The document summarizes changes made to the marketing and store layout of BARCELINO. The early marketing was described as stale, conservative, and flat, but the new marketing features a sleeker, more updated look to appeal to a younger market. The storefront and dress salon were flat and easy to pass by, but were updated to be cleaner, crisper, and more easily shoppable. Standards were mismatched before but are now uniform. Aisles were crowded before but are now clear and accessible. Feature walls were given a new signature aubergine color. The cash wrap area was also remodeled as part of the new marketing changes.
11. Photo taken at the BARCELINO Per Donna "Purple Party" which launched the store. Pictured left toright; Travis Pinnell, Store Manager; Mitra Sharei-Martin, Womens Buyer; Sharam Sharei, PresidentBARELINO Per Donna.