Most often the hood of your car can get stuck and deprive you from accessing the underneath parts. This problem can be due to various reasons like a broken cable, broken lever or a jammed hood. Therefore, it is advised to be aware of the different ways to open a stuck hood of your car, some of which are described in these slides.
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Best Way to Open the Stuck Hood of your Car
2. Nowthe car owners often head to the
repair shop withthe complaint that they
unable to openthe hood of theircar.
3. Nowmanyof the online automobile
blogs provide information about the
most effective way to open the hoodof
4. As this is a simple mechanismthat
enablesthe car owners to openthe hood
who is familiar withthe different
mechanismsof the car.
7. The hood of your car get jammed for a
number of reasonsand the most
commonamong themare rusting or
agingof the lock of the hood.
8. To fix the problem, youneedto release
the lever to openthe hoodand try to
properlyopen the hood by taking the
help of another person.
9. If youdon't have anyone to help, thentry
to pull it and openmanually. But make
sure that,the hood willnot at all affected
by the pushingor pulling.
10. In this way, you can openthe hood, if it
wasjammed. If you want to openit
smoothly, then use the oil to the latch
12. Manytimes thelever whichis used to
openthe hood couldbe broken the hood
in some instance which is very easyto
spot by the car owners.
13. At this time, you will find that the lever
might be workingbut the cable
connected the level of the lock of the hood
could be stretched.
14. To fix this problem, youneedto have a
pair of pliers. You first carefullyremove
the panel around the hoodto release
15. In this way, youcan see thecable
connected to the level. Thengrab the
pliers and pullhard at the cable to pop
up the hood.
17. The cables are brokennaturallyor due to
excessmoisture in the air. In this way, the
hood also won't budge. To fix it, you need
to go to your mechanic.
18. First find out where the cablehas broken.
For checkingit, remove the panelaround
the hoodto release the lever and follow
the cable attached to it.
19. Whenyoufindthe broken cable, use the
plierto pull over. If youcan't findthe
brokenpart, use a little flashlight and
flat screwdriver to pull it.
20. If youspot it, use the screwdriver to open
the lock. Thenunder the hood, slide your
hand, release the secondary latch and at
last pop openthe hood.
22. As it is a verysimple mechanismto open
the hoodof your car. If youunable to do
it, thenyoucan get it fixedby a
23. Keepin mindabout the fact that if you
might takea whileto get it open, then it
would get your wallet lighter by quitea bit.