The Order of the Dolphin was a group of scientists who met in 1960 at Green Bank, West Virginia to establish the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) as a discipline. The meeting brought together experts from various fields to discuss the possibility of detecting intelligent life in space. The Astronomy Club invites students to join and explore questions about the potential existence of life on other planets and intelligent civilizations in the galaxy.
3. What is the Order of the Dolphin?Here is an extract from Wikipedia on the History of the Drake Equation and SETI:"Frank Drake formulated his equation in 1960 in preparation for the?Green Bank meeting. This meeting, held at?Green Bank,?West Virginia, established SETI as a scientific discipline. The historic meeting, whose participants became known as the "Order of the Dolphin," brought together leading astronomers, physicists, biologists, social scientists, and industry leaders to discuss the possibility of detecting intelligent life among the stars."
4. We explore the questions: Are we Alone? How many planets exist that support life? What is required of life to exist? Can we imagine life other than Carbon-based? How many intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations exist in our own galaxy?