Born nine weeks before their due date, twins Madison and Miranda Landino were facing risks typical for premature infants, including low birth weight and breathing problems...
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Better health survivor story
1. a survivors story NICU provided expert care for premature twins
Born nine weeks before their due date, twins Madison and Miranda Landino were facing risks
typical for premature infants, including low birth weight and breathing problems. Fortunately,
the twins early arrival last July was at the Hospital of Saint Raphael, where experts in the
Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) provided the specialized care they required. Better Health
writer Karen Pasacreta recently caught up with Marc and Michelle Landino of Branford to
re鍖ect on their daughters journey.
Michelle Landino stared down family to lean on when
at several early photos of her there were setbacks. First,
adorable 10-month-old identical the twins lost weight;
twins, as she shared their story. then they needed blood
During your delivery, you get transfusions; then
caught up in the excitement about Madison developed apnea,
seeing your babies. But when you a condition common in
鍖nally get to see them and this is preemies, and would
what you see well, it was hard, stop breathing for no
she said, referring to photos of the reason. It would usually
tiny newborns hooked up to large happen when she was
breathing tubes. eating, Michelle recalled.
Madison and Miranda were Sometimes it would last
born at 31 weeks via emergency Preemies at birth, twins Miranda and Madison Landino for a second, other times a
C-section in what is now the (l-r), shown here with their parents, Michelle and Marc, bit longer, but before
are happy and healthy today.
renovated Vidone Birth Center at Madison was allowed to go
Saint Raphaels. After they were generally between 34 and 36 home, she had to have a full week
born, the girls were immediately weeks, Golioto explained. without any episodes. Through it
whisked away to the NICU, where Saint Raphaels NICU, with all, the Landinos spirits remained
they were placed on respiratory its dedicated team of neonatologists high. When the day 鍖nally arrived
support and had specialized and other neonatal specialists, the day both girls could come
catheters placed to provide their provides advanced care 24 hours home together I cried, Marc
nutrition. The girls weighed under a day, seven days a week for babies cried, Michelle said.
4 pounds each. born as early as the 28th week of Today, Marc marvels at the girls
Delivering nine weeks before a pregnancy. Because we have up progress. Every time they do
due date is not that uncommon in to just 10 patients at a time, we are something new, it makes me feel
multiple births, said Annmarie able to provide personalized care so good inside, he said. I like it
Golioto, M.D., medical director of for babies and their families, when I walk in the room, and they
the NICU and an attending Golioto noted. light up and get happy. I have
neonatologist at Saint Raphaels. For Michelle and Marc, Saint the perfect family!
But when babies are born that Raphaels NICU was a second With a highly trained and
early, there are risks that the team home for 37 days a place where specialized staff including
needs to be prepared to deal with. they would bond with their babies neonatologists and other neonatal
Miranda and Madison both and deliver expressed breast milk specialists as well as respiratory
needed special tubing called three times a day. The staff therapists, lactation consultants,
continuous positive airway pressure, made us feel as if there was nothing physical therapists, social workers
or CPAP, which goes under the wrong with our babies, Marc and others Saint Raphaels
nose to keep the lungs from said. It was a very comfortable NICU delivers advanced care to
collapsing. Both babies required atmosphere and always welcoming. premature babies born as early as
breathing assistance because the It began to feel like family. the 28th week of pregnancy. To
lungs are the last organs to mature, And, it was important to have learn more, visit
18 Saint Raphaels MAY/JUNE 2011