The document discusses branding and positioning strategies. It defines points-of-difference and points-of-parity as unique attributes or shared associations that consumers have with a brand. Four differentiation strategies are also presented: product, channel, personnel, and image. Brand positioning is illustrated through a hand gesture analogy where the thumb represents points-of-difference and the fingers represent points-of-parity and shared market direction. Choosing the right strategy is likened to a thumbs up for increased sales and market share.
2. Defining Associations
Points-of-difference Points-of-parity
(PODs) (POPs)
Attributes or benefits Associations that are
consumers strongly not necessarily unique
associate with a to the brand but may
brand, positively be shared with other
evaluate, and believe brands
they could not find to
the same extent with a
competitive brand
4. Brand Positioning for dummies
Brand Positioning can be
represented by a gesture of our
5. Brand Positioning for dummies
Our palm represents the market..
The thumb is Our four
pointing away fingers are all
from the others pointing
We call this upwards
Points-of- sharing one
difference direction.
(PODs) We can call
this Points-of-
6. Brand Positioning for dummies
In order to position our brand
in the market, we need to grasp or
ppic any of the four strategy
the four
7. Brand Positioning for dummies
Surprisingly, our thumb also point
the result of our choices!
Thumbs Up if
we do it right!
A positive
sign = good Thumbs Down if we
sales and do it wrong! A
increase negative sign = bad
market sales and decrease
share market share