Introduce twMVC
list text here ASP.NET MVC 可以吃嗎?
什麼是 MVC
MVC 概觀
ASP.NET MVC 對物件導向的潛移默化
View 簡介
View Engine
HTML Helper
Partial View
Razer Helper 小技巧
ASP.NET MVC 的 Model 並不等同於 Entity Framework,這一次將說明如何使用 ADO.NET 來做為 MVC 的 Model,並且介紹 Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block以及實作分層讓 Model 讓 Web Forms 專案可以共用。
1. ASP.NET Web API 2內建兩個強大的功能,批次處理與使用OAuth 2.0進行社交登入,本場次將會完整解析這兩個不為人知的功能。
2. ASP.NET Web API 2發行之後,很快速又提供2.1版的更新,在最新的Web API 2.1.2中提供一些很棒的新功能與改善,我會為各位完整介紹Web API 2.1.2的新功能。
3. 開發Web API服務卡卡的?本場次會介紹一些「好工具」,「好工具」能帶我們上天堂,我將深入介紹「好工具」協助各位在開發與測試的路上一路順暢。
Syvilla Fort was an African American dancer born in 1917 in Seattle who began dancing at age 3 and teaching others by age 9. She had a professional dancing career in the 1930s and 1940s, joining Katherine Dunham's dance company in Chicago after moving to Los Angeles to pursue dancing professionally. In 1948, Fort was appointed chief administrator and dance teacher at the Katherine Dunham School of Dance in New York, where she worked until it closed in 1954.
ASP.NET MVC 的 Model 並不等同於 Entity Framework,這一次將說明如何使用 ADO.NET 來做為 MVC 的 Model,並且介紹 Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block以及實作分層讓 Model 讓 Web Forms 專案可以共用。
1. ASP.NET Web API 2內建兩個強大的功能,批次處理與使用OAuth 2.0進行社交登入,本場次將會完整解析這兩個不為人知的功能。
2. ASP.NET Web API 2發行之後,很快速又提供2.1版的更新,在最新的Web API 2.1.2中提供一些很棒的新功能與改善,我會為各位完整介紹Web API 2.1.2的新功能。
3. 開發Web API服務卡卡的?本場次會介紹一些「好工具」,「好工具」能帶我們上天堂,我將深入介紹「好工具」協助各位在開發與測試的路上一路順暢。
Syvilla Fort was an African American dancer born in 1917 in Seattle who began dancing at age 3 and teaching others by age 9. She had a professional dancing career in the 1930s and 1940s, joining Katherine Dunham's dance company in Chicago after moving to Los Angeles to pursue dancing professionally. In 1948, Fort was appointed chief administrator and dance teacher at the Katherine Dunham School of Dance in New York, where she worked until it closed in 1954.
Hemant Khandelwal is seeking a position that allows him to enhance his curiosity and knowledge by working with a highly efficient team. He has a bachelor's degree in information technology from NIIT Gwalior and work experience in data mining, digital printing, and web design. His major individual project was an innovative website containing current affairs, billionaire profiles, technology news, and other topics. He has certifications in hardware, graphics, and web design and is proficient in programming languages like C++ and tools such as Adobe Photoshop. Hemant also participated in entrepreneurship and mobile application workshops and a Guinness World Record yoga event.
This document discusses several popular social media apps: Snapchat allows users to send photos and videos that delete after being viewed; Pinterest allows users to curate images on different theme boards and share with others; Vine was designed for sharing 6-second looping videos; and Instagram enables applying filters to photos and videos to share on other social networks. All the apps discussed provide privacy settings to allow safe and controlled sharing of content with friends and family.
This document discusses several popular social media apps: Snapchat allows users to send photos and videos to friends that delete after viewing; Pinterest is an image-sharing app where users curate boards around different themes; Vine was a video app where users shared 6-second looping videos; Instagram is a photo and video sharing app where users can apply filters and share to other social networks. All the apps discussed provide privacy settings and are described as safe ways to connect and share with friends and family.
Este documento clasifica los diferentes tipos de equipos de seguridad personal utilizados en un laboratorio universitario para prevenir enfermedades y accidentes. Describe los riesgos físicos, químicos y biológicos y explica los equipos de protección como gafas, pantallas, batas de laboratorio, guantes, máscaras y equipos semiautónomos y autónomos. Además, proporciona detalles sobre los diferentes tipos de gafas y pantallas y sus usos.
JavaScript is a client-side script language, but we can use it on server side programming now. However, it is still difficult to write server-side application for front-end developer.
Here we try to find a solution to write server-side script that developer only need to understand and have client-side experience.
ASP.NET Core MVC 2.2從開發到測試 - Development & Unit Testing江華 奚
說明從ASP.NET MVC 5遷移至ASP.NET Core 2.x會遭遇哪技術上的變更,要如何將既有專案項目移轉到新的ASP.NET Core環境,並做出哪些調整。同時運用ASP.NET Core內建的Dependency Injection相依性注入來註冊你的服務,以達成IoC控制反轉的目的。最後用ASP.NET Core內建的單元測試,包括MStest, NUnit, xUnit來測試專案Function,達到提升品質的目的。在測試的同時,一併介紹如何使用Test Explorer, Live Testing, Code Coverage工具來輔助測試。
碼魔法FB :
ASP.NET Core MVC 2.2 - Development & Unit Testing. How to Choose between NET Core and .NET Framework. Choose between ASP.NET Core 2.1 and ASP.NET Core 2.2.
ASP.NET MVC 就快進入4了,您跟上了嗎? 如何將現有的 MVC3 如何升級到MVC4呢?無痛升級系列。以及ASP.NET MVC4 新增功能介紹。
ASP.NET MVC 3 升級到 ASP.NET MVC4 的示範與常見問題說明
Basic Project & Empty Project Template
從無到有,建置ASP.NET MVC4 Web API應用程式、How to self-host a web API
Display Modes
View Switcher
Bundling and Minification
Task Support for Asynchronous Controllers
Mobile Project Template
撰寫網頁的時候你是否對於表單驗證很厭煩? 尤其現在網頁對於使用者經驗(UX)相當的注重,之前我們可以偷懶只寫後端驗證,現在不做前端驗證會被笑... 俗話說的好,程式設計師要懶,本次課程將和你介紹如何利用 ASP.NET MVC 內建的招式簡單的做出品質不錯的前後端驗證,而且彈性超大,你愛怎麼擴充就怎麼擴充,經常性寫到表單的開發人員千萬不要錯過。對了這招在 ASP.NET 4.5 的 Web Form 也是可以用的唷。
ASP.NET MVC 的 Model 並不等同於 Entity Framework,這一次將說明如何使用 ADO.NET 來做為 MVC 的 Model,並且介紹 Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block以及實作分層讓 Model 讓 Web Forms 專案可以共用。
使用下一代的Visual studio 14開發下一代的 mvc v next ( mvc 6 )Study4TW
The document discusses features of .NET vNext including being cloud ready, having a modular design, dependency injection, consistent tracing and debugging, and faster development without build steps. It is fully open source and supports cross-platform development. Key technologies mentioned are the next generation JIT compiler, runtime compilers, .NET Compiler Platform, and libraries like Entity Framework. The new project and configuration systems allow for modular and fast development with seamless integration of cloud and local.
The document discusses using Visual Studio 2013 for agile development. It compares the waterfall and Scrum (agile) methodologies, noting that Scrum uses 2-4 week iterations. It outlines the roles in Scrum, including the product owner, Scrum master, and team members. It describes some Visual Studio 2013 features that help with agile development. Finally, it discusses lessons learned and provides links for additional information.