The document provides instructions for basic hand sewing including necessary equipment, materials, patterns, steps, tips, and basic stitches. The key points are:
1. Basic equipment includes sewing needles, straight pins, and fabric scissors. Patterns are traditionally paper and pinned to fabric before cutting.
2. The basic steps are to choose a pattern, cut pieces, pin to fabric, cut fabric, sew details and main pieces, tie knots, stuff if needed, and trim threads.
3. Tips include using thread no longer than arm length, tying knots at thread ends, making small stitches, and tying knots at seam ends to prevent unraveling. Overhand knots and basic stitches like running stitch are demonstrated.
For basic puppets and toys
Felt a nonwoven fabric that does not work well for
clothing, but is great for toys.
Thread (String) We use an embroidery thread that is made
up of 6 single strands of thread. You may be use to this from
friendship bracelets.
Sewing patterns are traditionally paper.
These patterns are PINNED to the fabric that is to be used to
make project.
Steps to using patterns: 1. Choose pattern
2. Cut Pattern out of paper
3. Pin pattern onto chosen fabric
4. Cut around solid cutting line
1. Decide on pattern
2. Cut pattern pieces out of paper using paper scissors
3. Choose fabric colors and get fabric
4. Pin pattern pieces to main fabric
5. Cut fabric by using pinned pattern
6. Sew detail pieces of design onto main fabric pieces
after pinning them to fabric. Pinning keeps them from
7. Sew main pieces of project together
8. Tie knot at end of seams
9. Stuff if required, and close up 3 inch opening
10. Trim all excess thread from project
1. Use thread that is no longer than the length of your arm
(not your wing span).
2. Tie a knot at the end of the thread dont knot the thread
at the base of the Needle Eye.
3. Stitches should be a small as possible preferably 村 to
遜 inch. The smaller the stitch the better it will keep all
fluff from coming out.
4. Knots must be tied at the end of every seam; this keeps
the seam from coming out.
5. Fabric shears need to be kept sharp do not use them
for cutting anything except fabric.
Overhand Knot at end of thread
Knots need to be tied at end of thread before you begin
stitching, then at the end of the seam to keep the thread from
coming out of the fabric.