specialized facilities. Vertical farming offers a sustainable and space-efficient solution to meet the increasing demand for these valuable plants. This abstract explores the role of vertical farming in the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants, highlighting its benefits, challenges, and potential to revolutionize the production of these valuable crops. By integrating IoT devices, the system aims to monitor and control various parameters such as environmental conditions, nutrient levels, and irrigation, optimizing the growth and quality of aromatic and medicinal plants.
Revolutionizing the B2B Platform for the Italian Food & Beverage Industry.pdfAlysei
This presentation explores how our innovative B2B platform is transforming the Italian food and beverage industry, connecting producers, distributors, and buyers in a seamless digital marketplace. With advanced technology, streamlined logistics, and a commitment to authenticity, we empower businesses to expand their reach, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. Discover how our platform is setting new standards in the industry, fostering global connections while preserving the rich tradition of Italian gastronomy. Know more -
Yakult Danone India is a joint venture between Yakult Honsha and Groupe Danone to manufacture and sell probiotic products in India. Yakult, a probiotic drink, was launched in 2007 and is manufactured in Sonepat, Haryana. As pioneers in probiotics, Yakult has research capabilities in probiotics and their health benefits. Their operations follow strict quality control measures and they distribute primarily through a network of women delivering bottles door-to-door. Key challenges include building awareness of probiotics and maintaining proper temperature control during storage and distribution.
Female Leadership presentation for Leadership in Comm course summarizes Research Paper findings. Fall 2007. Powerpoint by Heidi Paruta. (Tonya Stansel contributed half the information for slides, and put together paper handed in)
Work Life Balance for Passionate Developers - Full Stack Toronto 2015 EditionJoshua Warren
‘Work-life balance’ is touted in job postings everywhere - but what does it really mean? If you’re a passionate developer that’s excited about the technology you work with every day, you probably spend a fair bit of time outside of the office doing something that looks a lot like what you do at work. Even if you’re excited about your work, it’s important to find ways to rest, recharge and disconnect periodically. After spending 6 years building a team of passionate developers, I’ve learned that everyone approaches work-life balance differently, with vastly different results.
Beyond the Culture Deck: What you don't already know about NetflixMike McGarr
A significant chunk of DevOps rhetoric centers around “unicorn” companies like Netflix, Etsy, Facebook and many more. They are held up as the models enterprises should emulate. But what makes a place like Netflix so special? What does life inside a unicorn company look like? Is the famous Netflix culture deck true to life or just hype? Most importantly, what lessons can I take back to my employer?
In this talk, I’ll share with you the reality of working at Netflix. I’ll share details about how people work at Netflix, how we communicate, how we are organized, how work is prioritized, how we manage risk, how we build teams and how our culture plays a central role in everything we do. Lastly, Mike will share what are the important lessons that every manager and executive should learn about Netflix’s culture.
The Policy Lab change cards help teams to challenge their assumptions and think differently about problems. We use them to help generate new ideas for policy.
Overcoming problems implementing cloud based dev ops for distributed agile pr...Tom Stiehm
Cloud-base development, delivery and deployment are the future of IT operations. Getting to the Cloud and conducting the business of IT there is a journey of change and growth to an IT Organization. Discover potential problems and their solutions based the experiences in developing Cloud-Based operations for multiple large, distributed projects in a variety of challenging environments. Overcoming these challenges is the key to successful adoption of Cloud DevOps and realizing the operational and productivity gains of the Cloud. Learn the hard earned lessons we learned from creating successful DevOps projects using Cloud Technology.
办理原版成绩单加拿大文凭道格拉斯学院成绩单?【q薇1954292140】复刻成绩单加拿大道格拉斯学院毕业证(Douglas毕业证书)学位证书不见了怎么办 道格拉斯学院毕业证办理,一比一原版加拿大道格拉斯学院文凭办理,加拿大道格拉斯学院成绩单办理和真实留信认证、留服认证、道格拉斯学院学历认证。学院文凭定制,道格拉斯学院原版文凭补办,扫描件文凭定做,100%文凭复刻。【q薇1954292140】Buy Douglas College Diploma购买美国毕业证,购买英国毕业证,购买澳洲毕业证,购买加拿大毕业证,以及德国毕业证,购买法国毕业证(q薇1954292140)购买荷兰毕业证、购买瑞士毕业证、购买日本毕业证、购买韩国毕业证、购买新西兰毕业证、购买新加坡毕业证、购买西班牙毕业证、购买马来西亚毕业证等。包括了本科毕业证,硕士毕业证。
1、在校期间因各种原因未能顺利毕业《Douglas成绩单工艺详解》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】《Buy Douglas College Transcript快速办理道格拉斯学院教育部学历认证书毕业文凭证书》,拿不到官方毕业证;
加拿大文凭购买,加拿大文凭定制,加拿大文凭补办。专业在线定制加拿大大学文凭,定做加拿大本科文凭,【q薇1954292140】复制加拿大Douglas College completion letter。在线快速补办加拿大本科毕业证、硕士文凭证书,购买加拿大学位证、道格拉斯学院Offer,加拿大大学文凭在线购买。高仿真还原加拿大文凭证书和外壳,定制加拿大道格拉斯学院成绩单和信封。成绩单Douglas毕业证【q薇1954292140】办理加拿大道格拉斯学院毕业证(Douglas毕业证书)【q薇1954292140】定制成绩单道格拉斯学院offer/学位证文凭办理、留信官方学历认证(永久存档真实可查)采用学校原版纸张、特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作。帮你解决道格拉斯学院学历学位认证难题。
2:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供认证《Douglas成绩单购买办理道格拉斯学院毕业证书范本》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】Buy Douglas College Diploma《正式成绩单论文没过》有文凭却得不到认证。又该怎么办???加拿大毕业证购买,加拿大文凭购买,
帮您解决在加拿大道格拉斯学院未毕业难题(Douglas College)文凭购买、毕业证购买、大学文凭购买、大学毕业证购买、买文凭、日韩文凭、英国大学文凭、美国大学文凭、澳洲大学文凭、加拿大大学文凭(q薇1954292140)新加坡大学文凭、新西兰大学文凭、爱尔兰文凭、西班牙文凭、德国文凭、教育部认证,买毕业证,毕业证购买,买大学文凭,购买日韩毕业证、英国大学毕业证、美国大学毕业证、澳洲大学毕业证、加拿大大学毕业证(q薇1954292140)新加坡大学毕业证、新西兰大学毕业证、爱尔兰毕业证、西班牙毕业证、德国毕业证,回国证明,留信网认证,留信认证办理,学历认证。从而完成就业。
2、办理Douglas毕业证,改成绩单《Douglas毕业证明办理道格拉斯学院毕业证书电子版》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】Buy Douglas College Certificates《正式成绩单论文没过》,道格拉斯学院Offer、在读证明、学生卡、信封、证明信等全套材料,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,高精仿度跟学校原版100%相同.
1. 身份认证:留信认证可以证明你的留学经历是真实的,且你获得的学历或学位是正规且经过认证的。这对于一些用人单位来说,尤其是对留学经历有高度要求的公司(如跨国公司或国内高端公司),这是非常重要的一个凭证。
Vertical farming is an innovative approach to agriculture that aims to meet the growing food demands of urban populations while addressing the challenges of limited arable land, resource scarcity, and environmental concerns. By utilizing vertically stacked layers or structures, this method integrates advanced technologies to grow crops in controlled environments, such as buildings, shipping containers, or specialized facilities. Vertical farming offers a sustainable and space-efficient solution to meet the increasing demand for these valuable plants. This abstract explores the role of vertical farming in the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants, highlighting its benefits, challenges, and potential to revolutionize the production of these valuable crops. By integrating IoT devices, the system aims to monitor and control various parameters such as environmental conditions, nutrient levels, and irrigation, optimizing the growth and quality of aromatic and medicinal plants.
Revolutionizing the B2B Platform for the Italian Food & Beverage Industry.pdfAlysei
This presentation explores how our innovative B2B platform is transforming the Italian food and beverage industry, connecting producers, distributors, and buyers in a seamless digital marketplace. With advanced technology, streamlined logistics, and a commitment to authenticity, we empower businesses to expand their reach, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. Discover how our platform is setting new standards in the industry, fostering global connections while preserving the rich tradition of Italian gastronomy. Know more -
Ang Chong Yi Singapore: Honoring India’s Sweet Heritage Through GenerationsAng Chong Yi
Ang Chong Yi Singapore invites diners on a flavorful journey that honors India’s rich sweet heritage, blending tradition with innovation. The restaurant brings Ang Chong Yi Celebrates India’s Sweet Tradition: A Legacy Passed Through Generations together centuries-old recipes and modern culinary techniques, ensuring the legacy of Indian sweets continues to thrive in an evolving world.