The document provides information about USB ports including their symbol, what they are, and some basic characteristics. It begins with an introduction to USB as a computer and telecommunications industry standard bus architecture. It then asks what the symbol of a USB port is and what a computer port is in general. Several multiple choice questions are provided to test the reader's understanding. Finally, the basic characteristics of USB ports are listed, including that it is a universal serial bus that allows for rapidly attaching peripheral devices and transmits both data and power.
The document proposes a solution for device authentication in Body Area Networks (BANs) using Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) values. It conducted experiments collecting RSSI data from Bluetooth devices in various on-body and off-body configurations. The research found that on-body devices had more consistent average RSSI values between -34 and -42 dBm and lower average changes in RSSI over time below 4.0. Off-body devices had weaker average RSSI values below -60 dBm and higher average changes above 4.0 due to multipath interference. The document describes a prototype application that uses these patterns to automatically distinguish and report on-body versus off-body devices, improving BAN security without user
Este documento cont辿m v叩rios poemas e passagens sobre diferentes temas como adivinhas, milagres de Jesus, festas juninas e cumprimentos. Resume eventos b鱈blicos como Jesus curando multid探es e pedindo que dessem comida ao povo e poemas populares sobre festas de S達o Jo達o.
Sandra Bald辿 da 6oG recebeu o 1o pr棚mio com o n炭mero 24, Carolina Pican巽o da 6oB recebeu o 1o pr棚mio com o n炭mero 6, e Joana Tavares da 9oA recebeu o 1o pr棚mio com o n炭mero 10, enquanto David Teixeira da 6oH recebeu o 2o pr棚mio com o n炭mero 7.
This document discusses various psychological concepts including nostalgia, anxiety, stress, sadness, and fatigue. It mentions feelings of loss, weakness, irritation, and difficulty remembering things. Overall it seems to be about the different emotional states people can experience.
Identificacion de una de las necesidades educativas especificas en el desarro...Marisol Gracia Arellano
Este documento resume la dislexia, un trastorno espec鱈fico del aprendizaje que causa dificultades para leer de forma fluida. Se detecta t鱈picamente entre los 6 y 12 a単os y se cree que tiene una base neurol坦gica y gen辿tica. Los ni単os con dislexia experimentan errores como omisiones, sustituciones e inversiones de letras al leer. Adem叩s, se asocia con otros trastornos como TDAH, disgraf鱈a y discalculia. El documento tambi辿n discute posibles soluciones como evitar la presi坦n y
Brett meets Lisa, a vampire, at a bar. Lisa proposes that they partner together to buy and run a dance club. Brett is hesitant at first but Lisa is persuasive. Lisa also tries to convince Brett to get intimate with both her and another vampire named Leo in order to experience an intimate relationship between the three of them. Brett is unsure but finds himself attracted to both Lisa and Leo. The summary explores Brett grappling with both a business partnership with Lisa and the prospect of an intimate relationship between the three of them.
This document provides information about the European Green Leaf Award, which rewards small cities in Europe for their dedication to environmental sustainability. Some key details include:
- The award is given to EU cities with populations between 20,000-100,000 inhabitants that demonstrate strong achievements in areas like climate change, biodiversity, air/noise quality, waste management and water.
- An independent jury of 12 technical experts evaluates applicants based on their achievements in creating a sustainable urban environment, strategies for the future, and communication with citizens.
- The application and selection process takes place over a year, with finalists announced in April/May and the winner announced in June. Cities are encouraged to apply due to benefits like improved citizen well-
The document discusses green-collar jobs and their potential benefits for communities. Green-collar jobs are family-sustaining jobs that improve environmental quality and have opportunities for skills development and pay increases. The document outlines specific green job areas like energy efficiency retrofits, local food systems, and green manufacturing. It encourages community members to get involved by contacting their local representatives to bring more green jobs to their cities and neighborhoods.
The document outlines a presentation on mobile game programming and stacks. It discusses abstract data types (ADTs), data structures, and specifically focuses on stacks. It provides examples of stack implementations in C++ using classes and templates. Finally, it discusses algorithms that use stacks, including converting number systems, evaluating postfix notation, and converting infix to postfix notation.
Este documento fornece protocolos de resson但ncia magn辿tica para exames do sistema musculoesquel辿tico, incluindo regi探es como t坦rax, ombro, cotovelo, joelho e p辿. Ele descreve as bobinas, posicionamentos e sequ棚ncias de imagem recomendadas para exames de rotina e quando h叩 suspeita de tumor, infec巽達o ou processo inflamat坦rio. O documento tamb辿m fornece detalhes sobre a programa巽達o de cortes e documenta巽達o necess叩ria para cada tipo de exame.
La comunicaci坦n interna se dirige al equipo de trabajo para transmitir los objetivos de la empresa, motivarlos y lograr identificaci坦n. Existen herramientas como manual de empleado, newsletter, cartelera, correo electr坦nico e intranet. La comunicaci坦n externa mantiene las relaciones p炭blicas con clientes, proveedores y competencia para proyectar la imagen corporativa mediante funciones como la transmisi坦n y recepci坦n de informaci坦n, la difusi坦n de la imagen de la organizaci坦n y el fomento de la innovaci坦n.
This document discusses neural networks and their applications in mobile game programming. It begins with definitions of standard deviation, root mean square, neurons, dendrites, and axons. It then explains the three main types of machine learning: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. The document also covers standard neural network uses like pattern recognition and control. It provides an in-depth explanation of perceptrons and how they work, including examples of pattern recognition and supervised learning algorithms. Finally, it discusses limitations of single-layer perceptrons and introduces multi-layer perceptrons and backpropagation training.
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Identificacion de una de las necesidades educativas especificas en el desarro...Marisol Gracia Arellano
Este documento resume la dislexia, un trastorno espec鱈fico del aprendizaje que causa dificultades para leer de forma fluida. Se detecta t鱈picamente entre los 6 y 12 a単os y se cree que tiene una base neurol坦gica y gen辿tica. Los ni単os con dislexia experimentan errores como omisiones, sustituciones e inversiones de letras al leer. Adem叩s, se asocia con otros trastornos como TDAH, disgraf鱈a y discalculia. El documento tambi辿n discute posibles soluciones como evitar la presi坦n y
Brett meets Lisa, a vampire, at a bar. Lisa proposes that they partner together to buy and run a dance club. Brett is hesitant at first but Lisa is persuasive. Lisa also tries to convince Brett to get intimate with both her and another vampire named Leo in order to experience an intimate relationship between the three of them. Brett is unsure but finds himself attracted to both Lisa and Leo. The summary explores Brett grappling with both a business partnership with Lisa and the prospect of an intimate relationship between the three of them.
This document provides information about the European Green Leaf Award, which rewards small cities in Europe for their dedication to environmental sustainability. Some key details include:
- The award is given to EU cities with populations between 20,000-100,000 inhabitants that demonstrate strong achievements in areas like climate change, biodiversity, air/noise quality, waste management and water.
- An independent jury of 12 technical experts evaluates applicants based on their achievements in creating a sustainable urban environment, strategies for the future, and communication with citizens.
- The application and selection process takes place over a year, with finalists announced in April/May and the winner announced in June. Cities are encouraged to apply due to benefits like improved citizen well-
The document discusses green-collar jobs and their potential benefits for communities. Green-collar jobs are family-sustaining jobs that improve environmental quality and have opportunities for skills development and pay increases. The document outlines specific green job areas like energy efficiency retrofits, local food systems, and green manufacturing. It encourages community members to get involved by contacting their local representatives to bring more green jobs to their cities and neighborhoods.
The document outlines a presentation on mobile game programming and stacks. It discusses abstract data types (ADTs), data structures, and specifically focuses on stacks. It provides examples of stack implementations in C++ using classes and templates. Finally, it discusses algorithms that use stacks, including converting number systems, evaluating postfix notation, and converting infix to postfix notation.
Este documento fornece protocolos de resson但ncia magn辿tica para exames do sistema musculoesquel辿tico, incluindo regi探es como t坦rax, ombro, cotovelo, joelho e p辿. Ele descreve as bobinas, posicionamentos e sequ棚ncias de imagem recomendadas para exames de rotina e quando h叩 suspeita de tumor, infec巽達o ou processo inflamat坦rio. O documento tamb辿m fornece detalhes sobre a programa巽達o de cortes e documenta巽達o necess叩ria para cada tipo de exame.
La comunicaci坦n interna se dirige al equipo de trabajo para transmitir los objetivos de la empresa, motivarlos y lograr identificaci坦n. Existen herramientas como manual de empleado, newsletter, cartelera, correo electr坦nico e intranet. La comunicaci坦n externa mantiene las relaciones p炭blicas con clientes, proveedores y competencia para proyectar la imagen corporativa mediante funciones como la transmisi坦n y recepci坦n de informaci坦n, la difusi坦n de la imagen de la organizaci坦n y el fomento de la innovaci坦n.
This document discusses neural networks and their applications in mobile game programming. It begins with definitions of standard deviation, root mean square, neurons, dendrites, and axons. It then explains the three main types of machine learning: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. The document also covers standard neural network uses like pattern recognition and control. It provides an in-depth explanation of perceptrons and how they work, including examples of pattern recognition and supervised learning algorithms. Finally, it discusses limitations of single-layer perceptrons and introduces multi-layer perceptrons and backpropagation training.
Identificacion de una de las necesidades educativas especificas en el desarro...Marisol Gracia Arellano