Positive Phase II results for trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1)Senology.org
Roche announced positive results from a Phase II trial of trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) compared to Herceptin and chemotherapy in previously untreated patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Patients receiving T-DM1 lived significantly longer with controlled disease and had fewer side effects than chemotherapy. The trial results support continued development of T-DM1 as a potential new treatment for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer due to its efficacy and favorable safety profile.
Senology Newsletter - October 16, 2014Senology.org
The newsletter discusses recent publications in senology and oncology, upcoming conferences, and collaboration opportunities. Senology apps are now available for mobile devices. Recent literature discussed breast cancer subtypes in African American women, the link between bisphenol A and breast cancer, glucocorticoid prescriptions and breast cancer recurrence, and mesothelin expression and breast cancer outcomes. An editorial questions the evidence for lower mortality with bilateral mastectomy.
Senology Newsletter - January 15, 2013Senology.org
This newsletter provides information on recent advances in senology and oncology. It includes summaries of recent literature on topics such as using digital mammography plus tomosynthesis versus digital mammography alone in breast cancer screening. It also provides information on upcoming conferences and workshops, and highlights recent publications on various cancer types from journals. Readers are encouraged to join online groups and forums to discuss issues and share opinions.
This document discusses planning and research for a music video project. It begins by discussing genre selection and describes choosing a combination of R&B and grime based on audience research. Next, it analyzes existing music videos to identify conventions for camera shots, editing, and storyline elements. It then discusses plans for promoting and distributing the video online and to television channels that feature urban music. Lastly, it addresses designing the CD cover and incorporating feedback to improve the design.
The document provides information on various home loan options including conventional loans, jumbo loans, FHA loans, FHA Streamline loans, HomePath loans, Home Possible loans, DU Refi Plus loans, Freddie Mac Relief Refinance loans, and USDA/Rural Housing loans. Key details include eligible property types, loan amounts, borrower requirements, down payment options, and seller contribution limits for each loan program. Contact information is provided to learn more about home loan options.
This magazine would likely succeed in supermarkets and stores like WHSmiths due to its broad audience of mostly female music fans. Its style also fits both glossy magazines and specialized music publications. However, the magazine may not do as well in stores like Waitrose that tend to attract an older demographic less interested in music magazines. Places like Tesco with a more varied customer base would provide a better fit.
This newsletter provides information on recent developments in senology and oncology. It includes summaries of recent publications, a calendar of upcoming events, and a question and answer section on targeted therapies for ovarian cancer. Specialists are encouraged to join social media groups and share information. The newsletter aims to connect specialists worldwide with the latest research and discussions in the field.
Senology.org Newsletter - December 6, 2011Senology.org
This newsletter from Senology.org provides information on recent developments in breast cancer research and treatment. It includes summaries of 8 recent studies on topics such as the impact of digital mammography, the use of ultrasound to distinguish benign and malignant breast masses, and biomarkers for predicting chemotherapy response and prognosis. It also announces upcoming conferences, and discusses the limited benefits of MRI screening for breast cancer patients. The newsletter aims to connect specialists around the world and share new research.
El documento describe un proyecto para promover la rehabilitaci坦n del ferrocarril ecuatoriano con mensajes tur鱈sticos. Se propone utilizar el tren como medio de transporte para el comercio interno y mostrar lugares tur鱈sticos del Ecuador para atraer visitantes. Se muestra el armado de un tren con vagones y cabezal, y se incluyen mensajes promocionales como "Vive y conoce el tren de Alfaro" y "El tren es muy 炭til para los ecuatorianos y un medio de turismo beneficioso".
Avastin with Xeloda as a first-line treatment for metastatic breast cancer bc_enSenology.org
The CHMP adopted a positive opinion for an extension to the Avastin breast cancer label in Europe to include use in combination with Xeloda as a first-line treatment for metastatic breast cancer. The submission was based on results from the RIBBON 1 study which showed a significant increase in progression-free survival when Avastin was combined with capecitabine compared to capecitabine alone. Final approval from the European Commission is expected later this year, which would provide physicians and patients with more choice in selecting treatment options.
The newsletter provides information on senology apps for mobile devices, upcoming conferences, and recent publications in senology and oncology. It encourages connecting with other specialists on social media and shares summaries of workshops on breast cancer, melanoma, lung cancer, and stem cells. The editorial discusses findings that screening mammography reduces breast cancer mortality by about 5% while mortality is much higher for unscreened women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Senology.org Newsletter - October 4, 2011 - Latest Advances in Clinical Sen...Senology.org
The document is a newsletter from Senology.org, an international scientific community for specialists in senology and oncology. It provides literature summaries on recent studies related to breast cancer and other cancers. It also lists upcoming conferences and events. The newsletter aims to connect specialists worldwide by sharing information and opinions through social media platforms and RSS feeds.
This document provides an introduction and refresher training on using the Blackboard platform. It outlines the objectives of learning how to create and modify basic Blackboard elements like folders, items, and links. It then walks participants through logging into Blackboard, explains what Blackboard is and how it can enhance 21st century learning, and provides tutorials on specific functions like editing personal information, adding folders and items. The training concludes by having participants practice these skills and providing an exit ticket to gather feedback.
10th Meet the Professor. Advanced International Breast Cancer Conference (AIB...Senology.org
This document provides information about the 10th Advanced International Breast Cancer Course (AIBCC) taking place from November 6-8, 2014 in Padua, Italy. The conference will include lectures from internationally recognized speakers on topics related to breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and management. It will also include clinical case discussions where difficult cases are presented and attendees vote and discuss treatment options. The goal of the conference is to provide an updated and personalized approach to breast cancer care through an exchange of expertise between speakers and attendees. The conference is directed at oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, and other medical professionals involved in breast cancer treatment.
Senology Newsletter - November 6, 2014Senology.org
This newsletter from the International Senologic and Oncologic Scientific Community provides updates on senology-related mobile apps, social media platforms, and collaborations. It also lists recent literature on topics like skin-sparing mastectomy, radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ, hypofractionated radiation after mastectomy, proton irradiation to reduce heart dose in breast cancer patients, adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab for HER2-positive breast cancer, lapatinib-associated toxicities and progression-free survival, yoga for cognitive problems in breast cancer survivors, timing of breast reconstruction and radiotherapy, and more.
Senology Newsletter - February 7, 2013Senology.org
This newsletter provides information from the International Senologic and Oncologic Scientific Community. It includes a summary of recent literature on topics like breast cancer screening and treatment. It also announces upcoming conferences and includes editorials and summaries of workshops on cancers like lung and prostate cancer. The newsletter aims to connect specialists around the world and share recent research.
Keyword searching involves identifying keywords or short phrases that describe a website topic or page. Keywords that are commonly searched and used on websites have more attraction power. To create keywords, one can use similar terms from a thesaurus or combine different related terms. Boolean logic operators like AND, OR, and NOT can be used to combine keywords to focus searches.
The document discusses bytecode weaving, which involves modifying Java class files by changing, adding, or removing bytecode instructions before a class is loaded by a Java virtual machine. Specifically:
- Bytecode weaving can be used to change class structure, add/remove classes, interfaces, fields, and methods, modify class behavior, and execute code before and after method execution.
- Frameworks like AspectJ and libraries like EclipseLink use bytecode weaving for purposes like aspect-oriented programming, performance improvements, and isolating code from dependencies.
- The document demonstrates how to generate and modify bytecode using ASM and provides an example of weaving in OSGi using the Equinox framework hooks.
Assignment N尊 1: History of educational technologygabrielktx
Educational technology has evolved over time from the use of silent films and radio in classrooms to today's use of computers and Internet connections. Key developments include the rise of audiovisual education aided by World War II, the introduction of educational television stations, and the widespread adoption of microcomputers in schools during the 1980s. While technology provides benefits like improved access to materials and student motivation, its implementation also faces challenges such as adequate funding, training for teachers, and ensuring media literacy.
The document discusses how the media product challenges and develops conventions of real media genres. It summarizes research on romance film trailers, analyzing characteristics like music, shots, characters, and editing/transitions. While some conventions are followed, such as two-person shots and fading transitions, other aspects challenge norms. There is no character dialogue or voiceover in the trailer, requiring the audience to understand the story through images and text alone.
The RINBOT virus targeted weaknesses in the popular Symantec antivirus software in March 2007, infecting over 500 companies. It aimed to defeat Symantec's protections and gain control of networked computers to turn them into spam-spreading zombies. As the 7th version of RINBOT dating back to 2005, it exploited errors in antivirus programs and wrecked systems connected on networks even remotely.
2010 middle east state of supply chain managementB2G-Consulting
This document provides an introduction to a report on the state of supply chain management in the Middle East. It notes that while the region is optimistic about an economic upturn, many companies may struggle to meet demand due to weak supply chains from prioritizing short-term cost cutting over operational readiness. The Middle East has emerged as a global freight hub but current players will need vision and oversight to shift from short-term thinking to developing efficient, responsive supply chains that can support business growth in the region.
This newsletter provides information on recent developments in senology and oncology. It includes summaries of recent publications, a calendar of upcoming events, and a question and answer section on targeted therapies for ovarian cancer. Specialists are encouraged to join social media groups and share information. The newsletter aims to connect specialists worldwide with the latest research and discussions in the field.
Senology.org Newsletter - December 6, 2011Senology.org
This newsletter from Senology.org provides information on recent developments in breast cancer research and treatment. It includes summaries of 8 recent studies on topics such as the impact of digital mammography, the use of ultrasound to distinguish benign and malignant breast masses, and biomarkers for predicting chemotherapy response and prognosis. It also announces upcoming conferences, and discusses the limited benefits of MRI screening for breast cancer patients. The newsletter aims to connect specialists around the world and share new research.
El documento describe un proyecto para promover la rehabilitaci坦n del ferrocarril ecuatoriano con mensajes tur鱈sticos. Se propone utilizar el tren como medio de transporte para el comercio interno y mostrar lugares tur鱈sticos del Ecuador para atraer visitantes. Se muestra el armado de un tren con vagones y cabezal, y se incluyen mensajes promocionales como "Vive y conoce el tren de Alfaro" y "El tren es muy 炭til para los ecuatorianos y un medio de turismo beneficioso".
Avastin with Xeloda as a first-line treatment for metastatic breast cancer bc_enSenology.org
The CHMP adopted a positive opinion for an extension to the Avastin breast cancer label in Europe to include use in combination with Xeloda as a first-line treatment for metastatic breast cancer. The submission was based on results from the RIBBON 1 study which showed a significant increase in progression-free survival when Avastin was combined with capecitabine compared to capecitabine alone. Final approval from the European Commission is expected later this year, which would provide physicians and patients with more choice in selecting treatment options.
The newsletter provides information on senology apps for mobile devices, upcoming conferences, and recent publications in senology and oncology. It encourages connecting with other specialists on social media and shares summaries of workshops on breast cancer, melanoma, lung cancer, and stem cells. The editorial discusses findings that screening mammography reduces breast cancer mortality by about 5% while mortality is much higher for unscreened women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Senology.org Newsletter - October 4, 2011 - Latest Advances in Clinical Sen...Senology.org
The document is a newsletter from Senology.org, an international scientific community for specialists in senology and oncology. It provides literature summaries on recent studies related to breast cancer and other cancers. It also lists upcoming conferences and events. The newsletter aims to connect specialists worldwide by sharing information and opinions through social media platforms and RSS feeds.
This document provides an introduction and refresher training on using the Blackboard platform. It outlines the objectives of learning how to create and modify basic Blackboard elements like folders, items, and links. It then walks participants through logging into Blackboard, explains what Blackboard is and how it can enhance 21st century learning, and provides tutorials on specific functions like editing personal information, adding folders and items. The training concludes by having participants practice these skills and providing an exit ticket to gather feedback.
10th Meet the Professor. Advanced International Breast Cancer Conference (AIB...Senology.org
This document provides information about the 10th Advanced International Breast Cancer Course (AIBCC) taking place from November 6-8, 2014 in Padua, Italy. The conference will include lectures from internationally recognized speakers on topics related to breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and management. It will also include clinical case discussions where difficult cases are presented and attendees vote and discuss treatment options. The goal of the conference is to provide an updated and personalized approach to breast cancer care through an exchange of expertise between speakers and attendees. The conference is directed at oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, and other medical professionals involved in breast cancer treatment.
Senology Newsletter - November 6, 2014Senology.org
This newsletter from the International Senologic and Oncologic Scientific Community provides updates on senology-related mobile apps, social media platforms, and collaborations. It also lists recent literature on topics like skin-sparing mastectomy, radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ, hypofractionated radiation after mastectomy, proton irradiation to reduce heart dose in breast cancer patients, adjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab for HER2-positive breast cancer, lapatinib-associated toxicities and progression-free survival, yoga for cognitive problems in breast cancer survivors, timing of breast reconstruction and radiotherapy, and more.
Senology Newsletter - February 7, 2013Senology.org
This newsletter provides information from the International Senologic and Oncologic Scientific Community. It includes a summary of recent literature on topics like breast cancer screening and treatment. It also announces upcoming conferences and includes editorials and summaries of workshops on cancers like lung and prostate cancer. The newsletter aims to connect specialists around the world and share recent research.
Keyword searching involves identifying keywords or short phrases that describe a website topic or page. Keywords that are commonly searched and used on websites have more attraction power. To create keywords, one can use similar terms from a thesaurus or combine different related terms. Boolean logic operators like AND, OR, and NOT can be used to combine keywords to focus searches.
The document discusses bytecode weaving, which involves modifying Java class files by changing, adding, or removing bytecode instructions before a class is loaded by a Java virtual machine. Specifically:
- Bytecode weaving can be used to change class structure, add/remove classes, interfaces, fields, and methods, modify class behavior, and execute code before and after method execution.
- Frameworks like AspectJ and libraries like EclipseLink use bytecode weaving for purposes like aspect-oriented programming, performance improvements, and isolating code from dependencies.
- The document demonstrates how to generate and modify bytecode using ASM and provides an example of weaving in OSGi using the Equinox framework hooks.
Assignment N尊 1: History of educational technologygabrielktx
Educational technology has evolved over time from the use of silent films and radio in classrooms to today's use of computers and Internet connections. Key developments include the rise of audiovisual education aided by World War II, the introduction of educational television stations, and the widespread adoption of microcomputers in schools during the 1980s. While technology provides benefits like improved access to materials and student motivation, its implementation also faces challenges such as adequate funding, training for teachers, and ensuring media literacy.
The document discusses how the media product challenges and develops conventions of real media genres. It summarizes research on romance film trailers, analyzing characteristics like music, shots, characters, and editing/transitions. While some conventions are followed, such as two-person shots and fading transitions, other aspects challenge norms. There is no character dialogue or voiceover in the trailer, requiring the audience to understand the story through images and text alone.
The RINBOT virus targeted weaknesses in the popular Symantec antivirus software in March 2007, infecting over 500 companies. It aimed to defeat Symantec's protections and gain control of networked computers to turn them into spam-spreading zombies. As the 7th version of RINBOT dating back to 2005, it exploited errors in antivirus programs and wrecked systems connected on networks even remotely.
2010 middle east state of supply chain managementB2G-Consulting
This document provides an introduction to a report on the state of supply chain management in the Middle East. It notes that while the region is optimistic about an economic upturn, many companies may struggle to meet demand due to weak supply chains from prioritizing short-term cost cutting over operational readiness. The Middle East has emerged as a global freight hub but current players will need vision and oversight to shift from short-term thinking to developing efficient, responsive supply chains that can support business growth in the region.