Intelig棚ncia Artificial aplicada no Mercado de CapitaisGianpaolo Zampol
At辿 2021, estima-se que o investimento em Intelig棚ncia Artificial por players do Mercado de Capitais alcance US$ 2,8 bilh探es - aumento de 75% em rela巽達o a 2017. Benef鱈cios podem ser obtidos ao longo de toda a cadeia de valor: enquanto o impacto na emiss達o de t鱈tulos ainda 辿 limitado, j叩 houveram implementa巽探es bem sucedidas nos processos de negocia巽達o, cust坦dia e back office, que ser達o ampliadas nos pr坦ximos anos.
Mesmo sendo grandes impulsionadoras de inova巽達o, as Fintechs s達o uma parte de um amplo conjunto de for巽as mercadol坦gicas, tecnol坦gicas, regulat坦rias e geogr叩ficas que est達o moldando o novo cen叩rio competitivo do ecossistema de servi巽os financeiros
Ado巽達o de Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Adapta巽達o do Modelo Operacional d...Gianpaolo Zampol
Nos pr坦ximos anos, entre 10% e 25% dos processos dos bancos ser達o executados por rob担s, segundo a McKinsey. Em diferentes est叩gios, modelos operacionais s達o reavaliados face a complexidade organizacional e impacto da robotiza巽達o. Quais os principais aprendizados at辿 o momento atual desta jornada?
Vis達o atual do Ciclo de Inova巽達o dos Bancos: Estrat辿gias da jornada digital p...Gianpaolo Zampol
A evolu巽達o dos bancos atinge um ponto cr鱈tico de inflex達o, a medida que a transforma巽達o digital assume a lideran巽a na agenda estrat辿gica. Do ponto de vista do cliente, a mudan巽a que tamb辿m 辿 cultural - deve harmonizar a transi巽達o e coexist棚ncia entre meios f鱈sicos e digitais, minimizando fric巽探es e oferecendo recursos reais de valor agregado. o desafio atual dos bancos: combinar iniciativas baseadas em novos conceitos e tecnologias, gerenciando ao mesmo tempo outros elementos necess叩rios mas que perdem import但ncia, em um prazo relativamente curto.
Nova coexist棚ncia no Setor Financeiro: Bancos, Fintechs e Novos CompetidoresGianpaolo Zampol
Segundo o Goldman Sachs, nos pr坦ximos 5 anos os bancos perder達o US$ 600 bilh探es dos lucros pelo mundo, devido aos novos competidores, fintechs e regulamenta巽探es como PSD2. 50-60% 辿 a potencial redu巽達o nos lucros dos bancos com empr辿stimos globalmente. Uma coexist棚ncia inteligente dos bancos com este ecossistema dever叩 ser estabelecida, que viabilize parcerias de ganha-ganha neste novo contexto de neg坦cio. Como ser叩 a simbiose entre Bancos, Fintechs e Novos Competidores, por meio de atributos-chave.
Estrat辿gias e Desafios do modelo "Banking as a Platform"Gianpaolo Zampol
Modelos de atua巽達o dos bancos como "Banking as a Platform" bem sucedidos ir達o al辿m do gerenciamento de APIs. O posicionamento competitivo dos bancos como plataformas financeiras depender叩 fortemente de estrat辿gias espec鱈ficas para cada ecossistema. Iniciativas estrat辿gicas e desafios para atua巽達o dos Bancos como Plataformas Financeiras (n達o exaustivo).
How optimize the usage of data to driving innovation and efficiency, focused on Brazilian banking market landscape, highlighting main trends, key challenges, leverage managed data lakes and samples of use cases.
Empresas compreendem que a transforma巽達o digital 辿 fundamental, aproveitando a computa巽達o em nuvem, dispositivos m坦veis e anal鱈tica avan巽ada para se conectar e interagir com os clientes de maneiras mais inovadoras.
Mas existem lacunas identific叩veis, ao mesmo tem que surgem d炭vidas sobre as habilidades digitais das empresas para entregar, tomar decis探es informadas e inovar.
Como a Computa巽達o Cognitiva pode suprir algumas destas lacunas?
O documento discute o potencial da computa巽達o cognitiva no setor financeiro, incluindo como ela pode melhorar a experi棚ncia do cliente, empoderar funcion叩rios e otimizar opera巽探es. A computa巽達o cognitiva simular叩 mais o c辿rebro humano para ajudar a resolver problemas complexos de big data e gerar novos insights.
Perspectivas e transforma巽探es em Wealth Management baseadas em tecnologias disruptivas. Robo-advisors, advanced analytics e intelig棚ncia artificial para aprofundar o conhecimento do cliente, melhorar o atendimento, reten巽達o e rentabilidade de clientes.
Financial Markets Data & Analytics Led TransformationGianpaolo Zampol
How big data, advanced analytics and cognitive computing is disrupting traditional business and operating models in financial markets? New competitors, powered by social, mobile, analytics, and cloud computing, are making new business models emerging rapidly. Wealth Management, Corporate Banking and Transaction Banking & Payments are significant sources of growth in Financial Markets. How take advantage from those new technologies to face this new scenario?
Cognitive Computing in Banking and Financial MarketsGianpaolo Zampol
The presentation discusses how cognitive computing can help transform the banking industry by (1) providing more personalized customer engagement and insights, (2) improving decision making through analysis of complex structured and unstructured data, and (3) enabling new operational efficiencies through automation and augmentation of human expertise. A number of use cases are described across functions like wealth management, risk management, fraud detection, and debt collection. Critical success factors for banks adopting cognitive computing include defining clear value propositions, investing in data and talent, and change management.
O documento discute como as novas tecnologias est達o transformando o mercado banc叩rio corporativo, com a fragmenta巽達o das cadeias de valor tradicionais e o surgimento de novos competidores e ecossistemas. Isso est叩 for巽ando os bancos a repensarem seus modelos de neg坦cio e a adotarem novas estrat辿gias como f叩brica, distribuidor ou player de nicho.
Analytics driving innovation and efficiency in BankingGianpaolo Zampol
Point of view around main trends and challenges to leverage Analytics in Banking industry, looking for Brazilian market landscape.
Overview on key and emerging topics: Big Data & Analytics, Fundamental Review of Trading Book (FRTB) and Risk-Adjusted Performance Management (RAPM)
AP Automation: The Competitive Advantage Your Business NeedsAggregage
Struggling to get buy-in for finance automation? Learn how to build a compelling business case and streamline your purchase-to-pay process to drive efficiency, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition.
Ghana Ethereum Stablecoin (GES) is a blockchain-based stablecoin designed to promote financial inclusion, stability, and innovation in Ghana. Pegged 1:1 to Ethereum (ETH), GES ensures seamless transactions, decentralized finance (DeFi) integration, and a transparent digital financial ecosystem. This whitepaper outlines the vision, technical architecture, economic model, and use cases of GES, demonstrating its potential as a transformative force in Ghana's financial landscape.
How to Get an ISIN for a Private Company This presentation provides a compreh...nextgenregistry
Private companies must now convert physical shares to electronic form. ISIN plays a key role by enabling: smooth transfers per regulations; reducing risks like loss, damage or forgery from physical holding; and bolstering investor trust and governance through compliance and transparency.
_Offshore Banking and Compliance Requirements.pptxLDM Global
Offshore banking allows individuals and businesses to hold accounts in foreign jurisdictions, offering benefits like privacy, asset protection, and potential tax advantages. However, strict compliance regulations govern these banks to prevent financial crimes. Key requirements include Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws, along with international regulations like FATCA (for U.S. taxpayers) and CRS (for global tax transparency).
油iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY consists of professional hackers who specialize in securing compromised devices, accounts, and websites, as well as recovering stolen bitcoin and funds lost to scams. They operate efficiently and securely, ensuring a swift resolution without alerting external parties. From the very beginning, they have successfully delivered on their promises while maintaining complete discretion.油 Few organizations take the extra step to investigate network security risks, provide critical information, or handle sensitive matters with such油 油professionalism. The iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY team helped me retrieve $364,000 that had been stolen from my corporate bitcoin wallet. I am incredibly grateful for their assistance and for providing me with additional insights into the unidentified individuals behind the theft.
油 油Webpage; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com
whatsapp; +1 240. 803. 3. 706油 油油
油油My name is Raclaw Wysocki, a real estate investor from Warszawa, Poland. Last year, I invested in cryptocurrency, hoping to double my investment by the start of the new year. However, I soon discovered that I had fallen victim to a scam. It was a devastating experience for me and my family, and without iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY, I wouldnt have been able to recover my funds.油iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY is a leading cryptocurrency and data recovery company specializing in retrieving lost crypto assets from hackers and fraudulent investment brokers. Thanks to their expertise, I successfully recovered $950,000 worth of crypto. I highly recommend their services. They are trustworthy, reliable, and have a proven 100% success rate.
Website; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com油
Call/whatsapp +1 240 (80) (33) 706油 油 油
4 yyyExcept for the maxillary molars, the orifices of the canals lie on a lin...KhalidLafi2
Except for the maxillary molars, the orifices of the canals lie on a line perpendicular to a line drawn in a mesial-distal direction across the centre of the floor of the pulp chamber.
Gross Domestic Product | Economics | Group PresentationMarcel David
"This group presentation explores the concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), its significance in economics, methods of calculation, and its impact on national and global economies. It also covers factors influencing GDP growth and real-world examples."
O documento discute o potencial da computa巽達o cognitiva no setor financeiro, incluindo como ela pode melhorar a experi棚ncia do cliente, empoderar funcion叩rios e otimizar opera巽探es. A computa巽達o cognitiva simular叩 mais o c辿rebro humano para ajudar a resolver problemas complexos de big data e gerar novos insights.
Perspectivas e transforma巽探es em Wealth Management baseadas em tecnologias disruptivas. Robo-advisors, advanced analytics e intelig棚ncia artificial para aprofundar o conhecimento do cliente, melhorar o atendimento, reten巽達o e rentabilidade de clientes.
Financial Markets Data & Analytics Led TransformationGianpaolo Zampol
How big data, advanced analytics and cognitive computing is disrupting traditional business and operating models in financial markets? New competitors, powered by social, mobile, analytics, and cloud computing, are making new business models emerging rapidly. Wealth Management, Corporate Banking and Transaction Banking & Payments are significant sources of growth in Financial Markets. How take advantage from those new technologies to face this new scenario?
Cognitive Computing in Banking and Financial MarketsGianpaolo Zampol
The presentation discusses how cognitive computing can help transform the banking industry by (1) providing more personalized customer engagement and insights, (2) improving decision making through analysis of complex structured and unstructured data, and (3) enabling new operational efficiencies through automation and augmentation of human expertise. A number of use cases are described across functions like wealth management, risk management, fraud detection, and debt collection. Critical success factors for banks adopting cognitive computing include defining clear value propositions, investing in data and talent, and change management.
O documento discute como as novas tecnologias est達o transformando o mercado banc叩rio corporativo, com a fragmenta巽達o das cadeias de valor tradicionais e o surgimento de novos competidores e ecossistemas. Isso est叩 for巽ando os bancos a repensarem seus modelos de neg坦cio e a adotarem novas estrat辿gias como f叩brica, distribuidor ou player de nicho.
Analytics driving innovation and efficiency in BankingGianpaolo Zampol
Point of view around main trends and challenges to leverage Analytics in Banking industry, looking for Brazilian market landscape.
Overview on key and emerging topics: Big Data & Analytics, Fundamental Review of Trading Book (FRTB) and Risk-Adjusted Performance Management (RAPM)
AP Automation: The Competitive Advantage Your Business NeedsAggregage
Struggling to get buy-in for finance automation? Learn how to build a compelling business case and streamline your purchase-to-pay process to drive efficiency, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition.
Ghana Ethereum Stablecoin (GES) is a blockchain-based stablecoin designed to promote financial inclusion, stability, and innovation in Ghana. Pegged 1:1 to Ethereum (ETH), GES ensures seamless transactions, decentralized finance (DeFi) integration, and a transparent digital financial ecosystem. This whitepaper outlines the vision, technical architecture, economic model, and use cases of GES, demonstrating its potential as a transformative force in Ghana's financial landscape.
How to Get an ISIN for a Private Company This presentation provides a compreh...nextgenregistry
Private companies must now convert physical shares to electronic form. ISIN plays a key role by enabling: smooth transfers per regulations; reducing risks like loss, damage or forgery from physical holding; and bolstering investor trust and governance through compliance and transparency.
_Offshore Banking and Compliance Requirements.pptxLDM Global
Offshore banking allows individuals and businesses to hold accounts in foreign jurisdictions, offering benefits like privacy, asset protection, and potential tax advantages. However, strict compliance regulations govern these banks to prevent financial crimes. Key requirements include Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws, along with international regulations like FATCA (for U.S. taxpayers) and CRS (for global tax transparency).
油iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY consists of professional hackers who specialize in securing compromised devices, accounts, and websites, as well as recovering stolen bitcoin and funds lost to scams. They operate efficiently and securely, ensuring a swift resolution without alerting external parties. From the very beginning, they have successfully delivered on their promises while maintaining complete discretion.油 Few organizations take the extra step to investigate network security risks, provide critical information, or handle sensitive matters with such油 油professionalism. The iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY team helped me retrieve $364,000 that had been stolen from my corporate bitcoin wallet. I am incredibly grateful for their assistance and for providing me with additional insights into the unidentified individuals behind the theft.
油 油Webpage; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com
whatsapp; +1 240. 803. 3. 706油 油油
油油My name is Raclaw Wysocki, a real estate investor from Warszawa, Poland. Last year, I invested in cryptocurrency, hoping to double my investment by the start of the new year. However, I soon discovered that I had fallen victim to a scam. It was a devastating experience for me and my family, and without iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY, I wouldnt have been able to recover my funds.油iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY is a leading cryptocurrency and data recovery company specializing in retrieving lost crypto assets from hackers and fraudulent investment brokers. Thanks to their expertise, I successfully recovered $950,000 worth of crypto. I highly recommend their services. They are trustworthy, reliable, and have a proven 100% success rate.
Website; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com油
Call/whatsapp +1 240 (80) (33) 706油 油 油
4 yyyExcept for the maxillary molars, the orifices of the canals lie on a lin...KhalidLafi2
Except for the maxillary molars, the orifices of the canals lie on a line perpendicular to a line drawn in a mesial-distal direction across the centre of the floor of the pulp chamber.
Gross Domestic Product | Economics | Group PresentationMarcel David
"This group presentation explores the concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), its significance in economics, methods of calculation, and its impact on national and global economies. It also covers factors influencing GDP growth and real-world examples."
THSYU Launches Innovative Cryptocurrency Platform: A New Era of Secure and Ef...Google
THSYU, a trailblazer in the global cryptocurrency trading landscape, is thrilled to announce the launch of its cutting-edge trading platform. This innovative platform is meticulously designed to provide secure, efficient, and user-friendly trading solutions. With this development, THSYU solidifies its position in the competitive cryptocurrency market while demonstrating its commitment to leveraging advanced technology for the protection of user assets.
Women Economy The presentation, Breaking the Silence: The Untapped Potential ...snehadeeproy085
The presentation, *Breaking the Silence: The Untapped Potential of Educated Women in the Economy*, explores the disparity between women's education and workforce participation. Despite significant progress in women's education, many educated women remain outside the workforce, which not only impacts their personal growth but also limits economic productivity. The introduction highlights how this gap affects national economies, emphasizing the need for urgent intervention. The presentation then examines the current scenario with global and national statistics, using visual aids such as bar charts to illustrate the stark differences in workforce participation between men and women.
A major section of the presentation is dedicated to understanding why educated women are not actively participating in the workforce. Social and cultural barriers, such as traditional gender roles, societal expectations, and family pressures, often discourage women from pursuing careers. Workplace challenges, including gender discrimination, wage gaps, and the lack of flexible work arrangements, further hinder their participation. Economic and policy-related factors, such as insufficient maternity leave policies, lack of childcare support, and the undervaluation of unpaid labor, also contribute to this issue. A pie chart highlights the most common barriers, with family responsibilities emerging as the biggest obstacle, followed by workplace discrimination and the wage gap.
The economic cost of women's exclusion from the workforce is another key focus. The presentation discusses how lower female workforce participation results in reduced productivity and slower economic growth. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, closing the gender gap in the workforce could add $28 trillion to global GDP by 2025. Additionally, industries suffering from a shortage of skilled workers continue to overlook a large pool of educated women, leading to talent waste. The social impact of economic exclusion is also significant, as financial dependency increases gender inequality and contributes to higher poverty rates in societies with lower female workforce participation. A graph comparing female workforce participation and GDP growth across different countries demonstrates that nations with higher female employment tend to have stronger economic stability.
To address these issues, the presentation proposes several solutions. Government policies such as stronger maternity and childcare support, enforcement of equal pay laws, and skill development programs can help bridge the gap. Corporate initiatives, including flexible work policies, diversity programs, and mentorship opportunities, can create a more inclusive work environment. Societal changes, such as redefining gender roles, encouraging women entrepreneurs, and raising awareness through education and media, are also essential to breaking long-standing barriers. Another bar graph illustrates how increased female work
油油My name is Raclaw Wysocki, a real estate investor from Warszawa, Poland. Last year, I invested in cryptocurrency, hoping to double my investment by the start of the new year. However, I soon discovered that I had fallen victim to a scam. It was a devastating experience for me and my family, and without iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY, I wouldnt have been able to recover my funds.油iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY is a leading cryptocurrency and data recovery company specializing in retrieving lost crypto assets from hackers and fraudulent investment brokers. Thanks to their expertise, I successfully recovered $950,000 worth of crypto. I highly recommend their services. They are trustworthy, reliable, and have a proven 100% success rate.
Website; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com油
Call/whatsapp +1 240 (80) (33) 706油 油 油
The Monitoring presents the analysis of Ukraine's exports and imports, key trends, and business impediments. In December 2024, exports increased by only 2% yoy, while in January 2025, they fell by 8% yoy due to declining agricultural stocks. The physical volumes of wheat, corn, and sunflower oil exports continue to decline, although export prices remain relatively high.
The Monitoring also includes an analysis of key impediments for exporters, such as labor shortages, rising raw material costs, and the impact of the energy situation. Special attention is given to the Comprehensive Economic Partnership between Ukraine and the UAE, which grants duty-free access for 96.6% of Ukrainian goods.
More details are available on the website.