The sun shone brightly but then clouds formed obscuring the sun behind a soft blanket of fog or clouds. The sun disappeared from view as if hiding inside a protective cocoon formed by the clouds surrounding it.
Aqwal-e-Zareen By Hazrat Ali (R.A) (http://www.MuhammadUmer321.Blogspot.Com)Worriedumermalik
The document contains repeated links to the blog http://Www.MuhammadUmer321.BlogSpot.Com but provides no other text, images, or context about the content or purpose of the blog.
Do not open an encyclopedia of the world's best kept secrets manteshVlogFACT
This document compares the key characteristics of vampires and werewolves. Vampires can take the form of bats, mist, or dust and feed on blood. They are strongest at night and have mind control abilities. Vampires have weaknesses to garlic, sunlight, and crucifixes. They can be killed by a wooden stake through the heart or sunlight exposure. Werewolves can only take a wolf form and feed on humans, living or dead. They are most active during full moons and have stamina, speed, and cunning. However, werewolves stand out in crowds and are vulnerable to silver. Both legends originated from medieval folklore involving wolves or Vlad the Impaler.
A compilation of authentic narrations of Prophet Muhammad SAW, displayed in a visually appealing manner, ideal to be taught at home and school. Arabic text is translated in English & Urdu and complimented with pictorial illustrations to help with understanding. Children will develop their love for the Prophet SAWand start acting upon the simple acts of sunnah in a natural way. Furthermore they will learn research skills through referenced narrations. This is a 'must -have' for all ages especially between 3-6 years.
Mir aatul Huda is a fun packed and colourful magazine reflecting Alhuda International School. Composed and designed beautifully for both adults and children to take benefit of interesting articles written by students and teachers on various topics. The magazine serves a purpose of introducing the wonderful combination of Islamic ethics emerged with worldly life and the hereafter.
This Facebook page shares daily hadiths and verses from the Quran in Urdu. The purpose is to compile authentic hadiths from major hadith books like Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud, and others. The hadiths are from the most reliable collections and are those brought by the Prophet Muhammad. The page aims to spread these Islamic teachings to Urdu speakers.
The document discusses the history and importance of chocolate in human civilization. It notes that chocolate originated in Mesoamerica over 3000 years ago and was prized by the Aztecs and Mayans for its taste. Cocoa beans were used as currency and their cultivation was tightly regulated. The Spanish conquest of the region introduced chocolate to Europe, though it remained an elite drink until the Industrial Revolution made it widely available.
Namaz, The Most Beautiful Pictures EverAzan's Spirit
This short document discusses namaz, the Muslim prayer. It contains the greeting "As-salamu alaykum" meaning peace be upon you, and praises God and the Prophet Muhammad. The author, Arham, shares some of the most beautiful pictures ever of namaz and gives thanks to Zee Muhammad.
Full Namaz with Urdu Transalation in PDF form.
Dear Lord I need your blessing over my life,
please provide me with that job I need and want so that I can be debt free and focus on Your plan for my life.
Make me independent again so that I can be a great parent to my son.
Please God give me back my self confidants I lost along the way.
"""Don't Forget me in your prayers."""
BY Seerat Malik
Prayer (salaat) involves eight physical postures and recitations that provide spiritual and physical benefits. Each posture stretches and exercises different parts of the body like the back, legs, and stomach. They also stimulate organs and glands, improving health. Mentally, the postures and recitations unite the brain, generate humility, and cleanse the mind of toxins. Overall, the physical components of prayer aid relaxation and focus while providing a full body workout, and the spiritual elements enhance concentration on God, purity one's soul, and increase reliance on Allah.
Abdul Malik Mujahid
Language: Arabic English | Format: PDF | Pages: 128 | Size: 44 MB
Islam is based on two major sources: the Quran and the Sunnah, and the latter is available to us in the form of hadiths. The Prophet (S) said,Whoever comes to know one hadith of mine should spread it.
I have come to the realization that many youth from among the Muslims have not memorized even one hadith of the Prophet (S). For this reason I have chosen smaller hadiths so that they can be easily memorized by them and they can spread them to others.
I supplicate to Allah to make this book a source of light on the Day of Judgment for us.
Top 10 richest countries in tha world....WAHLABilalwahla
The document summarizes the top 10 richest countries in the world in 2013. It discusses each country's background, independence, population, currency, main income resources, GDP, and GDP growth. The top country listed is Qatar, followed by Luxembourg, Singapore, Norway, Hong Kong, Brunei, United States, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, and Kuwait. For each, key details about the country's economy, resources, and development are provided.
The document discusses the health benefits of performing namaz (sala'at or Islamic prayer). It notes that namaz involves mild physical exercise through specific positions and movements. When performed correctly and regularly, as five times daily, it can help maintain overall health and fitness without strain. The document highlights the importance of proper wudu (ablution) before namaz, noting that various aspects of the wudu process like hand washing are in line with modern medical knowledge about preventing the spread of infection."
This document discusses Hadith, which are reports of the statements, actions, or tacit approvals of the Prophet Muhammad. It provides definitions of key Hadith terminology like matn, isnad, sahih, and details the various classifications of Hadith books by topic, narrator, or compilation approach. The document emphasizes that the most authoritative Hadith collections are those of Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Nisai, Ibn Majah, Muwatta Malik, and Musnad Ahmad due to their rigorous authentication process.
Tib e nabwai urdu A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director Genera...Mr.Allah Dad Khan
Tib e nabwai urdu A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture Extension KPK Province and Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar
The document lists the 10 richest men in the world in 2013, ranging from Bernard Arnault with a net worth of $29 billion at #10 to Carlos Slim Helu with a net worth of $73 billion at #1. Most of the men made their fortunes from diversified businesses or companies they founded themselves such as Bill Gates with Microsoft and Warren Buffet with Berkshire Hathaway. Their ages ranged from the youngest Bill Gates at 57 to Li Ka Shing as the oldest at 84.
Importance and Benefits of Islamic PrayerSabeel Ahmed
The document discusses the importance and benefits of salah (prayer) in Islam. It provides evidence from the Quran showing prophets like Ibrahim, Ismail, Musa and Isa commanded their people to perform salah. Salah is mentioned 67 times in the Quran. It is the most important pillar that reminds people of Allah and keeps them away from evil. The physical and spiritual benefits of salah are explained, including lowering cholesterol, exercising the body, increasing blood flow to the brain during sajdah, and exercising the heart. Salah was originally prescribed as 50 prayers but was reduced to 5 through Prophet Muhammad's negotiations with Allah.
The document lists the top 10 richest people in the world along with their net worth, age, title, organization, source of wealth, residence, education, marital status, and number of children. Carlos Slim Helu of Mexico heads the list with a net worth of $74 billion from telecom. Bill Gates of the US ranks second at $56 billion from Microsoft. Warren Buffett of the US places third with $50 billion from Berkshire Hathaway.
1. Warren Buffett is the second richest man in the world who has donated $31 billion to charity. He still lives modestly in the same house he bought over 50 years ago and follows value investing principles.
2. Buffett encourages children to start businesses and investing early. He still lives frugally and takes the bus, making his own popcorn instead of socializing with the elite.
3. Buffett assigns the right people to jobs and sets clear goals for them, such as not losing money for shareholders. He meets with CEOs of his companies infrequently and is open to new experiences.
This document was prepared by Ibrahim Sultan, a student with identification number 2011-CH-71 attending the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) in Lahore, Pakistan.
The second pillar of Islam is prayer. There are five obligatory prayers that must be performed at specific times each day according to Islamic law and tradition. Prayers begin with the takbir and end with greetings, following certain established conditions. Exceptions to the normal prayer times and requirements are made for those who are sick, traveling, or otherwise unable to pray in the usual manner.
The document summarizes hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad describing the punishments for neglecting daily prayers. It states that those who do not pray will receive 15 punishments, including having their good deeds not counted, dying humiliated and thirsty, and facing a difficult afterlife. It urges readers to forward the message to at least 5 million Muslims to earn rewards from God and help guide others on the right path.
This document discusses income from salary under section 12 of Pakistan's income tax ordinance. It defines salary as fixed monthly remuneration and outlines various features and scope of salary income. It also describes how perquisites, allowances, benefits and various facilities provided by employers like accommodation, conveyance, medical expenses, loans etc. are treated for tax purposes. The document further discusses provident funds and special tax rebates for senior citizens.
The document discusses the importance of namaz (prayer) in Islam. It states that namaz is the second pillar of Islam, mentioned over 500 times in the Quran, and will be the first thing asked about on Judgment Day. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized its importance as the key to heaven and said all good deeds depend on its acceptance. The document also notes potential health benefits of namaz described by modern science. Failure to pray regularly is said to result in loss of glow, income blessings, strength, benefiting from children, and peaceful sleep.
Namaz, The Most Beautiful Pictures EverAzan's Spirit
This short document discusses namaz, the Muslim prayer. It contains the greeting "As-salamu alaykum" meaning peace be upon you, and praises God and the Prophet Muhammad. The author, Arham, shares some of the most beautiful pictures ever of namaz and gives thanks to Zee Muhammad.
Full Namaz with Urdu Transalation in PDF form.
Dear Lord I need your blessing over my life,
please provide me with that job I need and want so that I can be debt free and focus on Your plan for my life.
Make me independent again so that I can be a great parent to my son.
Please God give me back my self confidants I lost along the way.
"""Don't Forget me in your prayers."""
BY Seerat Malik
Prayer (salaat) involves eight physical postures and recitations that provide spiritual and physical benefits. Each posture stretches and exercises different parts of the body like the back, legs, and stomach. They also stimulate organs and glands, improving health. Mentally, the postures and recitations unite the brain, generate humility, and cleanse the mind of toxins. Overall, the physical components of prayer aid relaxation and focus while providing a full body workout, and the spiritual elements enhance concentration on God, purity one's soul, and increase reliance on Allah.
Abdul Malik Mujahid
Language: Arabic English | Format: PDF | Pages: 128 | Size: 44 MB
Islam is based on two major sources: the Quran and the Sunnah, and the latter is available to us in the form of hadiths. The Prophet (S) said,Whoever comes to know one hadith of mine should spread it.
I have come to the realization that many youth from among the Muslims have not memorized even one hadith of the Prophet (S). For this reason I have chosen smaller hadiths so that they can be easily memorized by them and they can spread them to others.
I supplicate to Allah to make this book a source of light on the Day of Judgment for us.
Top 10 richest countries in tha world....WAHLABilalwahla
The document summarizes the top 10 richest countries in the world in 2013. It discusses each country's background, independence, population, currency, main income resources, GDP, and GDP growth. The top country listed is Qatar, followed by Luxembourg, Singapore, Norway, Hong Kong, Brunei, United States, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, and Kuwait. For each, key details about the country's economy, resources, and development are provided.
The document discusses the health benefits of performing namaz (sala'at or Islamic prayer). It notes that namaz involves mild physical exercise through specific positions and movements. When performed correctly and regularly, as five times daily, it can help maintain overall health and fitness without strain. The document highlights the importance of proper wudu (ablution) before namaz, noting that various aspects of the wudu process like hand washing are in line with modern medical knowledge about preventing the spread of infection."
This document discusses Hadith, which are reports of the statements, actions, or tacit approvals of the Prophet Muhammad. It provides definitions of key Hadith terminology like matn, isnad, sahih, and details the various classifications of Hadith books by topic, narrator, or compilation approach. The document emphasizes that the most authoritative Hadith collections are those of Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Nisai, Ibn Majah, Muwatta Malik, and Musnad Ahmad due to their rigorous authentication process.
Tib e nabwai urdu A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director Genera...Mr.Allah Dad Khan
Tib e nabwai urdu A Presentation By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture Extension KPK Province and Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar
The document lists the 10 richest men in the world in 2013, ranging from Bernard Arnault with a net worth of $29 billion at #10 to Carlos Slim Helu with a net worth of $73 billion at #1. Most of the men made their fortunes from diversified businesses or companies they founded themselves such as Bill Gates with Microsoft and Warren Buffet with Berkshire Hathaway. Their ages ranged from the youngest Bill Gates at 57 to Li Ka Shing as the oldest at 84.
Importance and Benefits of Islamic PrayerSabeel Ahmed
The document discusses the importance and benefits of salah (prayer) in Islam. It provides evidence from the Quran showing prophets like Ibrahim, Ismail, Musa and Isa commanded their people to perform salah. Salah is mentioned 67 times in the Quran. It is the most important pillar that reminds people of Allah and keeps them away from evil. The physical and spiritual benefits of salah are explained, including lowering cholesterol, exercising the body, increasing blood flow to the brain during sajdah, and exercising the heart. Salah was originally prescribed as 50 prayers but was reduced to 5 through Prophet Muhammad's negotiations with Allah.
The document lists the top 10 richest people in the world along with their net worth, age, title, organization, source of wealth, residence, education, marital status, and number of children. Carlos Slim Helu of Mexico heads the list with a net worth of $74 billion from telecom. Bill Gates of the US ranks second at $56 billion from Microsoft. Warren Buffett of the US places third with $50 billion from Berkshire Hathaway.
1. Warren Buffett is the second richest man in the world who has donated $31 billion to charity. He still lives modestly in the same house he bought over 50 years ago and follows value investing principles.
2. Buffett encourages children to start businesses and investing early. He still lives frugally and takes the bus, making his own popcorn instead of socializing with the elite.
3. Buffett assigns the right people to jobs and sets clear goals for them, such as not losing money for shareholders. He meets with CEOs of his companies infrequently and is open to new experiences.
This document was prepared by Ibrahim Sultan, a student with identification number 2011-CH-71 attending the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) in Lahore, Pakistan.
The second pillar of Islam is prayer. There are five obligatory prayers that must be performed at specific times each day according to Islamic law and tradition. Prayers begin with the takbir and end with greetings, following certain established conditions. Exceptions to the normal prayer times and requirements are made for those who are sick, traveling, or otherwise unable to pray in the usual manner.
The document summarizes hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad describing the punishments for neglecting daily prayers. It states that those who do not pray will receive 15 punishments, including having their good deeds not counted, dying humiliated and thirsty, and facing a difficult afterlife. It urges readers to forward the message to at least 5 million Muslims to earn rewards from God and help guide others on the right path.
This document discusses income from salary under section 12 of Pakistan's income tax ordinance. It defines salary as fixed monthly remuneration and outlines various features and scope of salary income. It also describes how perquisites, allowances, benefits and various facilities provided by employers like accommodation, conveyance, medical expenses, loans etc. are treated for tax purposes. The document further discusses provident funds and special tax rebates for senior citizens.
The document discusses the importance of namaz (prayer) in Islam. It states that namaz is the second pillar of Islam, mentioned over 500 times in the Quran, and will be the first thing asked about on Judgment Day. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized its importance as the key to heaven and said all good deeds depend on its acceptance. The document also notes potential health benefits of namaz described by modern science. Failure to pray regularly is said to result in loss of glow, income blessings, strength, benefiting from children, and peaceful sleep.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
What Youll Learn in This Presentation
History & Evolution of Antibiotics
Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
Clinical Applications & Challenges.
Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
9. Then it made a soft
blanket around it
and hid inside the
18. AlHuda International School
AlHuda International School Phone: +92 51 4438772 Email: AlHuda International School