- After working with some of the best estimating talent in the country over the past three years, deploying Building Information Modeling (BIM), Id like to share some lessons learned in using BIM for conceptual estimating. Successfully using BIM for conceptual estimating requires the same investment as most new technologies: youve got to plan and commit both time and money. One of the more unique aspects of BIM is that it is a crossover technology it was originally created for one purpose and now were developing alternate ways to leverage it. BIM has the potential to be a highly disruptive technology, changing the way we plan and build by improving speed, quality and cost.
2. Over my career, Ive come to appreciate the art and
science of conceptual estimating. Its a skill that
requires experience, a sound methodology, and
plain old hard work to be successful.
While Ive never made my living as an estimator, I
have been working with some of the best
estimating talent in the country over the past three
years, deploying Building Information Modeling
Id like to share some lessons learned in using BIM
for conceptual estimating. (This is also whats
known as the highlighting the mistakes of others
for your gain).
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 2
3. BIM is what you make it.
BIMs not magic, but it can perform a $10,000
disappearing act in your bank account if you just
buy a box of software and not a plan. Successfully
using BIM for conceptual estimating requires the
same investment as most new technologies: youve
got to plan and commit both time and money.
One of the more unique aspects of BIM is that it is
a crossover technology it was originally created
for one purpose and now were developing
alternate ways to leverage it. BIM has the potential
to be a highly disruptive technology, changing the
way we plan and build by improving speed, quality
and cost.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 3
4. But before we hail this piece of information technology as the
panacea that will revolutionize the entire building industry, we must
apply the estimators skills (experience, methodology, and plain old
hard work) to the new set of tools.
Investment is required
because the real benefits
come from process
change more than
software innovation.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 4
5. Bite off too much and you might choke.
Ive seen this happen many times: companies make
big plans without devoting enough time or
resources to be bring them to life.
Start small! I recommend using a free software
trial, together with paid product training during the
trial period.
This approach gives you a chance to audition the
software and process to realistically assess its
capabilities and limitations before you make any
major financial commitments.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 5
6. Another cautionary note: dont be overzealous in
populating the cost database initially. Your
database doesnt have to be perfect to use on real
I recommend creating only what you need at first,
on a project-by-project basis. This will help you
understand how youd like the system to perform
before you spend a lot of time building it.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 6
7. Reinventing the wheel doesnt make you
Thomas Edison.
Youre not in the software business.
Rather than spending your valuable time
experimenting with the best way to use the
software, leverage your time by learning from
others experience. The software developer likely
knows other firms who have faced the same
challenges and have worked through them.
The software vendor wants you to be successful -
ask them for industry references whom you can
speak with prior to and during a deployment.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 7
8. Additionally, most technology companies also offer
professional services to work with you, even one-
on-one, to accelerate the learning curve and
deployment process.
Leave the estimating to the professionals.
It takes about a month for a motivated estimator to
learn how to use BIM for conceptual estimating.
How long does it take to take an architect, who
knows BIM tools, to learn how to estimate costs? I
dont mean to sound condescending to my
architect friends (and I work with many fine
architects on a daily basis), but the fact of the
matter is that estimating is generally not their area
of expertise or interest.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 8
9. BIM however, is a crossover technology that
benefits both estimating and architectural
Many general contractors now employ BIM
specialists with architecture backgrounds to fill
certain roles. These folks are typically gifted
technologically and understand the engineering
and architectural modeling practices.
This understanding can be quite valuable in running
project coordination meetings, but in my opinion
the estimating strategy must be developed by
construction professionals whove learned to use
the new tools.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 9
10. The right level of detail for the phase.
Conceptual BIMs differ from detailed design BIMs. They are not
developed to produce documents or coordinate efforts; they are
developed to help the project stakeholders make better informed
decisions at the earliest stages of a project. Adding more graphical
detail in the model only makes it more difficult to quickly evaluate
various what-if scenarios.
Conceptual Phase Schematic Phase Design Development Construction Documents Bid Phase Construction Phase
BIM for Conceptual Estimating Value Engineering
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 10
11. Dont be ashamed to have a very plain 3D cost model that conveys your
analysis as an estimator without the visual eye candy of an architectural
Weve all seen the video game stuff; instead focus on the I in BIM and
your ability to add value and differentiate.
Hunt Oil
Dallas, Texas
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 11
12. It takes soldiers and generals to win the
Are you the sole person at the company tasked
with learning to use these software systems? Good
luck. Youd better have a lot of free time.
Conversely, if youre the executive hoping to push
these tools on your team, the first step to success is
involving the soldiers in the decision process.
If you force tools on staffers, they are more apt to
come up with excuses than to find solutions.
Successful deployments share buy-in from the
users and support from the executive
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 12
13. Lather, rinse and repeat.
To really understand these tools and integrate them
into your work, practice and parallel your current
process. I dont think its realistic to expect to walk
out of your first two-day training class on the
software and directly into a real estimating project.
To start, I recommend taking several projects that
you have estimated conventionally and rework
them through your conceptual BIM estimating
process as practice. You should arrive at the same
estimate and the experience of figuring out how to
do that is invaluable.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 13
14. Next, estimate using BIM as
well as your conventional
process on several projects
until you feel comfortable
with the software and the
Finally, abandon the old
ways entirely and enjoy
spending far more time
developing Value
Engineering ideas and less
time quantifying.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 14
15. Keep the goal in sight.
Even though you may be tackling intermediate
steps, such as creating exterior skin cost models
for simplicity, youre well on your way to the
ultimate goal of creating full estimates for the
Along the journey, youll enjoy the benefit of
improved work product with each step.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 15
16. About the Author
Andy ONan
After performing engineering, estimating, and business
development work in the concrete construction industry,
in 2007 Andy O'Nan joined Beck Technology on their
quest to change the building industry.
An evangelist of the use of building information modeling
(BIM) for preconstruction purposes, Andy has become a
frequent speaker to AEC organizations and universities
on the topic of BIM. Andy is a graduate of Texas A&M
University's school of engineering and today manages
Beck Technology's global business development efforts.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 16
17. Want to learn more about macro BIM?
Watch a short video, a webinar or contact Beck Technology
Beck Technology, Ltd.
Macro BIM software for 3D modeling, 4D scheduling, and 5D cost estimating. Make better decisions earlier. 17