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Understanding of Build,
Deploy and Test
Accelerate developer productivity
From mobile apps to microservices, from small startups to big enterprises,
Gradle helps teams build, automate and deliver better software, faster.
Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and
performance.Gradle build scripts are written using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL
 Highly customizable  Gradle is modeled in a way that customizable and
extensible in the most fundamental ways.
 Fast  Gradle completes tasks quickly by reusing outputs from previous
executions, processing only inputs that changed, and executing tasks in parallel.
 Powerful  Gradle is the official build tool for Android, and comes with support
for many popular languages and technologies.
DSL(Domain Specific Language)?
 轟 覃(一, 覿朱 轟 ) 麹 語企ゼ 襷. 轟 
覓語 願屋 蠏  襷 麹 蟲襯 朱 蟆企.
 "覓語  願屋 蠏  語企ゼ 襦 狩覃, 蟇郁鍵 襦
蠏碁覦 襭 蟶朱企 蟆 譴." - Dave Thomas
 覦 螳 襾語   危 襦蠏碁覦 語伎企.
 蠏碁觜(Groovy) 覦 伎, 襭觜, る壱 煙 轟   螳
豌 讌 襦蠏碁覦 語伎企.
 覦  螳ク 蠍磯(syntactic sugar) 讌 語 襴ろ, 襷, 
蠏  蟲覓語 螻牛朱 襦蠏碁覦 所 螳蟆壱蟆  譴.
Java vs Groovy
 觜  覲語 覈 語 螳覦螳 覦覲牛伎  貊
 讌讌 襦語るゼ 牛 朱 ろ, 覩酔   蟆郁骸覓朱 
    朱 覦 覦 覦覯 襷.
 讌 牛(continuous Integration)螻朱 朱Д給 覩碁.
讌 牛(Continuous Integration)
  蟲煙れ れ  螳 襭 企  覯 牛 
語 螳覦 一るゼ 覩誤.
 覦覲糾ロ螻 る螳 覦蠍  襦語るゼ  語 
 覲 蟆  朱 襷り  蟆 覈企, 企ゼ 伎 觜 
襦語 覦 ろ  蟆曙 襷 蟆企.
讌 牛(Continuous Integration)-2
覦壱 危殊(Deployment Pipeline)
 語企ゼ 覯 蟯襴 ろ朱覿 蟆  襦語れ
 覈旧 覩誤.
 (end-to-end) 襯 觜, 覦壱, ろ, 豢 襦語れ 覃
螻讌 覲旧″ ろ 讌蠍蟾讌 蟆渚 觜 觜螻 襯 壱
豢 , ろ, 覦壱襯    願 覦襦 覦壱 危殊語 覈
覦壱 危殊(Deployment Pipeline)-2
覦壱 危殊(Deployment Pipeline)-3
讌 碁(Continuous Delivery)
 語願 語讌 襴企Μ讀   覦朱 語企ゼ 蟲豢
 語 螳覦 覿朱ゼ 覩誤.
  語 豌 覯讌 豺 豕 覈 觜襯願 讌朱 螳豺 
 語企ゼ 碁朱 螻螳 襷譟煙る 蟆企.朱 螳 企
 蟆 覈企, 企ゼ 伎 蠍磯蓋朱 讌 牛 覦 覦壱 危
殊碁ゼ 蟲豢伎 .
Installing Gradle
Installing Gradle-2
 gradlew 殊 れ ろ ろ襴渚碁. Gradle襦 貉危殊企觜 煙 ,  螳 覃 襦貉 れ
gradle .
 gradlew.bat 殊 一 ろ 覦一 ろ襴渚碁. 一 ろ 螳ロる 襷 誤覃 gradlew 
 gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar 殊 Wrapper 殊企. gradlew gradlew.bat 殊 襦 伎 れ
  殊  gradle task襯 ろ蠍 覓語 襦貉 蟆曙 レ 覦讌 .
 gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties 殊 Gradle Wrapper れ 殊企.  殊 wrapper 覯 煙
覲蟆渚覃 task ろ, 朱 襦 Wrapper 殊 襦貉 貂 れ企 覦.
 build.gradle 殊 譟伎煙企 蠏語 れ 煙  ろ襴渚 殊企.
 settings.gradle 殊 襦語 蟲 覲企ゼ 蠍磯 殊企. 企 襦碁れ 企 蟯螻襦 蟲焔
讌襯 蠍一. Gradle  殊 蠍一襦 襦碁ゼ 蟲燕.
Creating New Gradle Builds
Building Java Applications
 https://gradle.org/ Gradle
 http://groovy-lang.org/ Groovy
 http://www.mimul.com/pebble/default/2013/06/21/1371806174467.html DSL
 https://chocolatey.org/ Chocolatey
 http://www.nextree.co.kr/p3452/ CI/CD
 http://nangpuni.net/?p=677 觜
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Backend Master | 3.1.3 Build - Java build tool - Gradle

  • 2. Accelerate developer productivity From mobile apps to microservices, from small startups to big enterprises, Gradle helps teams build, automate and deliver better software, faster.
  • 3. Gradle? Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and performance.Gradle build scripts are written using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL Highly customizable Gradle is modeled in a way that customizable and extensible in the most fundamental ways. Fast Gradle completes tasks quickly by reusing outputs from previous executions, processing only inputs that changed, and executing tasks in parallel. Powerful Gradle is the official build tool for Android, and comes with support for many popular languages and technologies.
  • 4. DSL(Domain Specific Language)? 轟 覃(一, 覿朱 轟 ) 麹 語企ゼ 襷. 轟 覓語 願屋 蠏 襷 麹 蟲襯 朱 蟆企. "覓語 願屋 蠏 語企ゼ 襦 狩覃, 蟇郁鍵 襦 蠏碁覦 襭 蟶朱企 蟆 譴." - Dave Thomas
  • 5. Groovy? 覦 螳 襾語 危 襦蠏碁覦 語伎企. 蠏碁觜(Groovy) 覦 伎, 襭觜, る壱 煙 轟 螳 豌 讌 襦蠏碁覦 語伎企. 覦 螳ク 蠍磯(syntactic sugar) 讌 語 襴ろ, 襷, 蠏 蟲覓語 螻牛朱 襦蠏碁覦 所 螳蟆壱蟆 譴.
  • 7. 觜 觜 覲語 覈 語 螳覦螳 覦覲牛伎 貊 讌讌 襦語るゼ 牛 朱 ろ, 覩酔 蟆郁骸覓朱 朱 覦 覦 覦覯 襷. 讌 牛(continuous Integration)螻朱 朱Д給 覩碁.
  • 8. 讌 牛(Continuous Integration) 蟲煙れ れ 螳 襭 企 覯 牛 語 螳覦 一るゼ 覩誤. 覦覲糾ロ螻 る螳 覦蠍 襦語るゼ 語 覲 蟆 朱 襷り 蟆 覈企, 企ゼ 伎 觜 襦語 覦 ろ 蟆曙 襷 蟆企.
  • 10. 覦壱 危殊(Deployment Pipeline) 語企ゼ 覯 蟯襴 ろ朱覿 蟆 襦語れ 覈旧 覩誤. (end-to-end) 襯 觜, 覦壱, ろ, 豢 襦語れ 覃 螻讌 覲旧″ ろ 讌蠍蟾讌 蟆渚 觜 觜螻 襯 壱 豢 , ろ, 覦壱襯 願 覦襦 覦壱 危殊語 覈 企.
  • 13. 讌 碁(Continuous Delivery) 語願 語讌 襴企Μ讀 覦朱 語企ゼ 蟲豢 語 螳覦 覿朱ゼ 覩誤. 語 豌 覯讌 豺 豕 覈 觜襯願 讌朱 螳豺 語企ゼ 碁朱 螻螳 襷譟煙る 蟆企.朱 螳 企 蟆 覈企, 企ゼ 伎 蠍磯蓋朱 讌 牛 覦 覦壱 危 殊碁ゼ 蟲豢伎 .
  • 15. Installing Gradle-2 gradlew 殊 れ ろ ろ襴渚碁. Gradle襦 貉危殊企觜 煙 , 螳 覃 襦貉 れ gradle . gradlew.bat 殊 一 ろ 覦一 ろ襴渚碁. 一 ろ 螳ロる 襷 誤覃 gradlew . gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar 殊 Wrapper 殊企. gradlew gradlew.bat 殊 襦 伎 れ 殊 gradle task襯 ろ蠍 覓語 襦貉 蟆曙 レ 覦讌 . gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties 殊 Gradle Wrapper れ 殊企. 殊 wrapper 覯 煙 覲蟆渚覃 task ろ, 朱 襦 Wrapper 殊 襦貉 貂 れ企 覦. build.gradle 殊 譟伎煙企 蠏語 れ 煙 ろ襴渚 殊企. settings.gradle 殊 襦語 蟲 覲企ゼ 蠍磯 殊企. 企 襦碁れ 企 蟯螻襦 蟲焔 讌襯 蠍一. Gradle 殊 蠍一襦 襦碁ゼ 蟲燕.
  • 16. Creating New Gradle Builds https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/installation.html https://guides.gradle.org/creating-new-gradle- builds/?_ga=2.27069819.714745836.1528956749-550288824.1528956749 http://theeye.pe.kr/archives/1990
  • 17. Building Java Applications https://guides.gradle.org/building-java-applications/ http://theeye.pe.kr/archives/1990
  • 18. Reference https://gradle.org/ Gradle http://groovy-lang.org/ Groovy http://www.mimul.com/pebble/default/2013/06/21/1371806174467.html DSL https://chocolatey.org/ Chocolatey http://www.nextree.co.kr/p3452/ CI/CD http://nangpuni.net/?p=677 觜

Editor's Notes

  • #4: DSL企 轟 覃(一, 覿朱 轟 ) 麹 語企ゼ 襷.油 "覓語 願屋 蠏 語企ゼ 襦 狩覃, 蟇郁鍵 襦蠏碁覦 襭 蟶朱企 蟆缶譴." 手 Dave Thomas螳 襷 螳覃 危危蠍 暑. 轟 覓語 願屋 蠏 襷 麹 蟲襯 朱 蟆企. 伎覲企 螻朱襦 企 殊 襷リ企豺殊 れ企 蟆企. 蠏碁Μ螻 覦 企 覃語 覓瑚螳 危危 (螻蠍 語) .
  • #6: 覦 る 貉危狩伎朱 讌襷, 蠏碁觜 る ろ襴渚 蠏碁襦 ろ 螻, 覦豌 貉危狩 . 蟇一 覿覿 覦 る レ襷 覦蠑碁 蠏碁觜 .
  • #8: るゼ ろ ろ朱 螻殊 貉危, , 一危覯伎 ろる 襦煙 覲旧″ 襦語り 蠍磯 . 讌襷 語 螳覦 螻殊 譴 覿覓語 襷 ろれ 朱, 覦 伎 . れ蟆 覈轟企ゼ 豺蟆 蟇磯, 谿曙油企Ν蟆 蟆 螳觜企,油襷 れ襯 覦. 觜 蟆曙 ろ 朱朱 螳豢伎 蟇伎企. 覿殊 企 make襯 り . 覦貉るる磯油Ant襯 企. .NET 貉るる磯 Nant襯 り, 伎 MSBuild襯 伎. 覈轟朱 企 ろ襴渚碁ゼ ろ貅 覿れ ろ 觜螻 一 襦 伎 .
  • #10: 朱 讌 牛 蟆曙 螳.
  • #12: 覦壱 危殊語 覲蟆曙 企 れ伎願係朱 螳覃 れ螻 螳
  • #13: 弧覦壱 危殊語朱油 蠏 覦覯 願 . 覓朱 れ 危殊語 襦語 れ 語 襦語るゼ油覦.
  • #14: 讌 碁 螳 襦語 蠍 伎 企 襦語 螳覦 覦 伎 蟆曙 蟲豢螻, 讌 牛 蟆所骸 覦壱 危殊語 覦壱 谿襯 襷 蟆 譴.
  • #15: Gradle Wrapper襯 覈油企 譟伎 襦碁ゼ 襦 蟆曙 れ 覲 れ れ螻殊 螻 覦襦 觜 蟆 蠍 企.油Java Gradle れ 螳 . 襦貉 れ Gradle Java 覯 蟆曙 螳 . 磯殊 Wrapper襯 蟆 蟠ロ.
  • #16: Gradle Wrapper襯 覈 企 譟伎 襦碁ゼ 襦 蟆曙 れ 覲 れ れ螻殊 螻 覦襦 觜 蟆 蠍 企. Java Gradle れ 螳 . 襦貉 れ Gradle Java 覯 蟆曙 螳 . 磯殊 Wrapper襯 蟆 蟠ロ.