The above presentation is all about exploring technological ideas of learning co operatively,applying critical thinking skills to solve complex excercises.
3. Real life context
Weather forecast
Learners would have to go and
look at the weather forecast and
Which province has the highest
Lowest temperatures
Average temperature of Gauteng
and KZN
4. This activity is for students learning percents and fractions.
Each student should bring in different bakery or candy items.
Each item will be given a price and then mark it on sale.
As an Educator I would also hand out coupons to students that take off percents from
their total purchase. Each student will receive a handful of monopoly money and scratch
paper. The students can pretend to buy the items. Because the students must use all the
money they are allotted, they must figure out the cost of each item.
Students should make a list of their purchased items and how they came to finding out
the cost after the sale
7. arrange yourselves In equal groups of 4or 5
Calculate the ratio between boys and girls in
your classroom and make a report about how
this affects learning equalities.
Solve for x and y if x represents boys and y
represents girls
8. Each and every learner will be granted an
opportunity to become a leader and voice out
their views and ideas. Explore more about
fractions and percentage according to their