The document discusses an advertisement campaign in Rajasthan, India that aimed to raise awareness about the illegal practice of female foeticide. The Woman and Child Development Department of the Rajasthan government created an ad using simple illustrations to educate people in remote areas who could not read. The ad was placed strategically in local and major newspapers, where it received widespread attention and appreciation for bringing attention to the important issue.
2. Why this?....
The advertisement chosen by me was done on
purpose so that I can raise awareness about
this gruesome event which is still taking place
in different parts of india
4. The story behind it
India is developing with the speed of light new
technologies and high tech material and living
is being introduced every second but
somewhere we are still lacking. Female
foeticide which is considered as a crime is still
practiced in the remote areas of India.
5. The story behind it - contd
To stop this practice in a creative method to
reach the public in an effective method the
RAJASTHAN took out this advertisement to
raise awareness.
6. The approach
They have taken a strategic approach in which
they are trying to make an impact by using
simple illustrations
placing it at the right place and at the right
time gave it a better response than the
expected one as it got stuck in everyone's
7. The approach- contd..
They have made use of simple illustrations so
that even those who cannot read and write
can also understand it
The approach is rather basic in order to
generate awareness to stop female foeticide
as it has been a growing concern of the
government of India and it has rather hit on
the perfect spot
8. Media
This advertisement was published on various
local and major newspapers of Rajasthan as
they are an integral part of everyones life and
it got an overwhelming response of
appreciation from the readers as well as
different advertising agencies.