3. C hina was last night facing the fallout from its worst natural disaster in three decades with at least 9,000 people known to have been killed in a massive earthquake that struck the mountainous province of Sichuan. Tens of thousands more people are feared dead or trapped in the rubber with 80 per cent of buildings reportedly razed to the ground in many areas by a quake that registered 7.8 on the Richter scale. -- Clifford Coonan of Independent post, in Chongqing, China. (May 13, 2008) 昨晚中國發生了去三十年以來最嚴重的天災。在四川山區,截至此報導最少有九千人因大地震而死亡。成千上萬的民眾正在面臨死亡的威脅或被埋於瓦礫之中。 據報約有八成的樓房在這次強度達黎克特制 7.8 級的大地震中倒塌。 -- 英國獨立報記者 Clifford Coonan 於中國重慶報導 (2008 年 5 月 13 日 )
9. A student helps his schoolmate trapped in the rubble of a high school in Beichuan County in southwest China. 中國西南部四川北川縣,一名學生守候在他那位被埋在石塊下的同學身旁,代他招手尋求援助。
10. A soldier gives a wounded woman water at the earthquake-hit Beichuan County. 在地震受災地區北川縣,一名解放軍將食水餵給受傷的婦人喝。
12. Injured students receive medical checks near the debris of a collapsed building at Juyuan Middle School. A survivor is seen among the rubble of a collapsed building. 一名生還者,仍然被倒塌的樓房石塊所壓,亟待救援。 受傷的學生被安排在地震中倒塌的聚源中學的破瓦殘礫附近接受醫治。
13. Soldiers carry a wounded child out from a collapsed building. 解放軍們將一名受重傷的兒童從倒塌的樓房中救出來。
14. A soldier holds back relatives trying to enter a collapsed school building
15. An earthquake survivor displays a placard with names of her missing relatives and asking for their whereabouts as she walks around a sports stadium turned evacuation center in Mianyang City. 綿陽市的體育館成為了地震的臨時收容所,其中一名災難的倖存者手持寫上了失蹤親友名字的紙牌,臨時收容所來回踱步,對於能尋著親友仍抱一絲希望。