UPyD pregunta sobre la legalidad de la propuesta de reforma electoral en espa単a upydeuropa
El Gobierno de Espa単a ha manifestado su intenci坦n de modificar el actual sistema electoral a menos de un a単o de las pr坦ximas elecciones municipales, con el rechazo expreso del resto de formaciones pol鱈ticas espa単olas. El objetivo es elegir directamente como alcalde al cabeza de la lista m叩s votada.
El Manual de Observaci坦n Electoral de la Uni坦n Europea recoge como buenas pr叩cticas esenciales para garantizar un proceso electoral aut辿ntico y democr叩tico que "el proceso de adopci坦n de leyes relacionadas con las elecciones debe haber sido emprendido asegurando un apoyo amplio al marco legal de las elecciones" y que "estar叩 establecido mucho antes de que empiece el proceso electoral (en condiciones ideales un a単o antes)".
Ante los hechos descritos pregunto a la Comisi坦n:
1. 多Considera la Comisi坦n que el Gobierno de Espa単a est叩 contraviniendo las recomendaciones de la Uni坦n Europea?
2. 多Cree la Comisi坦n que es coherente con la misi坦n de la Uni坦n Europea de promover la democracia que uno de sus Estados miembros quebrante c坦digos de buenas pr叩cticas electorales de relevancia internacional?
This document is a letter from an area manager at Old Mutual PFA congratulating a senior financial advisor, Nishal Pailath, on the 6th anniversary of their employment. The letter expresses appreciation for the advisor's years of service and dedication, and that their contributions are important to the continued success of the Pineglen team and achieving the company's mission, vision, and values for customers. The area manager wishes the advisor well on their anniversary.
This poem is dedicated to the author's mother on Mother's Day. It expresses sadness and loneliness at the mother's passing, and missing her laughter, time spent together, and the way she cared for the author. While enduring this first Mother's Day alone is difficult, the author chooses to celebrate their mother's memory with laughter, music, and food to honor her and lift their mood.
This document is illegible as it contains random characters and symbols with no discernible words or meaning. It does not provide any information that can be summarized.
This document is illegible as it contains random characters and symbols with no discernible words or meaning. It does not provide any information that can be summarized.