This document provides guidance for online sellers opening up an Etsy shop. It recommends first getting acquainted with Etsy by using forums, blogs, and the merchandising desk to research trends and get advice from other sellers. When setting up the shop, sellers should create a banner, policies, and batch list similar items together to efficiently write descriptions and prepare photos. Ongoing monitoring involves using Google Analytics to track site traffic and sales.
6. Firststep:Getyourselfacquaintedwiththeplace
FORUMS PROS per Etsy seller Littleputbooks:
1. Etsy users are genuinely helpful. You can ask advice, basic questions, look for honest and kind
critiques and 鍖nd camaraderie with others in your 鍖eld.
2. Etsy sellers also shop on Etsy. There is a strong feeling of wanting to support one another and while
begging for sales is not really the way to go being visible among a community of shoppers is a
smart move.
3. Forum posters have their pulse on the industry. With so many designers in a small community you
can get a real feel for what is people are looking for. Simply asking other sellers to give you their
input on your shop (see the critiques section) is a great way to get an idea of what you're doing
right and what needs improving on.
4. Etsy Admin is involved in the forums. While I still don't believe Admin tends towards favorites, being
visible to the people who write the Etsy articles and choose the featured seller is a good idea. It
never hurts if the powers that be know you exist."