5. The Boston Brain Trust
Founded by the Governor in 2010 in combination with
the Innovation District.
Using the power of ideas, the Trust fuels regional
growth and job creation in Boston with collaborative
innovation initiatives.
Venture Capitalists
6. Boston Brain Trust Members
Danah Boyd
+ Senior researcher at Microsoft's Kendall Square office
+ Leading authority on how young people use technology
and social media
+ Widely published on the subject and gives high-profile
talks at events such as SXSW
Jean Hammond
+ One of Boston's most active and well connected angel investors
+ Backs start ups including Zipcar and Crimson Hexagon
+ Mentors up-and-coming start ups through a program called TechStars
+ Runs workshops designed to introduce others to angel investing
Edward Boches
+ Chief Innovation Officer at Mullen advertising agency
+ Pushing the boundaries of education at Boston University
+ Great hair
7. Mind Palace
A non-traditional ad agency founded by BU
graduates Michelle Carpenter, Ben
Johnson, Anne Sipio, Taylor Walker, and Kate
8. The Objective
To convince Facebook to found a new department right
here in our very own city, Beantown, MA.
And make Boston the epicenter of innovation.
11. Zuckerberg Pyramid
King Zuck
Facebook Execs
Facebook employees
Boston Facebook users
All Facebook users
12. Boston Communities
Target Boston communities in order to put
pressure on King Zuck
King Zuck
Facebook Execs
Facebook employees
Boston Facebook users
All Facebook users
13. Targets
1) Scholars, students, and academics
2) Start-up community Primary
3) Venture capitalists
4) General Bostonians Secondary
Capitalize on the energy and passion that Boston
culture is known for to excite these people and
mobilize them for participation.
14. The Zuck
Whats that I hear? The
sound of Boston crying
out to me? To the people
of Boston, I hear you! I
hear youuuuu!!!
16. Facebooks Problems:
How do we bring
our platform to the
How do we make the most How do we grow our
of our resources in innovative company in every
and effective ways? direction towards
future innovation?
18. What we can offer
Boston can offer things no other location can
A Special Combination:
Innovative businesses
The culture
Start-up community
The people
28. Short-term
Facebook opens
FB in the
District with
2,000 new
employees, recru
ited from
Forward and
29. Mid-term
Bostons economy gets a critical boost from
the huge influx of students who want to
attend Boston schools
30. Long-term
FBs presence in Boston leads to an attitude
shift in the entire population, inspiring
communities to mobilize in all of Bostons
notable arenas