The document discusses faith development and James Fowler's stages of faith. It explores questions about who Jesus is and why he had to die. It also examines the different stages of faith development from childhood through adulthood, including intuitive-projective faith in early childhood, mythic-literal faith in middle childhood, synthetic-conventional faith in adolescence, individuative-reflective faith in emerging adulthood, and conjunctive faith in middle adulthood. Finally, it asks what causes faith to grow or change over these developmental stages.
2. patterned knowing (belief)
patterned valuing (commitment, devotion)
patterned construction of meaning (narrative, story)
James Fowler
2c Faith Development
3. 2c Faith Development
More than teaching
More than knowledge
More than experience
More than feelings
More than evidence
More than belonging
More than thinking
More than doing
More than confidence
More than historical
More than believing