Blogging, software standards and template cultureAnne Helmond
This document summarizes Anne Helmond's presentation at the Super PowerPoint Cinema Conference on October 1, 2008. The presentation discussed software studies, software culture, and template culture. Specifically, it examined how software mediates content production, distribution and reception; how default settings, themes and templates shape media; and how widgets, plugins and databases impact aesthetics and the self.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya bershalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Menurut beberapa hadis, bershalawat dapat memberikan keberkahan, menghapus dosa, dan meningkatkan derajat di akhirat. Selain itu, orang yang tidak bershalawat ketika Nabi disebutkan dianggap dihinakan. Allah dan malaikat juga bershalawat kepada Nabi, sehingga umat Islam diminta untuk mengikuti contoh tersebut.
Technology integration is better than just technology use in schools according to the document. Technology integration involves using technology productively to enhance learning, while technology use is simply having equipment available without a focus on how it contributes to education. The document discusses reasons some argue for just technology use, such as budget constraints, time issues, and teachers lacking skills, but emphasizes benefits of technology integration like improved communication, creativity, grades, and enjoyment for students. It concludes schools should focus on training teachers to integrate technology into lessons to better prepare students for a technology-driven society and future.
This document provides equations and formulas for inventory management. It covers topics like economic order quantity, reorder levels, forecasting demand, material requirements planning, and just-in-time systems. Key equations calculate optimal order quantity, cycle time, variable and total costs, reorder levels, forecasting methods, production and demand balances, material requirements, and kanban quantities. The document is a comprehensive reference for quantitative inventory management models and their underlying formulas.
The document discusses the Oracle Application Grid approach, which aims to improve efficiency and flexibility by pooling and dynamically sharing resources across applications. It addresses challenges like tight coupling and inflexible scaling in traditional IT environments. The Application Grid uses technologies like WebLogic Server, JRockit, Tuxedo, and Coherence to enable dynamic scaling, high performance, reliability through redundancy, and automated cross-stack management.
PEARLS is a Phase IV clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of once-daily antiretroviral regimens for the initial treatment of HIV-1 in resource-limited settings. The trial aims to enroll 1,520 adult patients naive to treatment with CD4 counts less than 300 from the US and resource-limited countries. Patients are randomized to receive one of three treatment combinations: two NRTIs plus an NNRTI twice daily; two NRTIs plus a PI once daily; or two NRTIs plus an NNRTI once daily. The primary endpoint is time from treatment initiation to treatment failure, defined as death, disease progression, or virologic failure. The trial has faced challenges establishing research infrastructure
VACT Social Media Workshop 3 June 2011Bob Crawshaw
Social media provides opportunities for non-profits to inform members, reach new audiences, and share information in a cheap and fast way. It allows organizations to promote events, fundraise, and invite involvement through platforms like websites, blogs, social networks, podcasts, and Twitter. While new media tools are highly interactive and increasingly comfortable for many, non-profits must also consider challenges like ensuring online activity leads to real-world efforts and avoiding "online ghost towns."
Nodester is an open source platform that provides free Node.js hosting. It currently hosts around 2,000 apps and is built on Amazon EC2 instances. The main components are proxy.js which handles all HTTP and Websocket requests, and app.js which handles the REST API, CLI, and site. The roadmap includes separating out features, reorganizing the system layout, looking at alternative sandboxing, and potentially breaking components out to their own VMs.
The document advertises an Eco 51% Recycled Sling Bag that is made from 51% post-consumer recycled material. It has a large main compartment that secures with snap buckles, a velcro pocket, and side water bottle pockets. The bag comes with a detachable, adjustable shoulder strap. The document provides call-in special pricing for bulk orders of 100, 300, or 450 bags at $7.40 per bag when using the promo code "Sling51".
Chromium is commonly used to make alloys and protect other materials from corrosion. It is extracted commercially from the mineral chromite using the thermite process, which involves a reduction-oxidation reaction with aluminum. This process requires substantial heat but produces even more heat, allowing chromium to be extracted. Some major alloys containing chromium include stainless steel, ferrochrome, chromel, and stellite. While chromium recycling is not large-scale currently due to abundant ores, it may become more important in the future as ores are depleted and energy conservation increases.
This document discusses strategies for effective word-of-mouth marketing. It recommends identifying and cultivating relationships with key influencers who can spread messages through their networks. Providing simple, compelling messages and tools for others to easily share information is important. Opportunities like events and presentations can encourage conversations about your organization. Tracking word-of-mouth efforts helps determine what approaches are most successful at reaching target audiences and keeping discussions ongoing.
The Widgetized Self in the BlogosphereAnne Helmond
The document discusses how identity is constructed online through various platforms. It compares personal homepages and blogs as ways individuals fashion public identities on the web. Personal homepages in the late 1990s presented fairly static, self-contained identities through individually authored HTML pages. In contrast, blogs allow for more fluid, distributed identities through constantly updated content stored across a database, not confined to a single page. Blogs support a more unruly, multifaceted online social identity than early personal homepages.
The document discusses several key points about marriage:
1. Relationships are built on fantasy projections rather than reality, which can lead to "unfinished business" and resentment.
2. Marriage is a difficult process that inevitably involves crises as two people struggle to form an individual relationship.
3. According to Jung, there can be no birth of consciousness or love without also experiencing pain.
4. Marriage may not be a suitable relationship for everyone, and people should find their own path.
Web 2.0 And Other Online Trends (Dec 2006)Neal Andrews
This document discusses trends related to Web 2.0 and online communities. It notes that Web 2.0 emphasizes user-generated content and social networking. Some key trends it outlines include the rise of blogs, social networking sites like Myspace, user-tagging on sites like Flickr and Delicious, the growth of online video through YouTube, and virtual communities like Second Life. It provides examples of how various brands are leveraging these new online platforms and trends to engage with customers.
QuickHealth is a tablet-based EMR solution that aims to address issues with existing EMR systems such as high costs, complex workflows, and a lack of customization. It allows doctors to see more patients while still providing quality care. The solution was developed based on a pediatrician's frustrations with long wait times and inability to easily access patient histories during visits. QuickHealth streamlines the patient visit process and appointment scheduling. It has a revenue model based on pay-per-usage by doctors and additional revenue from patient deals, advertisements, and medicine discounts through affiliated stores.
The document discusses Ryan Klose, CIO of Australian Vintage, and his goals to better integrate the company's various IT systems. The systems landscape includes several different systems for order management, export, shipping, compliance, and wine production. Klose's three main goals are to: 1) automate how orders are managed, 2) monitor processes in real time, and 3) achieve better integration with minimal disruption to core systems. This will be done through a new platform that can interface with existing core applications.
Technology integration is better than just technology use in schools according to the document. Technology integration involves using technology productively to enhance learning, while technology use is simply having electronic devices available without a focus on how they improve education. The document discusses reasons some argue for just technology use, such as budget constraints, time issues, and teachers lacking skills, but says technology integration should be the focus since it engages students, improves skills, and prepares them for a technology-focused society and future careers.
Content Marketing Unwrapped: A beginners guide for Australian communicatorsBob Crawshaw
This presentation discusses content marketing and how it is used to build relationships with communities through useful information sharing. It notes that content marketing is important because people are busy, don't trust large organizations, and have fragmented attention. The presentation outlines six steps to an effective content marketing strategy: having a vision, identifying communities, determining relationship goals, sourcing content internally and externally, choosing appropriate content types, and measuring results. It emphasizes using stories, case studies, thought leadership and curated content to engage audiences.
Can communicators be good leaders and if so what special skills do they need? And can you lead if the word "manager" is absent from your title? This presentation is for communicators in the Australian Public Service.
Strategic Communications and National SecurityBob Crawshaw
Strategic communications in national security involves crafting an ongoing narrative to gain support from key groups for security policies. It has evolved from early 20th century efforts in Australia like the Department of Information during World War 2. Modern strategic communications must define goals, coordinate messages across different audiences and channels, and act to both inform and influence while also listening. It requires balancing political leadership with bureaucratic management and addressing challenges like hostile groups, complex long-term security issues, high costs, fast-moving media, and loss of trust.
VACT Social Media Workshop 3 June 2011Bob Crawshaw
Social media provides opportunities for non-profits to inform members, reach new audiences, and share information in a cheap and fast way. It allows organizations to promote events, fundraise, and invite involvement through platforms like websites, blogs, social networks, podcasts, and Twitter. While new media tools are highly interactive and increasingly comfortable for many, non-profits must also consider challenges like ensuring online activity leads to real-world efforts and avoiding "online ghost towns."
Nodester is an open source platform that provides free Node.js hosting. It currently hosts around 2,000 apps and is built on Amazon EC2 instances. The main components are proxy.js which handles all HTTP and Websocket requests, and app.js which handles the REST API, CLI, and site. The roadmap includes separating out features, reorganizing the system layout, looking at alternative sandboxing, and potentially breaking components out to their own VMs.
The document advertises an Eco 51% Recycled Sling Bag that is made from 51% post-consumer recycled material. It has a large main compartment that secures with snap buckles, a velcro pocket, and side water bottle pockets. The bag comes with a detachable, adjustable shoulder strap. The document provides call-in special pricing for bulk orders of 100, 300, or 450 bags at $7.40 per bag when using the promo code "Sling51".
Chromium is commonly used to make alloys and protect other materials from corrosion. It is extracted commercially from the mineral chromite using the thermite process, which involves a reduction-oxidation reaction with aluminum. This process requires substantial heat but produces even more heat, allowing chromium to be extracted. Some major alloys containing chromium include stainless steel, ferrochrome, chromel, and stellite. While chromium recycling is not large-scale currently due to abundant ores, it may become more important in the future as ores are depleted and energy conservation increases.
This document discusses strategies for effective word-of-mouth marketing. It recommends identifying and cultivating relationships with key influencers who can spread messages through their networks. Providing simple, compelling messages and tools for others to easily share information is important. Opportunities like events and presentations can encourage conversations about your organization. Tracking word-of-mouth efforts helps determine what approaches are most successful at reaching target audiences and keeping discussions ongoing.
The Widgetized Self in the BlogosphereAnne Helmond
The document discusses how identity is constructed online through various platforms. It compares personal homepages and blogs as ways individuals fashion public identities on the web. Personal homepages in the late 1990s presented fairly static, self-contained identities through individually authored HTML pages. In contrast, blogs allow for more fluid, distributed identities through constantly updated content stored across a database, not confined to a single page. Blogs support a more unruly, multifaceted online social identity than early personal homepages.
The document discusses several key points about marriage:
1. Relationships are built on fantasy projections rather than reality, which can lead to "unfinished business" and resentment.
2. Marriage is a difficult process that inevitably involves crises as two people struggle to form an individual relationship.
3. According to Jung, there can be no birth of consciousness or love without also experiencing pain.
4. Marriage may not be a suitable relationship for everyone, and people should find their own path.
Web 2.0 And Other Online Trends (Dec 2006)Neal Andrews
This document discusses trends related to Web 2.0 and online communities. It notes that Web 2.0 emphasizes user-generated content and social networking. Some key trends it outlines include the rise of blogs, social networking sites like Myspace, user-tagging on sites like Flickr and Delicious, the growth of online video through YouTube, and virtual communities like Second Life. It provides examples of how various brands are leveraging these new online platforms and trends to engage with customers.
QuickHealth is a tablet-based EMR solution that aims to address issues with existing EMR systems such as high costs, complex workflows, and a lack of customization. It allows doctors to see more patients while still providing quality care. The solution was developed based on a pediatrician's frustrations with long wait times and inability to easily access patient histories during visits. QuickHealth streamlines the patient visit process and appointment scheduling. It has a revenue model based on pay-per-usage by doctors and additional revenue from patient deals, advertisements, and medicine discounts through affiliated stores.
The document discusses Ryan Klose, CIO of Australian Vintage, and his goals to better integrate the company's various IT systems. The systems landscape includes several different systems for order management, export, shipping, compliance, and wine production. Klose's three main goals are to: 1) automate how orders are managed, 2) monitor processes in real time, and 3) achieve better integration with minimal disruption to core systems. This will be done through a new platform that can interface with existing core applications.
Technology integration is better than just technology use in schools according to the document. Technology integration involves using technology productively to enhance learning, while technology use is simply having electronic devices available without a focus on how they improve education. The document discusses reasons some argue for just technology use, such as budget constraints, time issues, and teachers lacking skills, but says technology integration should be the focus since it engages students, improves skills, and prepares them for a technology-focused society and future careers.
Content Marketing Unwrapped: A beginners guide for Australian communicatorsBob Crawshaw
This presentation discusses content marketing and how it is used to build relationships with communities through useful information sharing. It notes that content marketing is important because people are busy, don't trust large organizations, and have fragmented attention. The presentation outlines six steps to an effective content marketing strategy: having a vision, identifying communities, determining relationship goals, sourcing content internally and externally, choosing appropriate content types, and measuring results. It emphasizes using stories, case studies, thought leadership and curated content to engage audiences.
Can communicators be good leaders and if so what special skills do they need? And can you lead if the word "manager" is absent from your title? This presentation is for communicators in the Australian Public Service.
Strategic Communications and National SecurityBob Crawshaw
Strategic communications in national security involves crafting an ongoing narrative to gain support from key groups for security policies. It has evolved from early 20th century efforts in Australia like the Department of Information during World War 2. Modern strategic communications must define goals, coordinate messages across different audiences and channels, and act to both inform and influence while also listening. It requires balancing political leadership with bureaucratic management and addressing challenges like hostile groups, complex long-term security issues, high costs, fast-moving media, and loss of trust.
Social media trends and audiences: March 2105Bob Crawshaw
This document discusses social media trends in Australia based on various data sources. Some key findings include:
- 47% of online time is spent on social media, with 28 minutes out of every 60 spent on social platforms.
- 9 out of 10 people check their smartphones as part of their daily routine.
- Smartphone sales in Australia have increased significantly between 2011 and 2014.
- Most social network access is via smartphones, with 55% accessing daily.
- Facebook has 9 million daily active users in Australia, with 7.3 million accessing via mobile.
The document outlines questions for a PR workshop for the Canberra Lions club to help them develop their public relations plan and objectives for 2015. It prompts them to identify their PR objectives, key audiences, messages, media contacts, potential for social media use, local influencers, and an outline of PR activities and tactics over the next 12 months.
This document provides guidance on writing effective media releases to attract journalists' attention and share news. It recommends that releases be one page, use catchy headlines and active language, and follow a structure including the headline, lead paragraph, quotes, additional information, and contact details. The purpose is to inform journalists concisely rather than advertise or publish policies. Key details to include are who, what, when, where, why and how to clearly summarize the news for readers.
This document provides an overview for crafting a public relations plan for a Lions Club. It discusses establishing objectives, defining target audiences, developing key messages, engaging various media outlets including print, television, radio and online channels, utilizing word-of-mouth marketing, creating a timeline and budget, assigning roles, and measuring progress. The goal is to help Lions Clubs promote their activities and attract new members through an effective PR strategy.
This document contains 8 photo credits from various photographers including vgm8383, jeffsmallwood, wbeem, Jason Alley, Glyn Lowe Photoworks, szeke, dpbirds, and The Great Photographicon. It encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare.
National Security and Strategic CommunicationsBob Crawshaw
Strategic communications involves ongoing, timely, and truthful communications to maintain public support. This document discusses the changing media landscape including the rise of online and single-issue news sources as well as news presented as satire. It also notes that data now drives and checks news reporting and has led to increased polarization and declining trust in media institutions. Additionally, it examines how individuals, organizations, and government agencies are using social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter to engage with stakeholders, provide information, and conduct customer service.
This document outlines the major stages in the development of the internet and social media from the 1970s to present day, including the infrastructure decade of the 1980s, the internet going public in the early 1990s and exploding in popularity late in that decade, the birth of social media in the early 2000s which then exploded in popularity from 2005-2006, the rise of new devices and platforms from 2009-2010, and the continued rise of social media through 2011 and today.
To create an infographic, determine the story to share and if it is suitable. Assemble 5-10 relevant data points and select images and symbols to represent them, writing brief explanations linking the two. Infographics can be designed in-house, outsourced, or through DIY options online like Fiverr. Once completed, infographics can be shared online and used in various publications and materials to visually tell stories through data and imagery in a simple way.
Facebook Facts for Australian Government Communicators Bob Crawshaw
This document provides numerical benchmarks for Australian government brands and politicians on Facebook in September 2013. It shows the average weekly engagement figures and engagement rates for different industries and government entities. It also lists the top performing government brands and campaigns as well as the top 10 politicians by number of Facebook fans. The Queensland Police Service had the most engaged fans and most fans of any government brand.
Use media (and everything else you have) to get recognition for your communit...Bob Crawshaw
Use owned, earned and paid score recognition for your community service. Presented to the Lions Club Convention in Brisbane on 18 October 2013.
Australia is ready for content marketing Bob Crawshaw
We're super connected, everyone is now a publisher, we're busy and trust levels are low. So it's time for a new approach to communicating as Australians move from mass audience to niche communities.
(Summary of a recent address by Contentgroup's David Pembroke and myself at the National Press Club in Canberra.)
This document outlines the roles needed for an effective content marketing team. It discusses that a content marketing team requires sources to provide input, creators to develop the content, sharers to distribute the content across channels, monitors to track engagement and feedback, and a strategist to oversee the process and ensure the content aligns with business goals. Having the right team in place that covers these key roles is necessary to successfully implement a content marketing strategy.
State of social media in Australia in 2013Bob Crawshaw
This document acknowledges Telstra Exchange and Telstra News as the source for a survey conducted by Sensis and AIMIA between February and April 2013 of 932 Australians and 1959 businesses. It provides contact information for Bob Crawshaw including his email, Twitter handle, and blog related to the survey findings.
Lions clubs can recruit new members, retain current members, and continue community support and recognition by promoting their club through sharing stories of their achievements and community impact. These stories should highlight who the club is helping, how Lions helped through a specific project, and the positive result. The story should be in a narrative format, focus on human interest and local benefits, and include a call to action for community support.